The Jews worldwide were the first ones to declare war - war on Germany in March of 1933 - For the German Jews this was high treason and would have called for the death penalty - Hitler let them off easily with a short-lived boycott. Jews declare war on Germany 1933 Next it was the Poles who entered German Territory on September 1, 1939 after many attacks on the German border during 1939! And Hitler said in his speech that day: “For the first time we are shooting back as the Poles have entered German territory.” Then the Americans attacked German ships repeatedly in 1941 with great losses for the Germans who did not defend themselves until Hitler felt forced to declare war on the U.S.A. in December 1941. Hitler made a pre-emptive strike against the Soviets who were lined up on the German border by the Millions to prevent the Soviets from coming onto German land for the battle. And after all this, Germany was declared guilty of WWII by the victors and must pay Billions of reparations. What great injustice!
The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933
The Czech Conspiracy: a Phase in the World-War Plot
PP-show-Hitler on the Attack of Poland Against Germany
PP-show-Hitler Ueber Angriff der Polen Gegen Deutschland
The Role of Germany in WWII-Remer
Japan in WWII - Casulty of Usury
Article: Churchill’s Lie Factory
Edward Raccynski, the Polish Ambassador in London from 1934 -1945 confirmed in his diary which was published in 1963 the authenticity of the documents of the White Book of the Germans. These documents reveal the report of March, 1939 of Juliusz Lukasiewicz, the former Polish ambassador to Paris, which he sent to the government in Poland, reporting the efforts of US-President FD Roosevelt to get both Poland and Britain to adopt a totally uncompromising policy towards Germany, even in the face of strong sentiments for peace:
The Bad War: And the Truth Never Taught About World War II
July 17, 2015
Texe interviews M.S. King, author of this important new book. Here is the scorching truth about Hitler, Stalin, the Jews and World War II. Stalin and the Communists first attacked Finland, the Baltic States, and Poland. So why did the Allies target only Hitler and Germany? In fact, the Jews of Britain and the U.S.A. admired the Communist regime and hated Hilter. They conspired with Churchill and Roosevelt, using massive propaganda and lies to turn public opinion against Germany. The Jews praised the monstrous regime of Joseph Stalin, they invented the “Holocaust” and sought to usher in the newfound State of Israel. The wartime atrocities of U.S. and British bombing led to over 10 million German deaths and a terrible loss of life. Discover the other side of the hidden news.
2915.mp3 | Available in Audiotape or Compact Disc |
Die Schuld am Zweiten Weltkrieg
Das Superoberhauptkriegsverbrecher-Trio Churchill-Roosevelt-Stalin und …
Die Auslösung des 2. Weltkrieges
Die Alliierten wollen ihre Archive aus den dreißiger Jahren, also kurz vor Beginn des Krieges, noch immer nicht öffnen, Stand 2011. Das ist ein eindeutiges Schuldbekenntnis! Da hat die Freigabe des Nachlasses von Marschall Mannerheim, Präsident Finnlands während dieser Zeit, sensationelle Belege zutage gefördert. Der finnische Autor Erkki Hautamäki hat ein Buch darüber geschrieben : „Finnland im Auge des Sturmes“. Herbert Hoff hat nun in seinem „Faktenspiegel VI“ mit Untertitel „Drei zum Krieg vereinte Diener - Die Auslösung des 2. Weltkrieges“ dem deutschen Leser das Wesentliche zugänglich gemacht:
Am 15. Oktober 1939 haben Churchill und Stalin ein Geheimabkommen mit konkreten Zeitabsprachen für einen Vierfrontenkrieg gegen Deutschland geschlossen. Die konkreten Einsatzpläne unterzeichnete Stalin am 28. Januar 1940 und Churchill in der ersten Februarwoche. Und das zu einer Zeit, nach Abschluß des Polenfeldzuges, als Hitler mehrere, für England und Polen durchaus günstige Friedensvorschläge vorlegte; mit der Sowjet-Union war er sowieso im besten Einvernehmen, glaubte er.
Damit liegt es für alle offen: Die Alliierten waren nicht nur Friedensverweigerer, sondern ganz klar Kriegstreiber. Hitler blieb also nichts anderes übrig, als durch Blitzaktionen die Kriegsmaßnahmen Churchills, Roosevelts und Stalins im letzten Moment zu durchkreuzen, siehe Norwegenbesetzung, Frankreichfeldzug, Balkanfeldzug und schließlich der Präventionskrieg gegen die Sowjets. Immer in der Hoffnung, seine Gegner dadurch zum Einlenken zu bewegen; jedenfalls nicht in der Absicht, sich Europa oder gar die Welt zu unterwerfen, wie es die Nachkriegspropaganda der Sieger behauptet.
Das Buch von Erkki Hautamäki wird in zwei bis drei Jahren in deutscher Übersetzung vorliegen. Die Auswertung in deutsch (nebenstehend das Titelbild; 40 Seiten DIN A5) kann jetzt schon gegen Einsendung von 5 Euro bezogen werden von:
Arnold Höfs, Am Goldenen Anker 40, 31832 Springe
100 years of war against Germany
The Jewish Declaration of War against Natl. Socialist Germany
Schwarzburg, Erich - Die juedische Kriegshetze in den USA zwischen 1933-1944
Die Rolle der Juden im l. und 2. Weltkrieg
Rhome 12 Protocols Precursors-doc
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Alljudas Kriegsluegen und die Richtigstellungen zur Geschichte mit Zitaten vom 18.10.2014
Why did Germany attack Russia and more about WW2
Most historians now admit that it is true that Germany is not at fault of WWII. Only the lying press and the lying puppet German government under control of the Jews and the Allies claim Germany is at fault.
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“Step by step, I have arrived at the conviction that the aims of Communism in Europe are sinister and fatal. At the Nuremberg Trials, I, together with my Russian colleague, condemned Nazi Aggression and Terror. I believe now that Hitler and the German People did not want war. But we, {England}, declared war on Germany, intent on destroying it, in accordance with our principle of Balance of Power, and we were encouraged by the ‘Americans’{Jews} around Roosevelt. We ignored Hitler’s pleading, not to enter into war. Now we are forced to realize that Hitler was right. He offered us the co-operation of Germany: instead, since 1945, we have been facing the immense power of the Soviet Empire. I feel ashamed and humiliated to see that the aims we accused Hitler of, are being relentless pursued now, only under a different label.” (Ashamed and Humiliated The British Attorney General, Sir Hartle Shawcross, said in a speech at Stourbridge, March 16/84 (AP))
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…The implication would have been made obvious by other facts that were matters of common knowledge in military circles, but had been successfully concealed from the American victims of the depraved creature they had elected to the Presidency. As is now well-known, he had, beginning in 1934, meddled assiduously in the diplomatic affairs of Europe, in conspiracy with a person of half-English ancestry named Winston Churchill, to get a war against Germany started in Europe to please his Jewish owners and gratify his own nihilistic lusts. When the gullible Poles had been success fully cozened by promises they should have known to be absurd, and when Chamberlain proved himself a cheap politician instead of a statesman and, yielding to the pressures of aliens [*the Jews~gv], involved his nation in an immoral war against its own best interests, the criminal in the White House [*Roosevelt~gv] began at once to seek means of inflicting disaster on the Americans.His first plan was defeated by the prudence of the German government. While he yammered about the evils of aggression to the white Americans whom he despised and hated, Roosevelt used the United States Navy to commit innumerable acts of stealthy and treacherous aggression against Germany in a secret and undeclared war, hidden from the American people, hoping that such massive piracy would eventually so exasperate the Germans that they would declare war on the United States, whose men and resources could then be squandered to punish the Germans for trying to have a country of their own. Hitler declares war on USA - USA attacked Germany - post. These foul acts of the War Criminal were known, of course, to the officers and men of the Navy that carried out the orders of their Commander-in-Chief, and were commonly discussed in informed circles, but, so for as I know, were first and much belatedly chronicled by Patrick Abbazia in Mr Roosevelt’s Navy: the Private War of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet, 1939-1942, published by the Naval Institute Press in Annapol is in 1975. The shocking facts are reported in that book, with only daubs of rhetorical whitewash applied perfunctorily here and there to disguise a little the hideous caput mortuum of the traitor, but with no intention to deceive an alert and judicious reader… from America’s Decline - Revilo Oliver
Winston Churchill, Britain’s premier during World War II, is honored for his stubborn “bull dog” hostility toward Hitler and Nazism, and his important role in ultimately destroying Third Reich Germany. He pressed for war against Hitler’s Germany “at all costs,” repeatedly rejecting opportunities for peace. His policies brought death and destruction on a mass scale, Soviet domination of central and eastern Europe, a shattered British empire, and Britain itself exhausted and bankrupt. The iconic, well-polished image of Churchill as a courageous and principled defender of freedom is based on a deceitful and ultimately dangerous narrative of twentieth-century history. In our own era, the enduring Churchill “cult” encourages policies that are as harmful as they are short-sighted.
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We’re relentlessly told that we must “never forget” the “Six Million” [there were 70,000 to 300,000 Jews who died of various causes - none were eliminated by any means of murder - comment by germanvictims] victims of Hitler and the Nazis. But we hear far less about the vastly greater number of victims of Lenin and Stalin, and the grim legacy of Soviet Communism. Some 20 million [*actually it’s between 60 to 120 Million - comment by germanvictims] people perished as victims of the Soviet regime, historians acknowledge. Jews played a decisive role in founding and promoting the egalitarian-universalist ideology of Marxism, in developing the Marxist political movement, and in brutally establishing Bolshevik rule in Russia. With the notable exception of Lenin, who was one-quarter Jewish, most of the leading Marxists who took control of Russia in 1917-20 were Jews, including Trotsky, Sverdlov, Zinoviev, Kamenev and Radek. The Bolshevik killing of Russia’s imperial family is symbolic of the tragic fate of Russia and, indeed, of the entire West.
13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 56 min.
For Purchase:
New Book setting some World War II facts straight – Finland in the Eye of the Storm. Erkki Hautamäki’s book:
25+ Years of Polish Aggression: Polish Atrocities against the German Minority-website
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1 September 1939
Adolf Hitler - Poland We are Schooting Back:
Returning Fire on Poland 1 Sept 1939 AH - PDF - Teutonicaworld
Returning Fire on Poland Sept 1 1939 AH - online - Teutonicaworld
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58 Countries Declared War on Germany
Adolf Hitler - Declaration of War Roosevelt
American war ships attacked German ships repeatedly over several months in international waters to provoke Germany into a war declaration.
Adolf Hitler Declares War on USA - PDF
Communism’s Death Toll, and the Jewish Role in Bolshevism
The Enduring, Dangerous Legacy of Winston Churchill - audio
Germany’s Sole Responsibility of WWII?
Jew FDR-American-Tyrant - media
More Myths About the Origin of World War II
Poland’s Censored Holocaust and how war started
Roosevelt Lied America Into War
Roosevelt attacked German ships over several months in international waters - Germany eventually declared war to protect her ships:
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Why Hitler Struck Against Soviet Russia in 1941