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- Die Juden und der Kommunismus
- Zionistische Haßzentrale gegen Deutschland
- Death Squads and International Gag Orders
- Mass Murderers Point Fingers To Distract From Their Crimes
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- Extreme Torture and Cruelties by the Jews
- Jews Planned Downfall of Christian Nations
- Esther the Whore Of Purim Slaughter
- It Won’t Happen Here? It Did Before!
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- Gentile Servants of the Jews Pt. 3
- The Biological Jew Pt. 2
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- German Pre-Historic Questions (1)
- Jesus a German King-Hated by the Jews
- If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf
- Nicht Schuldig in Nürnberg
- Senator Joseph McCarthy
- Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews
- Scalar Waves Used to Control Us
- Lubavich Jews Setting Up Armageddon
- Murdering Goyim For World Power
- Vernichtung der Großen eines Volkes
- Ordeals of German women 1944-1949
- Pentagrams*Pentagon*Freemason Power
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- Was Hitler Ueber Die Juden/Marxisten Sagte
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- Wie Stuenden Diese Leute Da?
- Horst Mahler
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- Death of Benito Mussolini
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Eye Openers
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Tag Archives: Jewish tyranny
Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews
..But very quickly, the authors move from prohibition to permission, to the various dispensations for harming non-Jews, with the central reason being their obligation to uphold the seven Noahide laws, which every human being on earth must follow… [*gv: Christianity … Continue reading
Posted in Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, Jews-Juden
Tagged ethnic cleansing, Hate, Jewish tyranny, Jews, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites
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Scalar Waves Used to Control Us
“What a frightening world we live in - the devils have taken over… A very, very sinister method for mind control is via TV. In earlier days with Analog TV it went over the sound channel. Today with digital TV … Continue reading
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, New World Order
Tagged Enslaving people, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Torture, Treason, World domination
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Murdering Goyim For World Power
…With their secret accomplices, the initiated arch-fraternities of the Freemasons, Jesuits, Rosicrucians and other occult lodges, they have since time eternal, like vultures, pounced on the greatest in the host nations that they want to destroy or overthrow, very often … Continue reading
Posted in Jews-Juden, Occult
Tagged Jewish tyranny, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites
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Pentagrams*Pentagon*Freemason Power
German Video Translation Excerpt: Alexander Wagandt analyzes the Papal Symbols and United Power Signs as well as the other power signs in the world. I’ll translate a few important points. (The video is in German). Fundamental difference between symbols … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Deception, New World Order, Occult
Tagged Enslaving people, ethnic cleansing, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Torture, World domination
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Die Schuld am Zweiten Weltkrieg
UNTER BEARBEITUNG Dr. jur. et Dr. phil. et Dr. rer. pol. Franz J. Scheidl Wir wissen, daß wir besiegt sind und die Folgen der Niederlage zu tragen haben. Wir sind auch bereit, diese Folgen zu tragen. Die Sieger aber täten … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Deception, Defamation-Verfemung, Deutsche Kriegsgefangene, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Jewish tyranny, Murder, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, Torture
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Anne Frank Diary a Hoax
…without a question of doubt it must be considered as the 20th century’s biggest literary hoax…” *** Anne Frank’s Diary - A Hoax By Ditlieb Felderer Published by Institute for Historical Review, 1979 Published on the Internet by Radio Islam, 2005 … Continue reading
Posted in Deception, Jews-Juden
Tagged Deception, Jewish tyranny, Racial Hate against Whites
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In 70 Years No Forensic Proof-Faurisson
…Holocaust…For example, how had the members of a Sonderkommando or “special squad”, once the victims’ screaming stopped and a ventilation device was turned on, been able to enter “sofort” (immediately) what would have been a sea of hydrogen cyanide, and … Continue reading
Posted in Deception, Government Terror, Holocausts, Jews-Juden
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Treason
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There is a Death Chip?
…First they jump on the babies and the pregnant women. They are first to be treated with chips and Tamiflu. Many of the pregnant women in their last trimester are going to lose their babies, because Tamiflu is totally toxic. … Continue reading
Posted in Government Terror, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Enslaving people, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny
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Hitler spricht vor Studenten
…Das tiefste Wesen und der Sinn des kommunistischen Prozesses aber liegt in dem Versuch die aus verschiedenen Rassenkernen zusammengesetzten Voelker aufzuspalten und den bisher politisch und weltanschaulich fuehrenden Teil durch eine neue, in dem Fall Juedisch internationale Herrenschichte, zu ersetzen… … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Deutschsprachig, Jews-Juden
Tagged Jewish tyranny, Speeches
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Die Verheimlichung von Luthers Judenwarnungen-Lehrenfaelschung
…Luthers Entdeckung der Geheimschriften der Juden und deren Plan alle Völker zu vernichten, bewegte ihn später im Leben stark gegen die Juden zu predigen. Das brachte ihm den Tod “zur rechten Zeit” durch die Logen. Seine späten Schriften und Predigten … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity Christentum, Deception, Deutschsprachig, Jews-Juden
Tagged Deception, Jewish tyranny, Secret Societies
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Death of Benito Mussolini
…or how good men are killed by Communist thugs… The Americans turned the Italians over to the Communists, the Jews! Italy has never been the same again. The bodies of Mussolini and Petacci photographed by a US army cameraman … Continue reading
Posted in Communism Kommunismus, Fascism, Mussolini
Tagged Great men, Hate, Human rights abuse, Instigation, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Torture
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Genozide of the Germans in Russia
…We must know that the Genozide in Russia was driven by the Jews in order to be aware of what is done to us today. Our Jewish U.S. government is trying to silence Christianity and Free Speech, take our guns … Continue reading
Posted in German culture-Deutsche Kultur, Russia-Russland
Tagged Freezing to death, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, Theft, Torture
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Morden unserer Schoepferischen Geister
…Es heist also nichts Geringeres als ein Volk enthaupten, wenn man ihm diese Großen, diese Fähigkeiten seines Bewußtseins wegnimmt… In Bezug auf das Ermorden Luthers, Schillers, Lessings, Mozarts und moeglichen anderen schrieb Mathilde Ludendorff das Buch “Der Ungesühnte Frevel” mit … Continue reading
Posted in Deception, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Occult, Treason
Tagged ethnic cleansing, Great men, Jewish tyranny, Murder
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Martin Luther on the Jews
…You, Milords and men of authority, should not tolerate but expel them. They are our public enemies and incessantly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ; they call our blessed Virgin Mary a harlot and Her Son a bastard … if they … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity Christentum, Deception, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, Jews-Juden, Occult
Tagged Aryan spirit, Deception, Great men, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites
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Nuremberg Purim Feast
… It is as much a fraud as the United Nations Charter, and cunningly concocted by the same group of Zionists and their pawns. As Veale explains, it purports to create two new crimes against international law: “Crimes against peace” … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Allies-Alliierten, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Deception, Defamation-Verfemung, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Population Extermination
Tagged Deception, ethnic cleansing, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Jews, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Torture, World domination
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Detaillierte Grausamkeiten*Russen
…Ein in Gefangenschaft geratener SS-Angehöriger wird von den Rus- sen an einem Baum aufgeknüpft, 16 weitere SS-Männer mißhandelt und verstümmelt, indem ihnen Ohren und Zungen abgeschnitten und auf die Brust genagelt werden. (532)… Die Deutschen Soldaten kaempften strikt nach … Continue reading
Posted in Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Deutschsprachig, Russia-Russland
Tagged Hate, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Perversion, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, Theft, Torture
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Holding us for Fools*ISIS
…We call and E-Mail the embassies of the USA and Saudi Arabia, and we will POLITELY ask them, for how long they intend to support IS/ISIS/ISIL and Al Qaeda – and take the whole world for a fool…. ISIS Enthauptung-nur … Continue reading
Posted in Deception, Government Terror, USA
Tagged Action needed, Creating Chaos, Deception, Flase Flag, Government oppression, Instigation, Islam, Jewish tyranny
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U.S. Gesetz: Toete die Christen!
Der Plan die Christen zu toeten in den V.S. (U.S.A.) ist schon im Gesetz festgelegt bei den Kongress Juden durch Täuschung. Auf dieser Seite sind alle Artikel in Deutsch aber hier ist eine audio clip von der Ehefrau des frueheren Kongressmitglieds … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity Christentum, Jews-Juden, USA
Tagged ethnic cleansing, Hate, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Treason
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