Much of this is managed by the Jews. They are my main target of complaint.
*They have recently hired 20,000 agents to distort, falsify, erase, and insert wrong information into Wiki and spread lies and defamation over the internet. (Dr. Lorraine Day)
*They are hacking into websites of truth speakers to destroy them.
*They defame any important public figure who speaks truth that threatens to expose the lies and crimes of the Jews.
*The belittle truth speakers.
*They make movies about honorable people defaming them and lying about them, leaving out important information and adding false data, completely distorting their character and their work.
*They block or ruin scientists who came up with a great solution to a problem on our planet so the International Criminal Gang can ask for government money for problems that are really solved.
*They make movies with false history, for example, “Dr. Shivago” about the Russian Revolution that was a Jewish revolution.
*They distort most Documentaries, leaving out important information, praising people who do not deserve praise and ruining perfectly good people, who we should honor. They turn things upside down and backwards, all to confuse us and be misinformed so that we serve the Jews.
*They tell us they are the Israelites, having stolen our ancient white history making themselves into God’s chosen people in the bible, the position of the white race. That’s identity theft! They tell the rest of mankind that they are all just animals.
*They present white people and people with blue eyes in movies as the most evil creatures, defaming us. That’s hate!
*They lie about the real character of the Indians and hide their cruelties and cannibalism.
*They lie about the Blacks, teaching the Blacks that the Whites are the cause of their dilemma, when in fact the Blacks in Africa held slaves themselves and even ate black people they caught. The Blacks were imported to the US by the Jews and primarily held by Jews. There were also black slave traders in America. Only Jews could have been so terribly cruel to the Blacks as presented in the movie Roots. This is not something a white person does to that extend. The blacks also practice cannibalism to this day.
*They ruin doctors who found a better solution to an illness; they ridicule them and make sure they lose their license. Only doctors who heavily subscribe medicines and treatments, even if unnecessary are successful and keep their jobs.
*They ruin lawyers who take on the ADL or other important Jews, making sure they get debarred or no longer get any clients.
*They have agents who bomb truth speakers’ library, home, business and their persons.
*They have had people killed by making it look like suicide, a simple heart attack, or an accident.
*They straight out kill people.
*They make sure you will be let go from your job if you speak up against the Jews or expose the holocaust fraud.
*They’ll take truth speakers to court by having them arrested for “tax evasion” so they can storm their home and remove all documentation and electronic data.
*They have people arrested with false accusations. Sometimes these people die in the prisons at a young age or under mysterious circumstances.
*They constantly spread false information about the Holocaust ever building it up and making more movies. Why don’t people finally boycott Holocaust movies?
*They harass people with truth websites by anonymous threatening calls.
*They hack into our websites destroying them.
*They write lies about our website information or the owners of the websites.
*They block the credit cards of the website owners so they cannot sell any books or products.
*They constantly haul history truth publishers to court.
*They plagiarize website names and connect them with pornography.
*They block our videos with the false statement that it offended copywrite laws.
*They ever more find “new” information about Hitler or the Nazis which is fabricated in order to discredit them continuously.
*They abuse the Germans continuously.
*The insult the rest of us with all their lies.
*They commit treason continuously.
*They get us into wars all over the world where our soldiers are killed and maimed so that the Jews can become richer.
*They mistreat, neglect, and impoverish our military men.
*They hunt down old Germans who lived in the National Socialist era accusing them falsely of atrocities (the Germans did NOT commit any atrocities) in order for the Jews to stay in the limelight. They intimidate them into false confessions.
*They are frightening our German or Austrian families into not having contact with us truth speakers. They destroy many family relationships.
*They have our friends so brainwashed that they distance themselves from us when we tell them truth. Instead of our friends realizing these Jews are criminals; our friends consider us whacky or think we are evil and leave us. Therefore, they destroy many friendships. They bring arguments and fights into our families over the Jewish and WW2 issues.
*They fine and put Germans or Austrians in prison for 10 years just for saying “I doubt the holocaust happened.” The charge them for another 10 years for liking Hitler. They put attorneys who insist on defending their clients in this dilemma in prison also for denying the Holocaust or liking Hitler.
*The Jews and the Jew-controlled U.S. government are riding roughshod over the German people for 70 years now.
*The Jews have managed to hold the Germans slaves under the U.S. Government. The Germans are not allowed to bring up any war crimes of the Allies or the Jews. And there are about 15 Million of them.
*In Germany, Austria, etc., the Jews have installed spies EVERYWHERE. If you say the wrong thing in the above mentioned areas, you will be reported. This has greatly caused a breakdown of trust in the German society. One cannot trust anyone anymore. The nicest guy or girl, looking like a German but being a Jew, or a German Communist, (specially bred for this) getting involved with you can report you if you do not give into their blackmail, whatever that is.
*They promote the destruction of our races, cultures, and families by heavily promoting the false “happiness” of race mixing, blood mixing, homosexuality, women’s liberation, single-hood, abortion, and many more destructive social behaviors.
*They turn other races against the white race with many lies and defamation.
*They are building up Communism inside Germany and inside the U.S. without people really being alert to it because they are too trusting. America please wake up before it is too late and you will have your head chopped off by guillotine or Muslims and Mexicans coming to your door and killing you!
*They overload our Western countries with many losers from third world countries who breed many children to do a form of genocide against our white race. For all these people’s freebies, we have to work hard and pay taxes.
*They are purposely turning our children into morons, destroying their education by not teaching our European-American children about their great history and neglecting to teach important skills such as complex thinking, anticipating effects of actions, honor, love of country, debating, effective speaking and writing, complicated math, and so much more. Smart children must suffer through education that has been lowered to the level for those children from third world countries who do not speak English.
These are just a few that come to mind off the top of my head. Of course it’s not only the Jews but their helpers. But through the Jewish media, they are often die initiators of these destructive forces.