“Gesiegt” - Paul Herrmann
Bayrische Reichspolizei Trauermarsch Opera Saul
- Video: New World Order=Communism by the Backdoor
- Audio: They did 911. They did it!
- The New World Order-Khazars
- Audio: Law Signed by Bush for Jews to Kill American Christians for Idolatry!
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- Jewish Hate Speech
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- Video: Population Extermination “We’ll be put back in the ground where we belong”
- Video: Synagogue of Satan-The Plan for Us
- Audio: #19, 20 Protocols of the Jews for World Rule
- Audio: Warnings by J.F. Kennedy
- Hoer: Die Zionistischen Protokolle
- Audio: Protocols of Zion
- Chabad Lubavich Jews Setting Up Armageddon
- The Coming of the New World Order
- Communist Goals
- The greatest genociders-Jews
- Jews and Communism
- Judengift
- Murder bei Injection
- Satanic Plan for Man
- Die Verborgene Tyrannai
- Video: Biologist: There is no H.I.V. virus! Medicine is genocide!
- Frauen und Kinder Schicksale Film: H.I.V. Behandlungszwang ohne H.I.V.
- Video: Israelis keine Bestrahlung, keine Chemo sondern Germanische Neue Medizin*den Aerzten Verboten in Deutschland-Erfinder Dr. Hamer
- Vortrag Ueber die Neue Germanische Medizin-Baumann
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- Haut Probleme Geloest
- Magen Darm “Erkrankung” nur Aerger
- Dr. Hamer’s Entdeckung: Das Ist Gar Kein Knochenkrebs!!! In Israel 98% Heilung. In Deutschland Tod.
- Dr. Hamer’s Entdeckung: Keine Angst for Brustkrebs! In Israel 98% Heilung. In Deutschland Tod.
- Es gibt keine Ansteckung! Alles von Innen.
- Videos: Dr. Simoncini, Deutsch, multi-lingua, Krebs ein Pilz
- Videos, Simoncini, Oncologist, Website
- Krankheit/Heilung Verstehen*Neue Germanische Medizn
- Video: Frauenleiden, Krebs-5 Biologischen Naturgesetze-Heilung
- Video: Dr. Simoncini, Oncologist, cure your Melanoma Yourself
- Video: Frauenkrankheiten Geloest-Germanische Neue Medizin
- Handy und Wi-Fi Gefahr-Mobile Danger - German Only
- Energiesparlampe=Genozid
- Health-Gesundheit
- Video: Cancer a Fungus: Dr. Tullio Simoncini, Oncologist, English-Francais-Italiano
- Lorraine Day-Med.-Health and Healing
- No Fear of Cancer, any Illnes - 5 Biological Laws
- Your Body Heals Itself-5 Biological Laws English Subtitles
- Psychiatry Scam
- Psychology Scam
- Health Page-Gesundheitsseite
Wesentliches ueber Deutschland
- Video: Eine Reise durch das deutsche Kaiserreich
- Meine Meisten Deutschen Seiten (450)
- Altgermanischer Kampf mit den Juden
- Mein Kampf
- Politische Lage seit 1871
- Voelkermord der Niederlaendischen Buren Sued Afrika
- Koloniale Schuldluege
- Welt Tyrann-England-Bagdad Bahn
- Was Deutschland an seinen Kolonien Verlor
- Endlose Juedisch-Englische Luegenpropaganda
- Vorgeschichte 1. Weltkrieg
- Die Urschuldigen am Weltkriege
- 25 Punkte*Forderungen der NSDAP
- 10 Jahre Versailles
- Versailler Vertrag und Verelendung
- Auspluenderung Seit 1918 AH
- Kriegshetzte*Voelkermorden 150 Jahre
- Weimarer Republik
- Die Schandvertraege
- Keine Gleichberechtigung fuer Deutschland - AH
- Warum Austritt aus dem Voelkerbund? AH
- Weltkampf um Ehre und Recht
- Hoer: Verbrechen am D. Volk 1921
- Versailles Zahlungen 1923
- Deutschlands Hyperinflation 1923
- Gesichter der Juedischen Soviet Massenmoerder
- Hoer: Appel an die Nation.mp3*Wahlkampf
- Juedische Kriegserklaerung an Deutschland 1933
- Hitler Hilft den Juden Auswandern
- Hitlers 4-Jahres Plan
- Grenzland Deutschtum
- Deutsche Volksgruppe in Polen
- Deutschland und der Korridor
- Deutschlands Friedenswillen
- Englands Spiel mit Polen
- Hoer: 1. Sept. Polen! Wir schiessen zurueck!mp3
- Hoer: Freihandel-Wer Wollte den Krieg? A.H.
- Rede Anschluss Oesterreich
- Hoer: Sportspalast Rede.mp3
- Juedsiche Kriegshetze in den USA
- Hoer: AH Ansprache an die Deutsche Jugend Sept. 1934
- Hoer A.H.: England Macht Krieg nur fuer Gott
- Hoer: Hitler Entlarved Kriegsmacher Roosevelt
- V.S. greifen Deutschland monatelang an in 1941
- Rede: Ursachen Russlandsfeldzug
- Praeventivschlag Rettet Europa
- Jude Kaufman: Deutschland muss Untergehen
- Jude Kaufman: Plan die Deutschen zu sterilisieren
- Jude Morgenthau: Vernichtung der Deutschen
- Video: Geheimakte Rudolf Hess
- Hoer: AH Letzte Ansprache Jan 45
- Rede Adolf Hitler zu den Soldaten 11 Maerz 1945
- Hitlers Reden
- Udo Walendy-Historische Tatsachen
Click-Deutschland Ueber Alles
Holocaust Deprogrammierung
- Video: Holocaust als Politische Waffe-Horst Mahler
- Video: Breaking the Spell
- Video: German Villainy Myth
- Video: Panorama Interview-Haverbeck*Engl.*German
- Video: Off Your Knees Germany!
- Video: German Military Punished Soldiers for Mistreatment of Jews
- Video: Dr. Faurrisson Explains Revisionism
- Video: Faurisson – Intro to Holocaust Revisionism
- Video: Gas Chamber Hoax
- Video: Did the Holocaust Happen?
- Victims of Zion
- Elie Wiesel Cons the World
- Video: Auschwitz Luege*Christophersen
- Made in Russia-The Holocaust
- Das Wannsee-Protokoll - Anatomie einer Fälschung
- Wannsee Protocol: Anatomy of a Fabrication
- Deutsche! Buch Nicht Kaufen!!! Video:Der Bann ist Gebrochen
- Video: Germar Rudolf
- Video: Gewollter Holocaust
- Video: The Greatest Lie!
- Video: Hoax of the 20th Century
- Videos: Jew Cole exposes Holohoax
- Video: Leuchter Crashcourse Pt. 1
- Video: Leuchter Crashcourse Pt. 2
- Video: Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth
- Video: Treblinka Hoax
- Air Photos Evidence
- Auschwitz Luegen*Rudolf
- Debunking the Genocide Myth
- Der Falsche Holocaust
- Falsifications
- Fraud Anne Frank
- Hoax of the 20th Century
- Holocaust Deprogramming Course
- Welcome to Historical Revisionism
- Holocaust Handbooks/Movies
- Jahrhundertbetrug*Butz
- Jahrhundertprovokation
- Leuchter Reports*Critical
- Leuchter * “Vergasen”1
- Leuchter *”Vergasen”2
- Makaberster Betrug Aller Zeiten
- Nuernberg-A Crime!
- Nuernberg ein Verbrechen
- Official Auschwitz Records 1940-1944
- Rudolf Report “Gassing”
- Das Rudolf Gutachten Auschwitz
- Sanity for January 27
- Soldat-Murdered Germans Claimed as Jews
- Tortured Confession*Hoess
- Zuendel-“Holocaust” Deutsch
Recent Posts (998 Total)
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- Take Communism Seriously!
- How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss
- How Jews Tortured Innocent Germans to Make Holocaust Evidence
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- Solzhenitsyn on the Jews and Soviet Russia, Part 2 Vol. 2
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- Jewish Genocide in the USSR and Hindering the Truth
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- “German” Atrocities by Partisans in German Uniforms
- Crimes Committed on the German Soldiers
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- Other Losses-Mass Murder of German Prisoners
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- H. Kardel*Ein Soldatenschicksal
- Never Forget!
- Niemals Vergessen!
- Anti Wehrmacht Ausstellung*Deutsches Leiden
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- Waco Burnout Revisited
- Leaderless Resistance
- A Holocaust to Hide the Real Holocaust
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- Audio File Collection
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- Deceptive, Dangerous and Treasonous
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- Community
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- Culture
- Race
- Einmarsch der Soldaten Christi
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Verbrechen an Deutschen
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- 1 Million Frauen verschleppt
- 40,000 Zu Tode Gebombt in der See
- Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen
- Alliierte Verbrechen gegen Deutsche
- Alliierter Raubzug
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- Bombentod 1,000,000
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- Macht gegen Recht
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- Nicht Rache*Verbrechen
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- Schwindelfirma I. f. Zeitgeschichte
- Tschechische Ungeheuer
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- Verbrechen an Deutschen
- Verein Gedächtnisstätte
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- Verschwiegene Wahrheiten
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Crimes Against Germans
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- Allied War Crimes
- American Monsters
- British Monsters
- Crimes and Mercies-book
- French Monsters
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- Great Mourning on the Black Sea
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- Looting and Plunder
- Other Losses-book
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- Attack on SS Liberty
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- High Crime State Dept. #2
- High Crime State Dept. #3
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Eyes Open-Wach auf!
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- Film: Der Ewige Jude-English subtitles - Eternal Jew
- Exposing John Birch Society
- Internationale Jude 1-Ford
- Internationale Jude 2-Ford
- Jewish Strategy-Oliver
- Jewish Supremacism Book
- MP3*Jewish Supremacism-Duke
- Juedischer Extremismus-Duke
- Kill the Best Gentiles*Brunn
- Mein Kampf
- MP3*My Awakening-on Race*Duke
- The Nameless War
- Sieg der Juden schon 1879
- Talmud Geist-Pohl
- Truth for Germany
- We never hear of the Concentration Camps for Germans in the United States
- Wahrheit fuer Deutschland
- World’s #1 Problem-Ford
- Audio: Law to Kill U.S. Christians!!!
- EuroCanadian.ca
- Immigrationwatchcanada
- Video: Mein Name ist Deutschland
- Audio: Understanding the danger of race mixing
- Students for Western Civilization
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- Invasion of the White Nations
- Arische Geschichte
- My Awakening
- Rassenmischung-Adel-Coudenhove-Kalergie
- Rassismus Legal-der Juden Drittes Reich
- Treason to Whiteness!! For Humanity!!
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- White Racial Consciousness
Videos and Audios
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- Hitler Uncensored-Unzensiert Engl.-German
- Impersonation of Israel by the Jews-Religious Fraud
- Von der Waffe zum Wrack
- Alexander Wagand 85, Pol. Analyse
- Alex. Wagandt 84, Pol. Analyse
- Legale Zwangsenteignung-Verbrechen
- 911-Bombs in the Lobby
- Alexander Wagandt Deutsch
- Angela Merkel-Jewess-Juedin
- Chemtrails-Shasta-Deutsch-Engl.
- Communism by the Backdoor
- The Dark Agenda
- Der Dunkle Dalai Lama
- Gerd Honsik Deutsch
- Grauenhafte Waffen
- Horst Mahler – Juden Tabu
- Israel’s Sex Slave Trade
- The Man Who Fought the Bank
- Marching to Zion
- Miseducation of America
- One of The Greatest Lies!
- Opa ich vermisse Dich
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- Vernichtung der Freimaurerei
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- War on Freedom-Duke
- Warum ist Atlantis ein Tabu
- Bosnian Pyramid
- Magen Darm “Erkrankung” durch Aerger
- Law to Kill U.S. Christians!!!
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Tag Archives: Racial Hate against Whites
Ethnic Genetic Interests
…Thus, this essay has three basic purposes. First, to introduce the fundamentally important concept of genetic interests – which are ultimate interests – to Western peoples. Second, to explain, succinctly but precisely, what is at stake: the demographic decline of … Continue reading
Posted in Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, Europe, Race Rasse, The West-Westen
Tagged race, Racial Hate against Whites
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100 Million Killed by Jewish Communism
…Savagery has always been a hallmark of Communism. It is an ideology that requires the destruction of human beings. “We have never rejected terror in principle,” wrote Lenin in 1901, “nor can we do so.”.. COMMUNISM IS JEWISH. KARL MARX … Continue reading
Posted in Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, Russia-Russland, USA
Tagged Jewish tyranny, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Torture
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20 In the Camps of the GULag*Two Hundred Years Together*Solzhenitsyn
…Or Alexandr Voronel, who was a ”political youngster” when he landed in the camps, says that immediately after getting in the camp, he was “readily assisted… by other Jewish inmates, who had not a slightest idea about my political views”. … Continue reading
Posted in Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, Russia-Russland
Tagged Freezing to death, Government oppression, Hate, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Starving to death, Torture
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Kriegsverbrechen der Anderen
…Das deutsche Propagandaministerium habe behauptet, beim »Bromberger Blutsonntag« seien 58.000 Volksdeutsche dem polnischen Terror zum Opfer gefallen…Hitler befahl nach dem Waffenstillstand mit Frankreich in einem Erlaß vom 7. Juli 1940 strengste Manneszucht der deutschen Soldaten gegenüber der französischen Zivilbevölkerung… Betrachtungen … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Deutsche Kriegsgefangene, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher
Tagged Human rights abuse, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, Torture
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The Insanity of the Jewish Talmud
Everyone has two kidneys, one of which inspires good deeds; the other, bad deeds. (BT Berakoth 61a). Judaism: A Religion that Hates all Gentiles! The “holiest” book of Judaism is NOT the Old Testament of the Bible, it is … Continue reading
Posted in Jews-Juden, Occult, Race Rasse, Religon
Tagged Aggression, Creating Chaos, Deception, ethnic cleansing, Freedom of Speech, Hate, Jewish tyranny, Racial Hate against Whites
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Jews Killed All The German Babies in Palestine
…The children of the German tribe of Judah, Anglo-Saxons, are being slaughtered in Judea by the order of Jewish King Herod… The Most Monumental HISTORY Deception of All Times The children of the German tribe of Judah, Anglo-Saxon, are being … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity Christentum, Deception, Jews-Juden
Tagged Jewish tyranny, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, White man history
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Das ist Krieg: Mohammedaners Psycho Krieg Gegen Deutsche
…„Soll Allah Waisenkinder aus deren Kinder machen (den Deutschen). Soll Allah es schwierig fuer ihre Frauen machen. Allah gebe uns Sieg!”…Ich hab ein Problem. Ein Problem da unten. Genau da. Mein Hoden ist riessengross. So gross! Der Doktor sagt habe … Continue reading
Posted in Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher
Tagged ethnic cleansing, Jewish tyranny, Racial Hate against Whites, Rape, Treason
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American Indians*The Truth
…They spy out the enemy’s huts at night and attack at dawn. If they take a prisoner who is badly wounded they kill him at once and carry home the meat roasted. Those that are not wounded they take back … Continue reading
Posted in Deception, History-Geschichte, Population Extermination, Race Rasse, Religon, Spiritual-Geistig, USA
Tagged Enslaving people, ethnic cleansing, race, Racial Hate against Whites, Torture
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The Massacre by Jews In Spain
The Jews were given another opportunity to massacre helpless Christians during the Spanish Civil War. The Secret Holocaust The real holocaust was a Christian Holocaust by Jews of sixty-six million, mostly Christians. By Eustace Mullins 7-8-9 EXCERPTS - NOT COMPLETE … Continue reading
Posted in Deception, Defamation-Verfemung, Holocausts, Jews-Juden
Tagged Deception, Enslaving people, ethnic cleansing, Hate, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Rape, Starving to death, Torture
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Extreme Torture and Cruelties by the Jews
The Jews stole our German names to hide as Germans! They steal names in all countries. - “There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, Russia-Russland
Tagged Deception, Enslaving people, ethnic cleansing, Freezing to death, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Jews, Murder, Perversion, Racial Hate against Whites, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, Theft, Torture, Treason, Usury, World domination
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Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews
..But very quickly, the authors move from prohibition to permission, to the various dispensations for harming non-Jews, with the central reason being their obligation to uphold the seven Noahide laws, which every human being on earth must follow… [*gv: Christianity … Continue reading
Posted in Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, Jews-Juden
Tagged ethnic cleansing, Hate, Jewish tyranny, Jews, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites
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Murdering Goyim For World Power
…With their secret accomplices, the initiated arch-fraternities of the Freemasons, Jesuits, Rosicrucians and other occult lodges, they have since time eternal, like vultures, pounced on the greatest in the host nations that they want to destroy or overthrow, very often … Continue reading
Posted in Jews-Juden, Occult
Tagged Jewish tyranny, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites
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Vernichtung der Großen eines Volkes
…Will der Jude dies dem gehaßten Gojimvolke nehmen, so versucht man vor allem, die Werke dem Volke durch Boykott und Totschweigen vorzuenthalten, dann umkreist man den Schaffenden, sucht ihn, wenn möglich mit List, zum Arbeiter für das Jahwehziel: die Judenweltherrschaft, … Continue reading
Posted in Deutschsprachig, Jews-Juden, Occult
Tagged Murder, Racial Hate against Whites
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Michael Walsh*Truth Historian
GERMAN - ENGLISH: Mike Walsh, veteran journalist, broadcaster and historian of international reputation. A fugitive only from leftists, palace scribblers and censors, whom he dismisses as renegade …Europeans, he has shrugged off their wrath over 50 years of writing. Mike … Continue reading
Posted in Hitler-Adolf, Nationalsozializmus, NS Leadership-NS Regierung, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Deception, Hate, Racial Hate against Whites, White man history
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Anne Frank Diary a Hoax
…without a question of doubt it must be considered as the 20th century’s biggest literary hoax…” *** Einstein Hoax Historians Or Hoaxers Felderer Ditlieb-Anne Franks Diary-A Hoaxen 197880S.Text GWHoax Born The Hoax of the 20th century Holocaust-or-hoax-Jurgen-Graf-History Revisionism * Anne … Continue reading
Posted in Deception, Jews-Juden
Tagged Deception, Jewish tyranny, Racial Hate against Whites
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Genozide of the Germans in Russia
…We must know that the Genozide in Russia was driven by the Jews in order to be aware of what is done to us today. Our Jewish U.S. government is trying to silence Christianity and Free Speech, take our guns … Continue reading
Posted in German culture-Deutsche Kultur, Russia-Russland
Tagged Freezing to death, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, Theft, Torture
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Martin Luther on the Jews
…You, Milords and men of authority, should not tolerate but expel them. They are our public enemies and incessantly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ; they call our blessed Virgin Mary a harlot and Her Son a bastard … if they … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity Christentum, Deception, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, Jews-Juden, Occult
Tagged Aryan spirit, Deception, Great men, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites
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Nuremberg Purim Feast
… It is as much a fraud as the United Nations Charter, and cunningly concocted by the same group of Zionists and their pawns. As Veale explains, it purports to create two new crimes against international law: “Crimes against peace” … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Allies-Alliierten, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Deception, Defamation-Verfemung, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Population Extermination
Tagged Deception, ethnic cleansing, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Jews, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Torture, World domination
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U.S. Gesetz: Toete die Christen!
Der Plan die Christen zu toeten in den V.S. (U.S.A.) ist schon im Gesetz festgelegt bei den Kongress Juden durch Täuschung. Auf dieser Seite sind alle Artikel in Deutsch aber hier ist eine audio clip von der Ehefrau des frueheren Kongressmitglieds … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity Christentum, Jews-Juden, USA
Tagged ethnic cleansing, Hate, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Treason
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8. Mai Kam die Hoelle
…Die Massenmörder, die von der BRD “Befreier” genannt werden, ermordeten planmäßig und mit satanischer Freude jugendliche Wehrmachtssoldaten… raubten, quaelten und vergewaltigten… Als 1945 die Hölle über die Deutschen kam “Der 8. Mai 1945 war ein Tag des Elends, der … Continue reading
Posted in Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Defamation-Verfemung, Deutschsprachig
Tagged ethnic cleansing, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Rape, Starving to death, Torture
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Die Nordische Rasse
…Die Nordische Rasse hat ihre sonderartigen Qualitäten - Tatsächlich möchte man vordenkliche Willenskraft, bestimmtes Urteilsvermögen bei kühl abwägendem Wirklichkeitssinn, Drang zur Wahrhaftigkeit von Mensch zu Menschen, eine Neigung zu ritterlicher Gerechtigkeit als die bei nordischen Menschen immer wieder auffallenden seelischen Züge … Continue reading
Posted in Deutschsprachig, Nationalsozializmus, Race Rasse
Tagged Racial Hate against Whites
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Murdered Heroes
…The torture murders of the German POWs. Tortures included mock hangings, the crushing of the testicles, the tearing out of fingernails, the deprivation of sleep for days at the time, the forced standing at attention for days at the time, … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Deutsche Kriegsgefangene, German Soldiers-Soldaten
Tagged ethnic cleansing, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Torture
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A Whiter and Brighter World
…Nevertheless, the White Race is Nature’s Elite, the highest living creature it has produced in all the eons of time. We CREATORS, being members of this Elite, are supremely interested in the welfare and the future for the White Race. … Continue reading
Posted in New World Order, The West-Westen
Tagged Racial Hate against Whites, White man history
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Gedaechtnisstaette*Tod 12 Millionen Deutscher Zivilisten
Trauerstaette - fuer die 12 Million Deutschen Zivilisten die im 2. Weltkrieg umkamen. Trauermarsch Musikkorps der Bayrischen Reichspolizei * * *
Posted in Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten
Tagged Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Rape, Starving to death, Torture
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The Jewish ADL
…And I was asked what I thought of Ariel Sharon [who was then Israel’s defense minister]. “Well, he’s a butcher,” I said. “He’s a mean guy.” I was asked about Yitzhak Shamir. I said something similar about him. And then … Continue reading
Posted in Jews-Juden
Tagged Aggression, Deception, Freedom of Speech, Hate, Human rights abuse, Racial Hate against Whites
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Jewish Melitia in France
germanvictims.com …The victims of the 50 cases listed by Le Choc du mois, who number in the hundreds, suffered: loss of life, an eye put out, acid throwing, numerous hospitalizations, injuries followed by deep coma, lifetime disabilities, and serious post-traumatic … Continue reading
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Defamation-Verfemung, France-Frankreich, Jews-Juden, Revisionists
Tagged Enslaving people, Freedom of Speech, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, World domination
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Julius Streicher*Deutsch
…Streicher behauptete, in alliierter Gefangenschaft brutal mißhandelt worden zu sein. Er und seine Frau seien von den Wachen – überwiegend farbige Soldaten – ausgezogen und dann gezwungen worden, nackt zu paradieren. Außerdem habe man sie angespuckt und sogar brennende Zigaretten … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Deutschsprachig, NS Leadership-NS Regierung
Tagged Freedom of Speech, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Torture, World domination
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Can The Jews Ever Be Wrong?
germanvictims.com - No! According to the holy book of the Jews, the Talmud, the Jews can never be wrong in any crime they commit toward the gentiles, be it rape, murder, pedophilia, adultery, cheating, lying, DECEPTION, beating, neglect to the … Continue reading
Posted in Jews-Juden, New World Order, Race Rasse
Tagged Deception, Hate, Human rights abuse, Racial Hate against Whites, World domination
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Juedische Ethik*Rassengrenze
germanvictims.com - Aber die jüdische Ethik beruht grundsätzlich auf dem Gruppenstatus von Täter und Opfer. Es ist okay, wenn das Opfer einer anderen Gruppe angehört. Und innerhalb der Gruppe ist die Ethik so strukturiert, daß die Gruppe als Ganzes profitiert: … Continue reading
Posted in Deutschsprachig, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Race Rasse
Tagged Hate, Human rights abuse, Perversion, race, Racial Hate against Whites, Treason, Usury, World domination
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Menschen ohne Herz
…Nun griff ich zu einem anderen Flugblatt: “Hier haben Sie die Million!” Da platzte mein Besucher los: “Ich sehe, ich bin an einen “Sachkundigen” geraten. Nun will ich auch sagen, wer ich bin. Ich bin kein Universitätsprofessor. Ich bin von … Continue reading
Posted in Allies-Alliierten, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Bundesrepublik, Defamation-Verfemung, Deutschsprachig, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, Revisionists
Tagged Racial Hate against Whites
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Under Sado-Masochistic Power
germanvictims.com … But coldness and the instinct to dominate and manipulate lurks behind the seemingly caring and sympathetic façade [of Jews]. It is not insincerity in the sense we understand it, but a function of their bifurcated (two-track) minds… AFTER … Continue reading
What is Racism?
…But those terms [racists] were never used then. “racism” was never an issue. We just thought and behaved in a way that was natural for us. As long as other races didn’t get in our way, we felt no hostility … Continue reading
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Race Rasse, The West-Westen, USA
Tagged Racial Hate against Whites
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Unmentionable Ethnic Interests
germanvictims.com - …Until recently, ethnic interests were understood intuitively by everyone. People have an interest, or “stake” in their ethnic group in exactly the same way that parents have a genetic interest in raising their children. By bringing up my … Continue reading
Posted in New World Order, Race Rasse, The West-Westen, USA
Tagged Racial Hate against Whites
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The West Will Go Under
Why the West Will Go Under William Pierce - 1980 3,167 words The life cycle of a civilization is an extraordinarily complicated affair, subject to a thousand changing influences. It is all too easy for analysts, by focusing their attentions … Continue reading
Posted in Jews-Juden, New World Order, Race Rasse
Tagged Racial Hate against Whites
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Empathie ohne Sympathie
germanvictims.com - Deutsche Opfer - Juden besitzen eine unheimliche Fähigkeit, sich in “den Anderen” hineinzuversetzen, ihn genauestens zu untersuchen, einzuschätzen, zu verstehen, für sich einzunehmen und sogar hypnotisch zu faszinieren, ohne auch nur im geringsten echte Zuneigung oder Mitgefühl für … Continue reading
Posted in Deutschsprachig, New World Order, Race Rasse, USA
Tagged Racial Hate against Whites
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Should the Jew Triumpf…
germanvictims.com…For Yockey, the real tipoff that the people in charge of America and the Western world were not really leaders but saboteurs was found in the result of the World Wars, which were conducted at great sacrifice to the West … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, Jews-Juden, The West-Westen, WW I-Weltkrieg 1, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Enslaving people, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Usury, World domination
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Sued Afrika Propaganda
…Die jährliche Mordrate 18.148 (Achtzehntausend)… Im gleichen ernüchternden Verhältnis stehen die anderen Kapitalverbrechen. Seit Anbruch des „demokratischen Südafrikas“ im Jahre 1994 sind in den Dörfern und Städten weit über 250.000 Menschen ermordet worden. Jedes Jahr sind in Südafrika über 2,1 … Continue reading
Posted in African, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher
Tagged Murder, Racial Hate against Whites
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Das Jahrhundertverbrechen
germanvictims.com - “…Die Deutschen müßten Engel oder Heilige sein, um zu vergessen und zu vergeben, was sie an Ungerechtigkeiten und Grausamkeiten zweimal in einer Generation zu erleiden hatten, ohne daß sie ihrerseits die Alliierten herausgefordert hätten…” Roland Wuttke: Das Jahrhundertverbrechen … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten
Tagged Human rights abuse, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites
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‘Multiculturalism’ and Oppression
germanvictims.com - Multiculturalsim is the final phase of a genocidal war against European peoples particularly aiming to annihilate the Germanic spirit of Freedom By R. Schleyer, M.A. 16 July 2005 [email protected] History After 1918, the enemy mutilated the political … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Bundesrepublik, Communism Kommunismus, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, New World Order, The West-Westen
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Racial Hate against Whites, Robbery, World domination
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Konzept Schurkenstaat
germanvictims.com - Um zu begreifen, wie das allergrößte Unheil der Menschengeschichte, die Vernichtung der Indianer, der Welt-Sklavenhandel, die großen Weltkriege und das Konzept des Schurkenstaates entstehen konnte, muss man wissen, dass das Weltenschicksal seinen Lauf nahm, als Jakob Barsimson am … Continue reading
Posted in Allies-Alliierten, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Britain-England, Communism Kommunismus, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen, USA
Tagged Action needed, Enslaving people, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Instigation, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Theft, Torture, Usury, World domination
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Aufstieg und Fall des Judentums
…Adolf Hitler sagte den Fall des Judentums schon voraus. Er sagte: “Wenn ich diesen Krieg verliere, so werden sie dieses Sieges nicht froh. Denn die Juden werden darüber den Kopf verlieren. Sie werden ihre Überheblichkeit bis zu einem solchen Grade … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Bundesrepublik, Christianity Christentum, Communism Kommunismus, Deutschsprachig, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen, USA
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Enslaving people, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Instigation, Murder, Perversion, Racial Hate against Whites, Theft, Usury, World domination
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Sinking of Lusitania
germanvictims.com …Sinking of the Lusitania was a pre-meditated false flagg operation to get America against the will of the public into WWI against Germany for $$$ and a one world government. …After a detailed examination of the facts, one can … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Britain-England, Defamation-Verfemung, WW I-Weltkrieg 1
Tagged Aggression, Deception, Hate, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, World domination
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Juden und ihre Luegen
germanvictims.com …Juden und ihren Lügen… Erst als der große Reformator mit den Schriften des Franziskaners Nikolaus von Lyra und des Gelehrten Paulus Burgenfis in Berührung kam, wurden ihm die Täuschungen und Lügen des Judentums bewusst… “Von den Juden und ihren Lügen” … Continue reading
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Christianity Christentum, Deutschsprachig, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, History-Geschichte, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, Kriegsursachen
Tagged Deception, Enslaving people, Geschichte, Hate, Instigation, Perversion, Racial Hate against Whites, Usury, White man history, World domination
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Expulsions - Refugees
EXPULSION AND SLAUGHTER IN THE EAST-AUSTREIBUNG UND SCHLACHTEN IM OSTEN - the plight of 20 Million ethnic Germans, primarily women and children as men were in the war, who have lived in various East Bloc countries - or in the … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, Holocausts, Jews-Juden
Tagged Creating Chaos, Freezing to death, Human rights abuse, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, Torture
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False Jewish Holocaust
Sylvia Stolz: …May every German decide, whether he is still willing to participate, in any form, in the illegal and brutal re-education, defamation and persecution of his fellow citizens. Also, every non-German ought to decide if he wants to further … Continue reading
Posted in Defamation-Verfemung, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, Revisionists
Tagged Deception, Racial Hate against Whites
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