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- Mass Murderers Point Fingers To Distract From Their Crimes
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- Jews Planned Downfall of Christian Nations
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- Jesus a German King-Hated by the Jews
- If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf
- Nicht Schuldig in Nürnberg
- Senator Joseph McCarthy
- Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews
- Scalar Waves Used to Control Us
- Lubavich Jews Setting Up Armageddon
- Murdering Goyim For World Power
- Vernichtung der Großen eines Volkes
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- Was Hitler Ueber Die Juden/Marxisten Sagte
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- Wie Stuenden Diese Leute Da?
- Horst Mahler
- In 70 Years No Forensic Proof-Faurisson
- There is a Death Chip?
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- Genozide of the Germans in Russia
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Tag Archives: Government oppression
Scalar Waves Used to Control Us
“What a frightening world we live in - the devils have taken over… A very, very sinister method for mind control is via TV. In earlier days with Analog TV it went over the sound channel. Today with digital TV … Continue reading
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, New World Order
Tagged Enslaving people, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Torture, Treason, World domination
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Pentagrams*Pentagon*Freemason Power
German Video Translation Excerpt: Alexander Wagandt analyzes the Papal Symbols and United Power Signs as well as the other power signs in the world. I’ll translate a few important points. (The video is in German). Fundamental difference between symbols … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Deception, New World Order, Occult
Tagged Enslaving people, ethnic cleansing, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Torture, World domination
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Der Geheime Zugriff auf unsere Gehirne
Es ist unglaublich aber es soll viele Opfer geben. Wir sollen schon seit einer Weile mit Skalar Wellen programmiert durch heimliche Impfungs chips, chemtrails, usw. und ferngesteuert werden. SKALAR WELLEN Mind control als Vollendung des Faschismus’: der geheime Zugriff auf … Continue reading
Posted in Communism Kommunismus, Deutschsprachig, Government Terror
Tagged Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Torture
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In 70 Years No Forensic Proof-Faurisson
…Holocaust…For example, how had the members of a Sonderkommando or “special squad”, once the victims’ screaming stopped and a ventilation device was turned on, been able to enter “sofort” (immediately) what would have been a sea of hydrogen cyanide, and … Continue reading
Posted in Deception, Government Terror, Holocausts, Jews-Juden
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Treason
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There is a Death Chip?
…First they jump on the babies and the pregnant women. They are first to be treated with chips and Tamiflu. Many of the pregnant women in their last trimester are going to lose their babies, because Tamiflu is totally toxic. … Continue reading
Posted in Government Terror, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Enslaving people, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny
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Where is Hercules?
The International Criminal Gang is taking over slowly (e.g., U.S.A., Germany) or quickly (e.g., Ukraine, Iraq) depending on the political situation and what they can get away with at the time. In the U.S. and Germany the takeover has been … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, New World Order, USA
Tagged Government oppression, Theft, Treason, World domination
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Von Was Wurden die Deutschen Wirklich Befreit?
…Zahlreiche Kinder, auch im zartesten Alter, erhalten nie einen Tropfen Milch, kommen ohne warmes Frühstück zur Schule. Als Schulfrühstück erhalten sie trockenes Brot oder als Aufstrich gequetschte Kartoffeln. Die Kinder gehen vielfach ohne Hemd und warme Kleidungsstücke zur Schule oder … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Deception, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten
Tagged Deception, Government oppression
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Genozide of the Germans in Russia
…We must know that the Genozide in Russia was driven by the Jews in order to be aware of what is done to us today. Our Jewish U.S. government is trying to silence Christianity and Free Speech, take our guns … Continue reading
Posted in German culture-Deutsche Kultur, Russia-Russland
Tagged Freezing to death, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, Theft, Torture
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Holding us for Fools*ISIS
…We call and E-Mail the embassies of the USA and Saudi Arabia, and we will POLITELY ask them, for how long they intend to support IS/ISIS/ISIL and Al Qaeda – and take the whole world for a fool…. ISIS Enthauptung-nur … Continue reading
Posted in Deception, Government Terror, USA
Tagged Action needed, Creating Chaos, Deception, Flase Flag, Government oppression, Instigation, Islam, Jewish tyranny
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Mitmachen! Aktion gegen Krieg
Wir rufen die Botschaften der USA und Saudi-Arabiens an, bitte HÖFLICH!! - und fragen nach, wie lange man noch IS/ISIS/ISIL/”Al-Qaeda” unterstützen und die Welt für dumm verkaufen will. Wir fragen, wir kritisieren - und wir beschweren uns. EINE WOCHE LANG. … Continue reading
Posted in Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Deception, Government Terror, USA
Tagged Action needed, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Instigation
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Mind Control-Gedankenkontrolle
Finstere Plaene - Das menschliche zu vernichten - Menschen in Maschinen zu verwandel …ja, es ist wirklich moeglich, dass die Gegen-Menschen so finster sind dass sie eine vollkommene Kontrolle von uns wuenschen indem sie uns sogar zu Robots machen… denn … Continue reading
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Enslaving people, ethnic cleansing, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Treason, World domination
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Vincent Reynouard
Wahrheit - Freiheitskämpfer fuer Deutschland - Franzose Vincent Reynouard - truth speaker for the Reich - Vincent Reynouard Wahrheitssprecher fuer das Reich und gegen die Luegner. He has lost his career and has several children. If you can support him … Continue reading
Posted in France-Frankreich, Holocausts, Revisionists
Tagged Enslaving people, Freedom of Speech, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Jews, World domination
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Bosnia Pyramids a History Threat
We whites were pyramid builders - Suppression of ancient history - suppression of prehistoric facts - Osmanagich: “Our society in the last few thousand years is a society based on elites and general public. Elites have everything. They have monopoly … Continue reading
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, History-Geschichte
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, White man history
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Soul Murder
…When one knows, like I do, that the Holocaust Religion has at its core the DESTRUCTION OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE, that the Holocaust religion is SOUL MURDER OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE, and anyone who is German is effected by this, … Continue reading
Posted in Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, Jews-Juden
Tagged Deception, Enslaving people, Freedom of Speech, Government oppression
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Stillstand in der Entwicklung, Bosheit, Gleichheit
Churchill: “…Ihr Ziel in diesem weltweiten Komplott sich der Zivilisation zu bemächtigen und die Rekonstitution der Gesellschaft auf der Basis eines Stillstandes in der Entwicklung, von neidischer Bosheit, und unmöglicher Gleichheit ist stetig gewachsen… Winston Churchill Entlarvt die Kräfte … Continue reading
Posted in Communism Kommunismus, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged ethnic cleansing, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Kill the Best Gentiles
The Jews, enemies of the German and white people, after the Talmudic principle: “Kill the best Gentiles” have done this and many more horrific criminal acts to us Germans with their evil helpers and ignorant helpers’ helpers up to this … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Defamation-Verfemung, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher
Tagged Enslaving people, ethnic cleansing, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Murder, Rape, Starving to death, Torture
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Holohoax! Free H. Mahler!
The Jews’ victim, attorney Horst Mahler. GERMAN - ENGLISH Die Juden muessen doch immer jemanden quaelen und ihn als Beispiel gebrauchen um anderen die Angst einzujagen. Deutscher Horst Mahler ist eine Haupt Zielscheibe ihrer perversen Quaelungslust. Frau Sylvia Stolz is … Continue reading
Posted in Defamation-Verfemung, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Revisionists
Tagged Freedom of Speech, Government oppression
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Deutsche Alleinschuld?
Die deutsche Alleinschuld am Kriegsausbruch „Der Angreifer ist derjenige, der seinen Gegner zwingt, zu den Waffen zu greifen.” Friedrich der Große Dieser Ausspruch des großen preußischen Königs trifft auf die Geschehnisse der Zeit vor dem l. September 1939 voll und … Continue reading
Posted in Deutschsprachig, Hitler-Adolf, Nationalsozializmus, Poland Polen, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Government oppression
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Truth is Mighty and Will Prevail? - …and historical truth goes by evidence, the most reliable kind which is the material relics of the past, because these are in principal quite independent of human emotions… CLICK TO ENLARGE, IF NEEDED On Firefox you can enlarge … Continue reading
Posted in Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Freedom of Speech, Government oppression, Human rights abuse
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Dr. Mauch*Deutsch
…Mit der Gen-Technik haben wir nun die höchste Stufe der Vergewaltigung der Natur erreicht. Wir erzeugen Produkte, die wir zwar als Pflanze bezeichnen, die jedoch mit der Lebenskraft einer Pflanze nichts mehr zu tun haben. Die Zelle kann die fremden … Continue reading
Posted in Deutschsprachig, Health-Gesundheit
Tagged Deception, Government oppression
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Communist Schemes to Silence Historian Faurisson …From November 1978 to May 1996 I sustained ten assaults, particularly at the Palace of Justice in Paris, where the guard corps consistently refused me any protection, in direct words such as : “We are not your bodyguards!”, or … Continue reading
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, Revisionists
Tagged Freedom of Speech, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Jewish Melitia in France …The victims of the 50 cases listed by Le Choc du mois, who number in the hundreds, suffered: loss of life, an eye put out, acid throwing, numerous hospitalizations, injuries followed by deep coma, lifetime disabilities, and serious post-traumatic … Continue reading
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Defamation-Verfemung, France-Frankreich, Jews-Juden, Revisionists
Tagged Enslaving people, Freedom of Speech, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, World domination
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Should the Jew Triumpf……For Yockey, the real tipoff that the people in charge of America and the Western world were not really leaders but saboteurs was found in the result of the World Wars, which were conducted at great sacrifice to the West … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, Jews-Juden, The West-Westen, WW I-Weltkrieg 1, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Enslaving people, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Usury, World domination
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It Will Happen*Depopulation? - It will happen*depopulation has already begun. We are all in danger… see what the elites have planned for us! And as a reminder video: “They are going to cull us.” …It’s going to put back into the earth … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Aggression, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Starving to death, Torture, World domination
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Putin Punishes Truth
Putin punishes truth speakers over WW2 to hide the Soviet atrocities. The Jews and Putin’s fear is that if Germans and other folks were allowed to open the Pandora’s box of Jewish and Russian crimes, the house of cards of lies … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Revisionists, Russia-Russland
Tagged Aggression, Deception, Geschichte, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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‘Multiculturalism’ and Oppression - Multiculturalsim is the final phase of a genocidal war against European peoples particularly aiming to annihilate the Germanic spirit of Freedom By R. Schleyer, M.A. 16 July 2005 [email protected] History After 1918, the enemy mutilated the political … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Bundesrepublik, Communism Kommunismus, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, New World Order, The West-Westen
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Racial Hate against Whites, Robbery, World domination
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Konzept Schurkenstaat - Um zu begreifen, wie das allergrößte Unheil der Menschengeschichte, die Vernichtung der Indianer, der Welt-Sklavenhandel, die großen Weltkriege und das Konzept des Schurkenstaates entstehen konnte, muss man wissen, dass das Weltenschicksal seinen Lauf nahm, als Jakob Barsimson am … Continue reading
Posted in Allies-Alliierten, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Britain-England, Communism Kommunismus, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen, USA
Tagged Action needed, Enslaving people, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Instigation, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Theft, Torture, Usury, World domination
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Aufstieg und Fall des Judentums
…Adolf Hitler sagte den Fall des Judentums schon voraus. Er sagte: “Wenn ich diesen Krieg verliere, so werden sie dieses Sieges nicht froh. Denn die Juden werden darüber den Kopf verlieren. Sie werden ihre Überheblichkeit bis zu einem solchen Grade … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Bundesrepublik, Christianity Christentum, Communism Kommunismus, Deutschsprachig, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen, USA
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Enslaving people, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Instigation, Murder, Perversion, Racial Hate against Whites, Theft, Usury, World domination
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45 goals to destroy America - …2) U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war. 3) Develop the illusion that total disarmament (by) the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength….some of the 45 goals to destroy America… … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Robbery, World domination
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Reinhold Elstner*Maertyrer
Reinhold Elstner ( 1919 im Sudetenland; 26. April 1995 in München) war ein deutscher Diplom-Chemiker und Kriegsveteran der Deutschen Wehrmacht. Aus Protest gegen die Verfälschung der deutschen Geschichte verbrannte er sich am 25. April 1995 öffentlich vor der Feldherrenhalle in … Continue reading
Posted in Bundesrepublik, Deutschsprachig, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse
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Golden Dawn Message
NIKOLAOS MICHALOLIAKOS’, Greece - Golden Dawn Message: …the ruling junta is selling off everything in our nation: our land, our religion, our history, and our present and our future. Do not be fooled: They soon plan to auction off the … Continue reading
Posted in Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Enslaving people, Freedom of Speech, Government oppression
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You Are Under Arrest!
“To stand up for truth is nothing. For truth, you must sit in jail.” ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn “How do people get to this clandestine Archipelago? Hour by hour planes fly there, ships steer their course there, and trains thunder off … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, New World Order, USA
Tagged Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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The Terror Upon Us -… stated in 1959… I here list briefly the first six of the twelve points: ( 1) curb the Supreme Court’s unconstitutional and illegal activities; ( 2 ) abolish the income tax; ( 3) abolish so-called Foreign Aid, “which is a definite Communist … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, New World Order, Russia-Russland, USA
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Verraten und Verkauft
NATIONAL JOURNAL Erstveröffentlichung dieses Artikels: 31/01/2014 - Quelle: NJ-Autoren Verraten und verkauft – das deutsche Märtyrervolk Deutsche Reparationsforderungen an die ehemaligen Siegermächte werden in Trillionenhöhe fällig! Das geschundene deutsche Opfer-Volk musste für die an ihm verübten Verbrechen auch noch Milliarden-Strafen … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Bundesrepublik, Communism Kommunismus, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Treason, World domination
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7 World Wide Wars (Pc)
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, World domination
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5 Despotism (Pc)
The PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION PROTOCOL No. 5 – Despotism 5.1. What kind of government can one give to societies in which bribery and corruption have penetrated everywhere, where riches can only be obtained by cunning … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Government oppression, Hate, Murder, Torture
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The Zionist Protocols - …To Professor Sergyei Nilus the world is indebted for the publication of this terrible book. Thus it happens that whilst Russia has been made the victim of Jewry’s undying hate, having been selected by the Elders of Zion … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Political Philosopies-Politisch
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, World domination
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Jewish U.S. Law*Kill Christians
…Your U.S. government can now legally kill Christians for the “crime” of worshiping Jesus Christ! A diabolic deception has been perpetrated on the American people… frankly unconstitutional – that it forces the American people to be bound by a set … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Christianity Christentum, Communism Kommunismus, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, New World Order, USA
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, World domination
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The Nameless War IV - …Now Communism is Jewish-controlled. If Marxist Jewry needed a device for securing the assent of parliament to a regulation like 18B, what simpler method could there be to achieve this object, without arousing suspicion as to the real … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, History-Geschichte, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, World domination
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The Nameless War III - …To accept unquestioningly the lies and misrepresentations of a Jew-controlled or influenced press, is to spurn truth by sheer idleness, if for no worse reason. To act on such unverified a basis is to sin against the Light. … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Hitler-Adolf, Holocausts, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Weimarer Republik - …Die Zahl der Insolvenzen und Firmenzusammenbrüche 1930 und 1931 steigt in großen Sprüngen und mit ihr die Zahl der Menschen ohne Arbeit. Zum Jahreswechsel 1931-32 übersteigt die Zahl der Arbeitslosen die Marke von 6 Millionen… L e … Continue reading
Posted in Allies-Alliierten, Deutschsprachig, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, History-Geschichte, Nationalsozializmus, NS Leadership-NS Regierung, WW I-Weltkrieg 1
Tagged Deception, Freezing to death, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Robbery, Starving to death, Torture, World domination
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Versailler Vertrag
1918 - …Eure Opfer und Taten sind ohne Beispiel. Kein Feind hat Euch überwunden. Ihr habt die Heimat vor feindlichem Einfall geschützt. Erhobenen Hauptes dürft Ihr zurückkehren. Im Namen des Volkes tiefinnigen Dank und nochmals herzlichen Willkommensgruß in der Heimat… … Continue reading
Posted in Deutschsprachig, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, History-Geschichte, Nationalsozializmus, NS Leadership-NS Regierung, WW I-Weltkrieg 1
Tagged Deception, Freezing to death, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Rape, Robbery, Starving to death, World domination
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What We Owe Our Parasites - …This man, a veteran journalist, held a position of importance in one of the lie-factories operated by the Roosevelt regime to keep the boobs pepped up with enthusiasm for sending their sons or their husbands to a senseless … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, World domination
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Great Mourning on the Black Sea - …Great Mourning on the Black Sea is about the ethnic Germans in Russia. At least 50% did not survive the Russian prisons because the purpose was their tormenter’s pleasure to destroy Christian Germans and to slowly bring them … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, Holocausts, Russia-Russland
Tagged Government oppression, Murder
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Polish Savages
WHERE WAS GOD? The partisans who ambushed the Germans and tortured them to death along with the German civilians were warriors in civilian clothes pretending to be harmless or even friendly. They were often Jews because all other men … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Holocausts, Poland Polen
Tagged Freezing to death, Government oppression, Hate, Murder, Rape, Torture
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Weine Deutschland Weine
germanvictims - Weine, unschuldiges Deutschland, weine!Weitere 44 Millionen fremdartiger Invasoren werden in dein Land geholt. Du wirst in deiner Heimat an den Rand gedrückt, am Ende vielleicht hingemordet wie vor wenigen Jahren die Weiße Minderheit in Zimbabwe gemordet wurde. ***** … Continue reading
Posted in Allies-Alliierten, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Bundesrepublik, Communism Kommunismus, Deutschsprachig, New World Order
Tagged Government oppression, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Schweinerei mit der Kriegsschuld - Eine Schweinerei ist es die Verbrechen an uns Deutschen und an unseren Soldaten zu verbergen waehrend sie sogar eine Wanderausstellung ueber die verlogenen sogenannten Deutschen Soldatenverbrechen haben; obohl die Deutschsen Soldaten die anstaendigsten von allen Soldaten waren in beiden, … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Bundesrepublik, Communism Kommunismus, Defamation-Verfemung, Deutschsprachig
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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From Einstein to Feinstein - …This is what the future has in store for you, for not really paying attention, for believing Jewish media lies, for concentrating on your toys and your highly paying jobs, and refusing to see where these lies were taking … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, USA
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Posted in Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Revisionistenhatz - hitler -Von der finanziellen und politischen Nutzbarmachung »des Holocaust« profitieren die Zionisten heute mehr denn je. Mit der Verhaftung der führenden Revisionisten der Welt, die sich den Mut auf eine eigene Meinung bewahrt haben und diese wissenschaftlich zu … Continue reading
Posted in Deutschsprachig, Revisionists
Tagged Government oppression, Hate
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Psychischer Mord - verstuemmelung und zerstoerung des grossen deutschen Geistes - Deutsche in Angsthasen verwand - “Deutsche” (anti-Deutsche) Politiker die den Verbrechern gegen das Deutsche Volk dienen …Der bekannte deutsche Staatsrechtler Prof. Friedrich Grimm schildert in seinem Buch „Politische Justiz” S. … Continue reading
Posted in Allies-Alliierten, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Bundesrepublik, Deutschsprachig, Revisionists
Tagged Government oppression, Hate
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Krieg mit Polen
…„Deutschland hatte eine Heeresstärke von höchstens 250 000 Mann einschließlich der Reservisten, keine modernen Waffen, keine Geschütze über 10,5 Zentimeter Kaliber, keine Luftwaffe, gänzlich veraltete Befestigungen. Die Marine bestand nur aus 15000 Köpfen, sie durfte kein Schiff von mehr als … Continue reading
Posted in Defamation-Verfemung, Deutschsprachig, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Poland Polen, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Government oppression
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Gezielte Verfemung - Hitler - Verfemung der Deutschen mit Luegen, Erfindungen, Perversionen, Halbwarheiten, Zerstueckelung der Warheit, auserwaehlten Bruchteilen einer Geschichte um die Deutschen ‘umzubringen.’ Die Greuelpropaganda im Kriege Nach Androhung militärischer Gewalt durch die Westmächte mußte die Weimarer Republik neben … Continue reading
Posted in Defamation-Verfemung, Deutschsprachig, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Government oppression, Hate, World domination
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Murder Germans Psychologically - endless psychological war against Germans with lies, hate, and defamation The psychological war after the war - excerpt in fragments from the German Book-banned in Germany because it speaks the truth- Die Sieger im Schatten Ihrer Schuld,” 1994, … Continue reading
Posted in Defamation-Verfemung, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, World domination
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Putin - what is he??? - …Fact is, Varovaya’s, as well as Putin’s, generation wasn’t even born at the time in question and all they “know” is the indoctrination with the history of the victors, which everybody knows is always phony, consisting of lies … Continue reading
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Defamation-Verfemung, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German POWs-Kriegsgefangene, Holocausts, New World Order, Russia-Russland
Tagged Freezing to death, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Starving to death, Torture, World domination
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Deutsche Machen Sich den Garaus! - Carl Fiedrich von Weizsäcker… Denn seine darin beschriebenen Prognosen, wonach die Löhne und Gehälter in den westlichen Ländern stark zurückfallen werden, die Arbeitslosigkeit drastisch ansteigt und die Menschen zunehmend unter Unruhen und Bürgerkriegen leiden, sind überaus schockierend und … Continue reading
Posted in Allies-Alliierten, Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Defamation-Verfemung, Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen
Tagged Deception, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Destroying the USA
Dr. Henry Kissinger New York Times, Oct. 28, 1973: “The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer”. “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at … Continue reading
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, USA
Tagged Government oppression, Hate, World domination
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Guenter Deckert
***** falls Fragen: [email protected] *** nicht weiterleiten - Buch verboten in Deutschland***”Der Fall Günter Deckert” - Pdf Guenter Deckert’s Neue Heimseite * July 17, 2015 2014 für Asylbewerber 550.000 Millionen Euro __________________________________ Januar 27, 2015 Auschwitz / Ocwiecim … Continue reading
Posted in Defamation-Verfemung, German POWs-Kriegsgefangene, Holocausts, Revisionists
Tagged Government oppression
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