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- Extreme Torture and Cruelties by the Jews
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- German Pre-Historic Questions (1)
- Jesus a German King-Hated by the Jews
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- Nicht Schuldig in Nürnberg
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- Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews
- Scalar Waves Used to Control Us
- Lubavich Jews Setting Up Armageddon
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Tag Archives: World domination
If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf
When is this mass murderer, Jew Henry Kissinger, going to croak? I hate to put the picture up of such an ugly man, but he must be recognized by younger generations as one of the devils of the International Criminal … Continue reading
Posted in Government Terror, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, Political Philosopies-Politisch, USA
Tagged Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, World domination
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Scalar Waves Used to Control Us
“What a frightening world we live in - the devils have taken over… A very, very sinister method for mind control is via TV. In earlier days with Analog TV it went over the sound channel. Today with digital TV … Continue reading
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, New World Order
Tagged Enslaving people, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Torture, Treason, World domination
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Pentagrams*Pentagon*Freemason Power
German Video Translation Excerpt: Alexander Wagandt analyzes the Papal Symbols and United Power Signs as well as the other power signs in the world. I’ll translate a few important points. (The video is in German). Fundamental difference between symbols … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Deception, New World Order, Occult
Tagged Enslaving people, ethnic cleansing, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Torture, World domination
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Where is Hercules?
The International Criminal Gang is taking over slowly (e.g., U.S.A., Germany) or quickly (e.g., Ukraine, Iraq) depending on the political situation and what they can get away with at the time. In the U.S. and Germany the takeover has been … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, New World Order, USA
Tagged Government oppression, Theft, Treason, World domination
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World Terrorist USA
…America is responsible for the victims in South America. During the unrests in South America, caused by the U.S. government, there were 1,5 Million deaths! America’s Killing Balance Sheet - by Compact Magazine, Germany Weltterrorist USA – neue … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Government Terror, Holocausts, New World Order, Population Extermination, USA
Tagged ethnic cleansing, Human rights abuse, Murder, Rape, Robbery, Torture, World domination
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Nuremberg Purim Feast
… It is as much a fraud as the United Nations Charter, and cunningly concocted by the same group of Zionists and their pawns. As Veale explains, it purports to create two new crimes against international law: “Crimes against peace” … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Allies-Alliierten, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Deception, Defamation-Verfemung, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Population Extermination
Tagged Deception, ethnic cleansing, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Jews, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Torture, World domination
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Mind Control-Gedankenkontrolle
Finstere Plaene - Das menschliche zu vernichten - Menschen in Maschinen zu verwandel …ja, es ist wirklich moeglich, dass die Gegen-Menschen so finster sind dass sie eine vollkommene Kontrolle von uns wuenschen indem sie uns sogar zu Robots machen… denn … Continue reading
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Enslaving people, ethnic cleansing, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Treason, World domination
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Vincent Reynouard
Wahrheit - Freiheitskämpfer fuer Deutschland - Franzose Vincent Reynouard - truth speaker for the Reich - Vincent Reynouard Wahrheitssprecher fuer das Reich und gegen die Luegner. He has lost his career and has several children. If you can support him … Continue reading
Posted in France-Frankreich, Holocausts, Revisionists
Tagged Enslaving people, Freedom of Speech, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Jews, World domination
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Lies threat to World Peace
Lies of the U.S.A. and Israel…The planet is being held captive by two rogue terrorist states: the United States and Israel. Behaving like rabid dogs on the world stage, these two enormous threats to world peace are content to spread … Continue reading
Posted in Allies-Alliierten, Defamation-Verfemung, Jews-Juden, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Deception, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Whites Targeted for Elimination
Germany: Is the Tribe of Judah and much more extremely important information. And why do they want to eliminate the Germans? And why are the whites next for elimination? From all my research, I KNOW it is true. To understand … Continue reading
Posted in Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, Jews-Juden
Tagged ethnic cleansing, Hate, Murder, World domination
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…Die V.S. - Und solche Menschen führen sich als Weltpolizei auf. Wer nicht ihr Freund ist wird angegriffen und zerstört. Wer sich auch nur verbal gegen sie stellt bekommt es mit der Militärischen Macht oder auch nur mit der Civilen … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Deutschsprachig, USA
Tagged Hate, Jews, World domination
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Stillstand in der Entwicklung, Bosheit, Gleichheit
Churchill: “…Ihr Ziel in diesem weltweiten Komplott sich der Zivilisation zu bemächtigen und die Rekonstitution der Gesellschaft auf der Basis eines Stillstandes in der Entwicklung, von neidischer Bosheit, und unmöglicher Gleichheit ist stetig gewachsen… Winston Churchill Entlarvt die Kräfte … Continue reading
Posted in Communism Kommunismus, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged ethnic cleansing, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, World domination
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The 911 Scam
…HP – this is a real time bomb that could conceivably blow the Zionists right out of the water unless they can diffuse it before it gets to open debate in Parliament hence public. Once the truth is out that … Continue reading
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Treason, World domination
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Der Wille zum Krieg
…„Wären wir das besiegte Volk und hätten solche Bedingungen auferlegt bekommen, so würden wir, statt uns ruhig auf sie zu verpflichten, in unseren Schulen und Heimen begonnen haben, unsere Kinder auf einen Vergeltungskrieg vorzubereiten, der das unerträgliche Joch der Eroberer … Continue reading
Posted in Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Britain-England, Deutschsprachig, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Hitler-Adolf, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged World domination
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What Happened to Us All?
The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, as is documented in the following timeline. However, before you jump to the timeline, please read … Continue reading
Posted in History-Geschichte, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Jews, World domination
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They call us Sheep and Cattle …Whereas Judaism was designed to unite the Jews into a solid ramrod, Christianity, on the other hand, also a Jewish creation, was designed to do just the opposite to their enemies— divide, confuse and destroy them. The New Testament … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity Christentum, Jews-Juden
Tagged White man history, World domination
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Hell for Gentiles, Blessings for Jews …No, a kind and loving [Jewish] God [created by the Jews] he is not. When we examine what the bible says he has in store for us poor miserable human beings that he himself created, then he is one … Continue reading
War Makers for Profit
…The First World War had broken out on schedule, carefully planned by Zaharoff and the other Jew munitions tycoons. Tremendous fortunes were made during the slaughter of the Gentiles. During the war, the Jews sang their anthem, “Onward Christian soldiers, … Continue reading
Posted in Jews-Juden, WW I-Weltkrieg 1
Tagged Human rights abuse, Murder, World domination
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Communist Schemes to Silence Historian Faurisson …From November 1978 to May 1996 I sustained ten assaults, particularly at the Palace of Justice in Paris, where the guard corps consistently refused me any protection, in direct words such as : “We are not your bodyguards!”, or … Continue reading
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, Revisionists
Tagged Freedom of Speech, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Jewish Melitia in France …The victims of the 50 cases listed by Le Choc du mois, who number in the hundreds, suffered: loss of life, an eye put out, acid throwing, numerous hospitalizations, injuries followed by deep coma, lifetime disabilities, and serious post-traumatic … Continue reading
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Defamation-Verfemung, France-Frankreich, Jews-Juden, Revisionists
Tagged Enslaving people, Freedom of Speech, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, World domination
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Julius Streicher*Deutsch
…Streicher behauptete, in alliierter Gefangenschaft brutal mißhandelt worden zu sein. Er und seine Frau seien von den Wachen – überwiegend farbige Soldaten – ausgezogen und dann gezwungen worden, nackt zu paradieren. Außerdem habe man sie angespuckt und sogar brennende Zigaretten … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Deutschsprachig, NS Leadership-NS Regierung
Tagged Freedom of Speech, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Torture, World domination
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Can The Jews Ever Be Wrong? - No! According to the holy book of the Jews, the Talmud, the Jews can never be wrong in any crime they commit toward the gentiles, be it rape, murder, pedophilia, adultery, cheating, lying, DECEPTION, beating, neglect to the … Continue reading
Posted in Jews-Juden, New World Order, Race Rasse
Tagged Deception, Hate, Human rights abuse, Racial Hate against Whites, World domination
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Juedische Ethik*Rassengrenze - Aber die jüdische Ethik beruht grundsätzlich auf dem Gruppenstatus von Täter und Opfer. Es ist okay, wenn das Opfer einer anderen Gruppe angehört. Und innerhalb der Gruppe ist die Ethik so strukturiert, daß die Gruppe als Ganzes profitiert: … Continue reading
Posted in Deutschsprachig, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Race Rasse
Tagged Hate, Human rights abuse, Perversion, race, Racial Hate against Whites, Treason, Usury, World domination
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Should the Jew Triumpf……For Yockey, the real tipoff that the people in charge of America and the Western world were not really leaders but saboteurs was found in the result of the World Wars, which were conducted at great sacrifice to the West … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, Jews-Juden, The West-Westen, WW I-Weltkrieg 1, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Enslaving people, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Usury, World domination
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On the Talmud and Protocols - …Throughout the Talmud the word Goi is used in referring to the Gentiles and in particular to the White Gentiles and the Romans. This is their derogatory term for the word cattle, or beast, and is sometimes spelled … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity Christentum, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Aryan spirit, Deception, Enslaving people, World domination
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Endless Hostile Takeovers - …The American Empire always knew how to justify its wars where they murdered with conventional, chemical, biological or atomic weapons in the name of democracy…. THE BOOK IS FORBIDDEN FOR GERMANS TO READ BECAUSE THE GERMANS ARE RULED … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, German POWs-Kriegsgefangene, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, German Soldiers-Soldaten, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, New World Order, USA
Tagged Deception, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Robbery, World domination
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It Will Happen*Depopulation? - It will happen*depopulation has already begun. We are all in danger… see what the elites have planned for us! And as a reminder video: “They are going to cull us.” …It’s going to put back into the earth … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Aggression, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Starving to death, Torture, World domination
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Putin Punishes Truth
Putin punishes truth speakers over WW2 to hide the Soviet atrocities. The Jews and Putin’s fear is that if Germans and other folks were allowed to open the Pandora’s box of Jewish and Russian crimes, the house of cards of lies … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Revisionists, Russia-Russland
Tagged Aggression, Deception, Geschichte, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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‘Multiculturalism’ and Oppression - Multiculturalsim is the final phase of a genocidal war against European peoples particularly aiming to annihilate the Germanic spirit of Freedom By R. Schleyer, M.A. 16 July 2005 [email protected] History After 1918, the enemy mutilated the political … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Bundesrepublik, Communism Kommunismus, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, New World Order, The West-Westen
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Racial Hate against Whites, Robbery, World domination
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Konzept Schurkenstaat - Um zu begreifen, wie das allergrößte Unheil der Menschengeschichte, die Vernichtung der Indianer, der Welt-Sklavenhandel, die großen Weltkriege und das Konzept des Schurkenstaates entstehen konnte, muss man wissen, dass das Weltenschicksal seinen Lauf nahm, als Jakob Barsimson am … Continue reading
Posted in Allies-Alliierten, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Britain-England, Communism Kommunismus, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen, USA
Tagged Action needed, Enslaving people, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Instigation, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Theft, Torture, Usury, World domination
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Aufstieg und Fall des Judentums
…Adolf Hitler sagte den Fall des Judentums schon voraus. Er sagte: “Wenn ich diesen Krieg verliere, so werden sie dieses Sieges nicht froh. Denn die Juden werden darüber den Kopf verlieren. Sie werden ihre Überheblichkeit bis zu einem solchen Grade … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Bundesrepublik, Christianity Christentum, Communism Kommunismus, Deutschsprachig, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen, USA
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Enslaving people, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Instigation, Murder, Perversion, Racial Hate against Whites, Theft, Usury, World domination
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Sinking of Lusitania …Sinking of the Lusitania was a pre-meditated false flagg operation to get America against the will of the public into WWI against Germany for $$$ and a one world government. …After a detailed examination of the facts, one can … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Britain-England, Defamation-Verfemung, WW I-Weltkrieg 1
Tagged Aggression, Deception, Hate, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, World domination
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Juden und ihre Luegen …Juden und ihren Lügen… Erst als der große Reformator mit den Schriften des Franziskaners Nikolaus von Lyra und des Gelehrten Paulus Burgenfis in Berührung kam, wurden ihm die Täuschungen und Lügen des Judentums bewusst… “Von den Juden und ihren Lügen” … Continue reading
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Christianity Christentum, Deutschsprachig, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, History-Geschichte, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, Kriegsursachen
Tagged Deception, Enslaving people, Geschichte, Hate, Instigation, Perversion, Racial Hate against Whites, Usury, White man history, World domination
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45 goals to destroy America - …2) U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war. 3) Develop the illusion that total disarmament (by) the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength….some of the 45 goals to destroy America… … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Robbery, World domination
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U.S. colonized by China? - For the past few decades the Communist regime of China has been driving toward world supremacy, both economically and militarily. The regime’s main target has been, and is, the United States of America… Is the U.S. colonized by … Continue reading
Posted in Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen, USA
Tagged World domination
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You Are Under Arrest!
“To stand up for truth is nothing. For truth, you must sit in jail.” ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn “How do people get to this clandestine Archipelago? Hour by hour planes fly there, ships steer their course there, and trains thunder off … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, New World Order, USA
Tagged Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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The Terror Upon Us -… stated in 1959… I here list briefly the first six of the twelve points: ( 1) curb the Supreme Court’s unconstitutional and illegal activities; ( 2 ) abolish the income tax; ( 3) abolish so-called Foreign Aid, “which is a definite Communist … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, New World Order, Russia-Russland, USA
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Raubstaat England - Das nationalsozialistische Deutschland hat - nicht durch Drohung, nicht durch Angriff, sondern einfach durch die Tatsache seiner starken Existenz - England gezwungen, sich als das zu entlarven, was es ist: als den Räuber, den es um seine Beute … Continue reading
Posted in Britain-England, Deutschsprachig, History-Geschichte
Tagged Aggression, Robbery, World domination
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Verraten und Verkauft
NATIONAL JOURNAL Erstveröffentlichung dieses Artikels: 31/01/2014 - Quelle: NJ-Autoren Verraten und verkauft – das deutsche Märtyrervolk Deutsche Reparationsforderungen an die ehemaligen Siegermächte werden in Trillionenhöhe fällig! Das geschundene deutsche Opfer-Volk musste für die an ihm verübten Verbrechen auch noch Milliarden-Strafen … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Bundesrepublik, Communism Kommunismus, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Treason, World domination
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The Hidden Tyranny
What the Jews think about non-Jews. This article appeared in the magazine “Free At Last” under the title – American Law, Fact, Fraud, and Insidious Insiders By Dr. Lorrain Day: On Control, you may remember the 8/12/1976 sky-jacking of an Israeli jetliner … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Political Philosopies-Politisch, USA
Tagged World domination
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Jews and Communism - “The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a world-wide social revolution.” … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, Holocausts
Tagged World domination
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Forcing Germany into War - 1 September 1939: Hitler spoke in an unprepared speech in the Krolloper before the Reichstag where he emphasized that Germany has no interests in the West. Then he said: “Just like recently in just one night there were … Continue reading
Posted in Allies-Alliierten, History-Geschichte, Hitler-Adolf, Poland Polen, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Hate, World domination
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Die Wahre Vorzeit
Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts - Rosenberg * Nach den Angriffen “der Kirche” auf das Buch “Der Mythus…” bei einem heimlichen, anscheinend Juedischen Kongress, schrieb Rosenberg eine Widerlegung: RosenbergAlfred-An Die Dunkelmaenner Unserer Zeit 10.Auflage1935 - 116 S. Scan Fraktur_text … Continue reading
Posted in German culture-Deutsche Kultur, History-Geschichte, Jews-Juden
Tagged Deception, Hate, Murder, World domination
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7 World Wide Wars (Pc)
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, World domination
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6 Take Over Technique (Pc)
The PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION PROTOCOL No. 6 6.1. Soon we will start organising great monopolies—reservoirs of colossal wealth, in which even the large fortunes of the Gentiles will be involved to such an extent that … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, World domination
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4 Replace Religion (Pc)
The PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION PROTOCOL No. 4 4.1. Every republic passes through various stages. The first stage is the first days raging of the blind, sweeping and destroying right and left. The second, the reign … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Political Philosopies-Politisch
Tagged Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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3 Methods of Conquest (Pc)
The PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION PROTOCOL No. 3 3.1. Today I can assure you that we are only within a few strides of our goal. There remains only a short distance and the cycle of the … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Political Philosopies-Politisch
Tagged Deception, Hate, World domination
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1 The Basic Doctrine (Pc)
PROTOCOL No. 1 1.1. WE WILL BE PLAINSPOKEN and discuss the significance of each reflection, and by comparisons and deductions we will produce full explanations. By this means I will expose the conception of our policy and that of … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Political Philosopies-Politisch
Tagged Deception, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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2 Economic Wars (Pc)
The PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION PROTOCOL No. 2 2.1. It is indispensible for our purpose that wars should not produce any territorial alterations. Thus, without territorial modifications, war would be transferred on to an economical footing. … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Political Philosopies-Politisch
Tagged Human rights abuse, World domination
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The Zionist Protocols - …To Professor Sergyei Nilus the world is indebted for the publication of this terrible book. Thus it happens that whilst Russia has been made the victim of Jewry’s undying hate, having been selected by the Elders of Zion … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Political Philosopies-Politisch
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, World domination
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Jewish U.S. Law*Kill Christians
…Your U.S. government can now legally kill Christians for the “crime” of worshiping Jesus Christ! A diabolic deception has been perpetrated on the American people… frankly unconstitutional – that it forces the American people to be bound by a set … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Christianity Christentum, Communism Kommunismus, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, New World Order, USA
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, World domination
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The Nameless War IV - …Now Communism is Jewish-controlled. If Marxist Jewry needed a device for securing the assent of parliament to a regulation like 18B, what simpler method could there be to achieve this object, without arousing suspicion as to the real … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, History-Geschichte, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, World domination
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The Nameless War III - …To accept unquestioningly the lies and misrepresentations of a Jew-controlled or influenced press, is to spurn truth by sheer idleness, if for no worse reason. To act on such unverified a basis is to sin against the Light. … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Hitler-Adolf, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, World domination
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The Nameless War II
germanvictims - …The French Revolution of 1789 was the most startling event in the history of Europe since the fall of Rome… The main discovery that such an examination will reveal is this fact: the revolution was not the work … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, France-Frankreich, History-Geschichte, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Russia-Russland, The West-Westen
Tagged Deception, World domination
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The Nameless War - …The following article is a horrendous indictment of history and the political and education systems of the western world. It opens a pandora’s box of betrayal of “a nation’s people”—but which nation?… Here is the story that people … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Britain-England, Communism Kommunismus, History-Geschichte, Jews-Juden, The West-Westen
Tagged Deception, World domination
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Elend der Deutschen 1918 - …Wenn kein Mensch mehr die Wahrheit suchen und verbreiten wird, dann verkommt alles Bestehende auf der Erde, denn nur in der Wahrheit sind Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und Leben!… 800 000 Deutsche starben noch nach 1918 den Hungertod! Spekulanten- und … Continue reading
Posted in Deutschsprachig, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, History-Geschichte, Nationalsozializmus, WW I-Weltkrieg 1
Tagged Freezing to death, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, Torture, Usury, World domination
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Weimarer Republik - …Die Zahl der Insolvenzen und Firmenzusammenbrüche 1930 und 1931 steigt in großen Sprüngen und mit ihr die Zahl der Menschen ohne Arbeit. Zum Jahreswechsel 1931-32 übersteigt die Zahl der Arbeitslosen die Marke von 6 Millionen… L e … Continue reading
Posted in Allies-Alliierten, Deutschsprachig, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, History-Geschichte, Nationalsozializmus, NS Leadership-NS Regierung, WW I-Weltkrieg 1
Tagged Deception, Freezing to death, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Robbery, Starving to death, Torture, World domination
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Versailler Vertrag
1918 - …Eure Opfer und Taten sind ohne Beispiel. Kein Feind hat Euch überwunden. Ihr habt die Heimat vor feindlichem Einfall geschützt. Erhobenen Hauptes dürft Ihr zurückkehren. Im Namen des Volkes tiefinnigen Dank und nochmals herzlichen Willkommensgruß in der Heimat… … Continue reading
Posted in Deutschsprachig, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, History-Geschichte, Nationalsozializmus, NS Leadership-NS Regierung, WW I-Weltkrieg 1
Tagged Deception, Freezing to death, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, World domination
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Abwehr Proklamation bei Hitler - …Da ihnen das Lügen in Deutschland unmöglich wurde, beginnen sie von den Hauptstädten der ehemaligen Entente aus dieselbe Hetze gegen die junge nationale Erhebung, die sie zu Kriegsbeginn schon gegen das damalige Deutschland getrieben haben. Lügen und Verleumdungen … Continue reading
Posted in Deutschsprachig, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Hitler-Adolf, Jews-Juden, Nationalsozializmus
Tagged Human rights abuse, Reden, World domination
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Palestine Ancient German Homeland! - …The Teutons (German-white man core also called the Nordic Tribes) lived almost all over the world and wherever the Teuton lived, he was the ruler until he racially intermixed. When he mixed with other races, instead of keeping … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity Christentum, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, History-Geschichte, Jews-Juden
Tagged Deception, Theft, World domination
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Those Awful Protocols - …Whoever wrote the *Protocols* produced a minutely accurate description of the Jews’ conquest of the world by deceit. A cogent argument in favor of their authenticity is the obvious fact that they show an attitude towards *goyim* that … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Deception, World domination
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Kommunismus / Marxismums eine Ausgeburt des Juden, Karl Marx, der in Deuchland lebte AUDIO ZIONISTISCHE PROTOKOLLE ALTTESTAMENTARISCHE KAPITULATION BOLSHEVISMUMS AUFSTIEG - post Der Bolshevismus von Moses bis Lenin, 1925, Eckart - Hitler - media DEUTSCHLAND DEM BOLSHEVISMUMS AUSGELIEFERT DIE … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Deutschsprachig, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Deception, World domination
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Hitler’s Barbarossa Proclamation - …At no time did Germany ever attempt to carry her National Socialist worldview into Russia, but on the contrary Jewish Bolshevik rulers in Moscow unswervingly endeavored to foist their domination upon us and other European nations, not only … Continue reading
Posted in Allies-Alliierten, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, German Soldiers-Soldaten, Hitler-Adolf, Russia-Russland, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Deception, Reden, World domination
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What We Owe Our Parasites - …This man, a veteran journalist, held a position of importance in one of the lie-factories operated by the Roosevelt regime to keep the boobs pepped up with enthusiasm for sending their sons or their husbands to a senseless … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, World domination
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Weine Deutschland Weine
germanvictims - Weine, unschuldiges Deutschland, weine!Weitere 44 Millionen fremdartiger Invasoren werden in dein Land geholt. Du wirst in deiner Heimat an den Rand gedrückt, am Ende vielleicht hingemordet wie vor wenigen Jahren die Weiße Minderheit in Zimbabwe gemordet wurde. ***** … Continue reading
Posted in Allies-Alliierten, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Bundesrepublik, Communism Kommunismus, Deutschsprachig, New World Order
Tagged Government oppression, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Schweinerei mit der Kriegsschuld - Eine Schweinerei ist es die Verbrechen an uns Deutschen und an unseren Soldaten zu verbergen waehrend sie sogar eine Wanderausstellung ueber die verlogenen sogenannten Deutschen Soldatenverbrechen haben; obohl die Deutschsen Soldaten die anstaendigsten von allen Soldaten waren in beiden, … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Bundesrepublik, Communism Kommunismus, Defamation-Verfemung, Deutschsprachig
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Rachejustiz an Deutschen - …Die Politik darf der Neme- sis . . . nicht ins Handwerk pfuschen, nicht das Richteramt ausüben wollen. Die Politik hat nicht zu rächen, was geschehen ist, sondern zu sorgen, daß es nicht wieder geschehe. Die Politik hat … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Deutschsprachig
Tagged Deception, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Torture, World domination
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Deutschland Bolshevismus Ausgeliefert
germanvictims - Eisenhower [*Jude]war der letzte, der Roosevelt [*Jude] gegenüber seine warnende Stimme erhoben hätte, [*haette!!!] auch wenn er das Verhängnisvolle dieser Politik erkannt hätte. Eisenhower war das willfährigste und blinde Werkzeug für die Realisierung von Roosevelts Morgenthau-Rache- plänen. [*Eisenhower … Continue reading
Posted in Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Deutschsprachig, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Murder, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, Torture, World domination
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Ezra Pound
“We must fill our psychiatric hospitals with anti-semitic crazy people and our prisons with anti-semitic criminals. We must hunt anti-semitics and all the way to the limits of the law and after that destroy them. We must humiliate our anti-semitics … Continue reading
Posted in Britain-England, Deutschsprachig, Jews-Juden, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Human rights abuse, World domination
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Morgenthau Raubmord Deutscher - ethnic cleansing Morgenthau Plan Auszug aus Die Geschichte der Verfemung Deutschlands Das Unrecht an Deutschland - DDDr. Franz Scheidl - 1968 DIE NACHKRIEGSSCHULD Furchtbar ist die Schuld, die Roosevelt und Churchill nach Beendigung des zweiten Weltkrieges auf … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Hate, World domination
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Blood Tornados over Germany - Until recently, nobody understood fully that the terror bombing of German civilians was not a “friendly fire” mistake, or the result of a bomber missing its mark. We bought the fairy tale that schools, churches, cathedrals and castles were … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Britain-England, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, USA
Tagged Starving to death, Torture, World domination
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USA attacked Germany the U.S.A. had long waged war against Germany starting in 1939…[Hitler speaking] Then in (indistinct) 1941, as Germany cannot be made to react to any of his gestures, he [Roosevelt] takes yet a further step. As far back as … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Hitler-Adolf, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Deception, Speeches, World domination
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From Einstein to Feinstein - …This is what the future has in store for you, for not really paying attention, for believing Jewish media lies, for concentrating on your toys and your highly paying jobs, and refusing to see where these lies were taking … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, USA
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Ungarn - Ungarn - Geschichte der Donauschwaben Der Sieg in der Schlacht am Kahlenberg (1683) über das osmanische Heer bildete nicht nur den Beginn für die Befreiung Ungarns von der Türkenherrschaft, sondern auch für den politischen, kulturellen und wirtschaftlichen Wiederaufbau … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, Holocausts, New World Order
Tagged Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Rape, Robbery, Torture, World domination
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It’s the Fault of the Jews - …Gradually the Jews are now on their own and so try new tricks. You know the goodhearted German Michel [3] in all of us, who is always ready to forgive all injustice heaped upon him for a few … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Goebbels-Joseph, Jews-Juden
Tagged Speeches, World domination
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Genocide-28000 Boers South Africa - “There is a way to break the resistance [he was referring to the white Boer men defending themselves against the British rob, rape, and murder invasion]… We have to kill them in order to teach their children to … Continue reading
Posted in African, Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Britain-England, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, History-Geschichte, Holocausts
Tagged Freezing to death, Human rights abuse, Murder, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, World domination
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Buecherverfaelschung - werden auch bei neuen Ausgaben ganze Kapitel gestrichen, wie etwa in Gustav Freytags (1816-1895) Bildern aus der deutschen Vergangenheit (5 Bde., 1959-1867). In diesem Werk sind in der neuen Auflage die “germanischen” Kapitel vor Karl dem Grossen sowie … Continue reading
Posted in Deutschsprachig, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, History-Geschichte, New World Order
Tagged Deception, World domination
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Voelkermord Buren Sued Afrika - Es gibt einen Weg, den Widerstand der Buren (niederdeutscher Stamm) zu brechen. … Wir müssen sie töten, um ihren Kindern zu lehren, uns zu lieben.“ – Winston Churchill Herero Vernichtungsbefehl? - Dr. Claus Nordbruch Buch zum … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, German POWs-Kriegsgefangene, History-Geschichte, Holocausts
Tagged Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, Torture, World domination
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Authors of the World’s Disasters - it is not allowed to point them out by their name-everywhere, in newspapers, speeches and radio broadcasts. - How can anyone at this present stage of the war still believe that they fought and died for the national interests of … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Goebbels-Joseph, Jews-Juden, Nationalsozializmus, New World Order
Tagged Speeches, World domination
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Posted in Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Urheber des Ungluecks der Welt - Die Urheber des Unglücks der Welt - Der Kapitalismus sowohl wie der Bolschewismus entspringen derselben jüdischen Wurzel, sind verschiedene Zweige am gleichen Baum und tragen am Ende auch die gleichen Früchte. - In der Sowjetunion gibt es ein … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Deutschsprachig, Goebbels-Joseph, Jews-Juden, Political Philosopies-Politisch
Tagged Reden, Speeches, World domination
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Welt Tyrann-England-Bagdad Bahn - bagdadbahn Weg zum krieg? England Welt Tyrann England zerstoert Deutschland’s Plan und Deutschland Die Bagdadbahn 1900-1914 1. Mai 2013 bei Honigmann Das Osmanische Reich als Wirtschaftsraum für Deutschland Deutschland tritt auch im Nahen Osten als neuer Konkurrent für … Continue reading
Posted in Deutschsprachig, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, History-Geschichte, New World Order, WW I-Weltkrieg 1
Tagged World domination
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Talmud Encourages to Lie - The Talmud supercedes the Old Testament in authority for the Jews. And the Talmud is the most racist, hate-mongering , blasphemous book the world has ever known. New Testament Jesus said to the Hebrews: John 8:44 You belong to your … Continue reading
Posted in Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged World domination
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Must know
DSM - Psychiatry’s Deadliest Scam: Psychology Scam: Jews from Germany without any degree or any scientific research invented Psychology / Psychiatry: *** Organ Donation Murder: You are Alive when they cut out your organs for donation! You are … Continue reading
Christian Zionism is Wrong! - Hitler - Christian Zionism devastating for the German Christians - the Lord said: “You shall Not Bear False Witness” and that’s what Zionist Christians do by aligning with the Jews who lie about the German people inventing a … Continue reading
British Bombed Prisoners in Harbor 8,000 dead - Hitler - Deadly British attacks at the end of the war on prisoners of the German Reich - Nearly 8,000 helpless victims burned or drowned - too costly for the Britisch to take care of??? The 1945 Sinkings … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Britain-England, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, Holocausts
Tagged Human rights abuse, World domination
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Gezielte Verfemung - Hitler - Verfemung der Deutschen mit Luegen, Erfindungen, Perversionen, Halbwarheiten, Zerstueckelung der Warheit, auserwaehlten Bruchteilen einer Geschichte um die Deutschen ‘umzubringen.’ Die Greuelpropaganda im Kriege Nach Androhung militärischer Gewalt durch die Westmächte mußte die Weimarer Republik neben … Continue reading
Posted in Defamation-Verfemung, Deutschsprachig, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Government oppression, Hate, World domination
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Murder Germans Psychologically - endless psychological war against Germans with lies, hate, and defamation The psychological war after the war - excerpt in fragments from the German Book-banned in Germany because it speaks the truth- Die Sieger im Schatten Ihrer Schuld,” 1994, … Continue reading
Posted in Defamation-Verfemung, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, World domination
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Russische Furie - Russische greuelverbrechen - Saeuglinge zerschmettert - Koerper verstuemmelt - gepeinigt, gequaelt - Zungen ausgeschnitten - endlose Qual DR. DAVID DUKE VIDEOS AND NEW BOOK - JULY 2013: EXPOSING THE JEWS AS THE GREATEST MASS MURDERERS IN THE … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, Russia-Russland
Tagged Freezing to death, Hate, Human rights abuse, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, Torture, World domination
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Falsifications - falsifications of “photos” for holocaust trial in Nuernberg - murdered Germans used as dead Jews (supposedly murdered by Germans). Terrible fraud by Hitchcock. FOTO MONTAGE OR REAL? ****** Gestapo Legends Truth is Mighty and Will Prevail? Tortured Confessions … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Defamation-Verfemung, Holocausts, Jews-Juden
Tagged World domination
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Stinking up to Heaven - Hitler - Doesn’t the Talmud say that the Jew can lie, not to his own kind, but to all non Jews? It does! So they can lie about the Holocaust? They can, according to them there is nothing wrong … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Defamation-Verfemung, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Hitler-Adolf, Holocausts, New World Order
Tagged Aggression, Hate, World domination
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The Grave Diggers - They have come for the Germans in Russia and Germany (WWI and WWII). They have come for all other countries attacked since the French Revolution. Their kind are running almost all countries. Their kind are also running the … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, New World Order, Russia-Russland
Tagged Hate, Human rights abuse, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, Torture, World domination
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Stalin Massenmoerder - Adolf Hitler - Massen Moerderer Lenin, Stalin, et al. Die Juedischen Bolsheviken (Internationale Juden) die die Russische Regierung brutal uebernommen haben und den Zaren und dessen Familie ermordeten, haben zwischen 60,000,000 to 120,000,000 Menschen in Russland auf dem Gewissen. … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, German POWs-Kriegsgefangene, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Russia-Russland
Tagged Hate, Human rights abuse, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, Torture, World domination
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Putin - what is he??? - …Fact is, Varovaya’s, as well as Putin’s, generation wasn’t even born at the time in question and all they “know” is the indoctrination with the history of the victors, which everybody knows is always phony, consisting of lies … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Defamation-Verfemung, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German POWs-Kriegsgefangene, Holocausts, New World Order, Russia-Russland
Tagged Freezing to death, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Starving to death, Torture, World domination
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German Concentration Camps USA
Deutsch-English: Americans had concentration camps in the USA for Germans - List of internees - Amerikanische KZs fuer Deutsch-Amerikaner waehrend und nach dem Krieg - Liste der Gefangenen. AMERIKANISCHE KONZENTRATIONSLAGER FUER DEUTSCHE - Namensliste unter No. 4 * German-Latin American … Continue reading
Posted in German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, German POWs-Kriegsgefangene, USA
Tagged Aggression, Hate, World domination
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Faelschungen - Der Amerikaner Hitchcock hat die ermordeten Deutschen in Viehwaggons als Judenopfer faelschenderweise in seinen Filmen auf dem Nuernberg Gericht vorgefuehrt. Lesen sie hier eine eidenstaettliche Erklaerung. Ermordete Deutsche als Judenopfer Gefaelschte Bild Dokumente - Walendy - … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Defamation-Verfemung, Deutsche Kriegsgefangene, Deutschsprachig, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Hate, World domination
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State Department Crime Factory? - …She claims there is only Israeli control in the Near East State Department. She speaks of assassinations and forced homosexual orgies as well as initiation rites for Navy Seals to kill innocent civilians… Kay Griggs, battered wife of … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Jews-Juden, New World Order, USA
Tagged Murder, Rape, World domination
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Braun Ausgelaugt von Parasiten - Unsere Elite Deutschen Raketenwissenschaftler wurden ausgequetscht und verschleppt und im Ausland zwangsweise als Sklavenarbeiter eingestellt gefangengehalten wo sie schikaniert wurden und auf einem sehr niedrigen Nevau leben mussten! Das Werner von Braun team wurde in die USA abgeschleppt. *** … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Deutsche Kriegsgefangene, Deutschsprachig, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, German POWs-Kriegsgefangene, Holocausts, New World Order, USA
Tagged Human rights abuse, World domination
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Deutsche Machen Sich den Garaus! - Carl Fiedrich von Weizsäcker… Denn seine darin beschriebenen Prognosen, wonach die Löhne und Gehälter in den westlichen Ländern stark zurückfallen werden, die Arbeitslosigkeit drastisch ansteigt und die Menschen zunehmend unter Unruhen und Bürgerkriegen leiden, sind überaus schockierend und … Continue reading
Posted in Allies-Alliierten, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Defamation-Verfemung, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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No Soul no Spirit no Ethics - Fearfulness, female crying will not change the disaster, will not liberate you! No matter what brutality you face, stubbornly be yourself, never bent, show yourself strong, call on the army of the gods! From: Ernst F. Kriesner (formerly from … Continue reading
Posted in New World Order, The West-Westen, USA
Tagged Hate, World domination
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Hakenkreuz ist Liebe - Die Biebel nennt sich Heil-Geschichte. Das Hakenkreuz, vor der Christlichen Religion, war ein goettliches Symbol des Heilens und der Liebe. Es ist das uralte Symbol der Nordischen und der Arischen Rasse. WIR DEUTSCHE HABEN EINE FANTASTISCHE GESCHICHTE UND KULTUR. … Continue reading
Posted in Deutschsprachig, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Nationalsozializmus
Tagged Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Bombentod 1,000,000
Trauertage Februar 13/14 - jedes Jahr …In Dresden alleine waren es 400,000 Zivilisten die ums Leben kamen da ca. 500,000 Fluechtlinge sich in der Stadt aufhielten. Tiefflieger jagten die Menschen welche sich von den Bomben retten wollten mit Maschinengewehren in … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Allies-Alliierten, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Britain-England, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, Holocausts, New World Order, USA
Tagged Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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…During the last forty years or so, revisionism has become a fighting term. To so-called revisionists, it implies an honest search for historical truth and the discrediting of misleading myths that are a barrier to peace and goodwill among nations. … Continue reading
Posted in History-Geschichte, Poland Polen, Revisionists, Russia-Russland, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged World domination
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Churchill - Criminal
Churchill was a war criminal. He did not want peace even though he had many offers by Adolf Hitler, even during the war. Churchill invented the war, instigated the war, pushed the war and executed the war! The reason was … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Britain-England, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, German Soldiers-Soldaten, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Hate, World domination
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Destroying the USA
Dr. Henry Kissinger New York Times, Oct. 28, 1973: “The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer”. “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, USA
Tagged Government oppression, Hate, World domination
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Allied Robber Convoys
German victims - The Allied Robber convoys raced across Germany taking everything they wanted including kidnapping thousands of German scientists. The Germans are the victims! The Allies are the criminals! To hide this, they have invented a false history spreading … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Britain-England, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, German POWs-Kriegsgefangene, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, German Soldiers-Soldaten, USA, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Human rights abuse, Robbery, World domination
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Selbstachtung statt Selbsthaß - Offener Umgang mit der Zeitgeschichte Rede zum 8. Mai an der Universität zu Wien (gehalten am 9. Mai im RFJ-Keller in Wien) Dr. Claus Nordbruch Verehrte Gäste, liebe Landsleute! Meinen herzlichen Dank vorab dem Ring … Continue reading
Posted in Defamation-Verfemung, Deutschsprachig, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, German Reich-Deutsches Reich
Tagged Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Alliierter Raubzug
German victims: …Die alliierten Diebe, allen voran die Amerikaner, waren von der unermeßlichen Fülle des deutschen Geistesschatzes im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes von den Socken. Einem Bericht des Harper’s Magazine vom Oktober 1946 zufolge, verschlangen die amerikanischen Befreier geradezu die … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Allies-Alliierten, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Britain-England, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, German POWs-Kriegsgefangene, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Holocausts, USA, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Hate, Human rights abuse, Robbery, World domination
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Audio Zionistische Protokolle
Zionistischen Protokolle Hoerbuch und Buch Nach dem herunterladen, click die ZIP file und danach oeffnen Sie den Folder. 1) Hoerbuch Sie brauchen nur was in der ersten Zeile ist herunterladen; naemlich die 97.9 MB. Theodor Fritsch 1932 2) Buch … Continue reading
Posted in Buecher Bücher frei, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, Jews-Juden
Tagged Hate, World domination
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