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- Die Juden und der Kommunismus
- Zionistische Haßzentrale gegen Deutschland
- Death Squads and International Gag Orders
- Mass Murderers Point Fingers To Distract From Their Crimes
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- The Massacre by Jews In Spain
- Extreme Torture and Cruelties by the Jews
- Jews Planned Downfall of Christian Nations
- Esther the Whore Of Purim Slaughter
- It Won’t Happen Here? It Did Before!
- The Parasite Pt. 1
- Gentile Servants of the Jews Pt. 3
- The Biological Jew Pt. 2
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- Jesus ein Deutscher Koenig Gehaßt Bei Den Juden
- German Pre-Historic Questions (1)
- Jesus a German King-Hated by the Jews
- If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf
- Nicht Schuldig in Nürnberg
- Senator Joseph McCarthy
- Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews
- Scalar Waves Used to Control Us
- Lubavich Jews Setting Up Armageddon
- Murdering Goyim For World Power
- Vernichtung der Großen eines Volkes
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- Pentagrams*Pentagon*Freemason Power
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- Was Hitler Ueber Die Juden/Marxisten Sagte
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Tag Archives: Destroying America
In Grave Danger More Than Ever
I think president J.F. Kennedy is talking about the International Criminal Gang that has infiltrated every country. And this gang is driven, managed and paid by secret societies and their henchmen, who in turn are masterminded by the Jews. (primarily … Continue reading →
Posted in Jews-Juden, New World Order, Occult, USA
Tagged Deception, Destroying America, Enslaving people, Freedom of Speech, Government oppression, Murder, World domination
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Senator Joseph McCarthy
…Using new information obtained from studies of old Soviet files in Moscow and now the famous Vanona Intercepts—FBI recordings of Soviet embassy communications between 1944-48—the record is showing that McCarthy was essentially right… Senator Joseph McCarthy’s Charges ‘now accepted … Continue reading →
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Deception, Defamation-Verfemung, High Treason, Treason, USA
Tagged Destroying America, Government oppression, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Treason, World domination
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Lubavich Jews Setting Up Armageddon
If you have not gotten sick to your stomach yet, here you can: Yes, Hitler was right. He indicated that if the Jews win the world as it is will be destroyed, perhaps even life on earth will end. He … Continue reading →
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Deception, High Treason, Holocausts, New World Order, Occult
Tagged Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Enslaving people, ethnic cleansing, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Treason, World domination
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Cristopher Bollyn*Solving 911
Is this treason and terror? Italian Video about 9/11 - Building Construction Table of Contents Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World By Christopher Bollyn Table of Contents Updated June 2011 (The bold blue titles of the chapters and articles … Continue reading →
Posted in Deception, Government Terror, High Treason
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Destroying America, Government oppression, Murder
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The Bottom Line About Germany Every sovereign state is to be taken down and taken over by the Jews via their various military powers around the world who lick their boots. The Jewish Lubavich Group that has Billions of Dollars to spent every year, … Continue reading →
Posted in Allied crimes Kriegsverbrechen, Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Communism Kommunismus, Deception, Defamation-Verfemung, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Population Extermination
Tagged Deception, Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Enslaving people, World domination
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The World According To Jews
The insanity, decadence, and moral corruption that we experience is a direct result of Jewish control of the media and promotion of all kinds of perversions to confuse people and get them out of touch with who they really are. … Continue reading →
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Deception, Jews-Juden, Treason
Tagged Creating Chaos, Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Enslaving people, ethnic cleansing, Freedom of Speech, Government oppression, Racial Hate against Whites, World domination
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Paralysis Of The Will To Live
The American people have a fatalistic attraction to the Jews, like a moth is attracted to light. Writer John Kaminski has faced the devil. He knows the devil’s ways and has the skill to verbalize what the devil is up … Continue reading →
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Communism Kommunismus, Deception, Government Terror, High Treason, Treason, USA
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Destroying America, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Perversion, Racial Hate against Whites, Theft, Treason, Usury, World domination
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Liars, Murderers, Rats, and Thieves
…JEWS who have never saluted the American Flag are buried beside heroes at Arlington National Cemetery. Want a Nobel Prize, buy the Nobel selection- committee. Need an eminent JEW physicist, make a media hero out of the fraud Einstein… … Continue reading →
Posted in Deception, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Hate, Jewish tyranny, Jews, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, Robbery, Theft, Treason, Usury, World domination
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Jewish World Order!
“A Gentile observing the Sabbath deserves death … not even on Mondays is the Gentile allowed to rest — “A heathen who keeps a day of rest, deserves death … Their prohibition is their death sentence.” * * * … Continue reading →
Posted in Jews-Juden, New World Order, Occult
Tagged Deception, Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Enslaving people, ethnic cleansing, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny
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U.S. Overthrow Planned Decades Ago
by the Jews and their henchmen. They teach in college for decades that Communism is dead, when, in fact, the JEWS ARE HIDDEN COMMUNISTS A N D are just waiting for the right moment to let the slaughter … Continue reading →
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Deception, High Treason, Jews-Juden, Population Extermination, Russia-Russland, Treason, USA
Tagged Deception, Destroying America, Enslaving people, ethnic cleansing, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny, Racial Hate against Whites, Treason, World domination
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Jews Destroying America
…They have created, pushed and profited from pornography and perverse entertainment. The “Chosen” [*They are really the un-chosen by God-condemned in the bible and rejected by God unless they accept Jesus Christ.] make up 90% of all American pornographers. The … Continue reading →
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Communism Kommunismus, Deception, Government Terror, High Treason, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Occult, Race Rasse, Treason, USA
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Destroying America, Enslaving people, Freedom of Speech, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Instigation, Jewish tyranny, Murder, Perversion, Racial Hate against Whites, Treason, Usury, World domination
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U.S.A. is NOT a Democracy
Nor is Germany! The word ‘democracy’ means reign of the people in a state. That we people of the U.S. and Germany are not governing is clear. In fact, we are being mocked by those who rule us, the oligarchy. … Continue reading →
Posted in Deception, Government Terror, High Treason, Treason, USA
Tagged Action needed, Deception, Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Enslaving people, Freedom of Speech, Human rights abuse
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Michael Collins Piper Exposing the Jews
…He wrote many books exposing Zionism and the Jewish Conspiracy. One of his most famous books was Final Judgement implicating the Israeli government in the assassination of John F. Kennedy (exe Marrs)… Download this book and his other books for … Continue reading →
Posted in Communism Kommunismus, Deception, High Treason, Jews-Juden, New World Order, USA
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Enslaving people, ethnic cleansing, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, World domination
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Plots and Plans of the Jews
… “All Jews for one and one for all. The Union which we desire will not be a French, English, Irish or German Union, but a Jewish one, a universal one. …you must always consider yourselves members of a Chosen … Continue reading →
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Deception, Government Terror, High Treason, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Occult
Tagged Deception, Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Enslaving people, Government oppression, Instigation, Jewish tyranny, Racial Hate against Whites
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False Flag Fatigue
…John Kaminski - No mention at his trial of the many people who heard over the loudspeakers at the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon that a drill was being conducted; no mention of those suspicious men in khaki … Continue reading →
Posted in Deception, Government Terror, High Treason, Jews-Juden, New World Order, USA
Tagged Deception, Destroying America, False Flag, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Instigation, Jewish tyranny, Treason
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A Giant Cloud of Fear
…John Kaminiski - The new reality is grim and there’s nowhere to turn for help… AFTER ALL, OUR SOLDIERS HAVE BEEN TRAINED TO KILL US… By John Kaminski Created: 22 April 2015 Worse than methane, worse than chemtrails, worse … Continue reading →
Posted in Deception, Government Terror, High Treason, Jews-Juden, New World Order, USA
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Destroying America, Enslaving people, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Jewish tyranny
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Swindling our Children
…Common Core is a Soviet school system meant to turn kids into obedient robots no longer able — or willing — to think . . . and maybe none of this ever needed to happen… Swindling our children, sabotaging … Continue reading →
Posted in Deception, Government Terror, High Treason, Jews-Juden, USA
Tagged Deception, Destroying America, Hate, health, Human rights abuse, Theft, Treason
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The Gay Plague
…All societies coalesce on the basis of protection of one’s own children and property. Homosexuals and Jews sabotage this life-sustaining coalescence as they are motivated by their own pathological and physiologically deviant propensities… Insight into destructive forces determining the way … Continue reading →
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Deception, High Treason, New World Order, Population Extermination, Treason, USA
Tagged Creating Chaos, Destroying America, Freedom of Speech, Perversion, Treason
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Ziel von Multikulti
…Die Machtelite bereitet alles vor, um die einzelnen Völker zu schwächen. Vor allem hier in Europa. Sie zwingen das eine Volk durch Katastrophen, Hunger, Not und Kriege ihr Land zu verlassen und treiben es damit in andere Völker. Dann schaffen … Continue reading →
Posted in Deutschsprachig, Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher, German culture-Deutsche Kultur, New World Order, Race Rasse, The West-Westen, Treason
Tagged Creating Chaos, Destroying America, Destroying Germany, ethnic cleansing, Freedom of Speech, Government oppression, Jewish tyranny, Racial Hate against Whites, Treason, White man history
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Destruction Urgently Wanted
Utter destruction of society by the Jews! …Jew Nuhum Goldmann wrote in 1915, after WWI advanced for nearly one year in “The Spirit of Militarism”: “Destruction is the most urgent mission of the times. The total social structure of the … Continue reading →
Posted in Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Enslaving people, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse
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Zerstoerung ist Dringend Gewollt
Völlige Zerstörung der Gesellschaft wollen die Juden in allen Laendern. Man hat vor, uns total von unseren Wurzeln herauszureissen und es ist zu einem (großen ???) Teil gelungen. Mit meiner Nachforschung seit 3 Jahren ist es mir vollkommen bewusst was … Continue reading →
Posted in Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Creating Chaos, Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Enslaving people, ethnic cleansing, Freedom of Speech, Human rights abuse
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Education to make us stupid and robots… Charlotte Iserbyt, who once had the highest position in the government education system, discovered the purposeful destruction of the intelligence of our children - a communist plan… not only that… to rob us … Continue reading →
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Communism Kommunismus, New World Order
Tagged Destroying America
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Slaughterhouse 6
…People are declared brain-dead all over the world …But they are not dead. And they are not brain dead either because without the brain functioning the rest of the body will die immediately. So what are they?… *Women are aborting … Continue reading →
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Jews-Juden, USA
Tagged Destroying America, Hate, Human rights abuse
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It’s the Jews, Stupid!!!
…If you don’t see jews as being at least part of the problem, then you are seriously misinformed and wandering in extreme self delusion. …I and my children have received death threats from jews. My professional reputation has been destroyed … Continue reading →
Posted in Jews-Juden, USA
Tagged Destroying America, Freedom of Speech, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, World domination
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Satanismus Der Regierungen
… Sie haben wenn du so willst ihren Platz und werden genauso mißbraucht und werden auf Grund ihrer eigenen Ausrichtung und ihrer eigenen Neigungen misbraucht und werden dann natuerlich als Werkzeug in diesem System angewandt. Aber die Grundidee und das … Continue reading →
Posted in Deutschsprachig, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Enslaving people, Hate, Human rights abuse, Instigation, Perversion, Treason
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Annual Stormfront Conference
…”Whites want to preserve themselves and want the survival of the environment. It is as if we’re on the Titanic, an iceberg is heading our way but many people will not listen. Global Zionist supremacism is the greatest threat to … Continue reading →
Posted in Ethnic cleansing-Säuberung Deutscher
Tagged Aryan spirit, Creating Chaos, Destroying America, Enslaving people, White man history
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Satanism in Everyone’s Life?
…We have been targeted to become over-emotionalized to separate us from our TRUE feelings. …Many people are into various spirituality, practicing them faithfully, but are so split from themselves that they do not see what Satanic forces are playing out … Continue reading →
Posted in Christianity Christentum, New World Order
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Freedom of Speech, Perversion
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Purpose of Jewish Holocaust Lie
The Jewish holocaust and Hitler bashing is all a vicious Jewish con game to hide the Jewish-Allied crimes and hidden - yet right in front of our very eyes - takeover of the world. THE PURPOSE IS TO: *Distract … Continue reading →
Posted in Jews-Juden, USA
Tagged Deception, Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Enslaving people, World domination
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American Coma
“…The diagnosis is, the parasites have taken over, and they are as good as dead men…” How can you become conscious and save your lives? The only way possible for Americans is via the Truth about Adolf Hitler, the … Continue reading →
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, German Reich-Deutsches Reich, Jews-Juden
Tagged Deception, Destroying America, Murder, World domination
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Roosevelt Lied America Into War
Mr. Roosevelt said at Boston on October 30: “I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars.” …On the same day the … Continue reading →
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, USA, WW II-Weltkrieg 2
Tagged Deception, Destroying America
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Kampf der Kulturen*Religionen - Nordamerika, England und Australien werden in hundert Jahren – wenn dort nicht ein politischer Umsturz erfolgt – dasselbe Bevölkerungsbild bieten wie heute Südamerika und dann dieselbe finanzielle, wirtschaftliche und militärische „Leistungsfähigkeit“ wie die südamerikanischen Staaten besitzen. Teile der … Continue reading →
Posted in Deutschsprachig, German Civilians-Deutschzivilisten, Religon, Russia-Russland, USA
Tagged Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Enslaving people, race, World domination
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America: Hijacked by an Alien Presence …This endless series of foreign invasions that leaves so many innocent people dead leaves most Americans in a state of amazed frustration at the lies our government tells us to justify the gratuitous carnage it insists is essential to … Continue reading →
Posted in Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, USA
Tagged Deception, Destroying America, Enslaving people, Hate, Human rights abuse, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, World domination
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Skidding into Totalitarianism …We have as a collective society failed to take seriously the encroachments and deceptions of that mysterious group we sometimes call the puppetmasters, or the Illuminati, or the powers that be. A cursory investigation reveals that these groups are … Continue reading →
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, USA
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Destroying America, Enslaving people, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Murder, World domination
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Halt dem Kalergi Plan
…Ca. 35.000 Bücher wurden seit Gründung dieser BRD von alliierter Seite in dieser BRD indiziert, warum können fremde Länder bestimmen was in einem scheinbar “demokratischen Land” gelesen werden darf und vor allem… was nicht?… Rassismus legal – Halt dem Kalergi-Plan Posted … Continue reading →
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Deutschsprachig, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Enslaving people, Human rights abuse, World domination
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It wasn’t Arabs… - …It wasn’t Arabs who tried to steal my law practice - it was a jew. It wasn’t Arabs who threatened to kill my children and wife - it was jews. It wasn’t Arabs who threatened to kill me … Continue reading →
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Race Rasse, USA
Tagged Destroying America, Freedom of Speech, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Instigation, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites
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We Are All Terrorists Now? - …Are you opposed to abortion? Terrorist. Do you fly an American flag? Terrorist. Opposed to gun confiscation? Terrorist. Opposed to the expansion of federal power at the expense of State jurisdiction? Terrorist… * * * “Those who make … Continue reading →
Posted in Christianity Christentum, Defamation-Verfemung, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen, USA
Tagged Creating Chaos, Destroying America, Enslaving people, Freedom of Speech, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Instigation, Perversion, Treason
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Plan to Destroy All Sovereignty - …Ben Klassen abridges the Protocols: …With overbearing arrogance and supreme confidence the Jews tell us: “that goal is now only a few steps off. The old, long path we have trodden is now ready of close its cycle … Continue reading →
Posted in Christianity Christentum, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, USA
Tagged Creating Chaos, Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Enslaving people, World domination
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Survival*White Race
Survival of The White Race Ben Klassen Video - White Race Survival Transcript of above Video What I have to say in the next 40 minutes is probably going to shock you. It might even profoundly shake up … Continue reading →
Posted in Race Rasse
Tagged Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Enslaving people, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse
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Jewish Atrocities
Nature’s Eternal Religion: Chapter 8 — A Few Examples of Jewish Atrocities Listen to the Audio Book Here: Chapter 8 Transcription of the Audio Book from Throughout their history the Jews have committed millions of atrocities, most of which … Continue reading →
Posted in Jews-Juden, New World Order, Race Rasse
Tagged Aggression, Deception, Destroying America, Enslaving people, Murder
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Racial Differences - …The Negro Is Hyperaggressive. One function of the Negro’s lack of self-control is his hyperaggressivity. Urban dwellers know all about this, especially clerks at liquor stores and all-night gas stations, not to mention white prison inmates and white … Continue reading →
Posted in African, Race Rasse, USA
Tagged Aggression, Deception, Destroying America
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Democracy and Deception - Our cities, states and nation are poor in spirit. All else that is wrong necessarily follows. All but the most unredeemable two-party junkies know that our families and homes are now the only remaining bulwark against tyranny. All … Continue reading →
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, New World Order, USA
Tagged Deception, Destroying America, Government oppression, Human rights abuse, Racial Hate against Whites
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The Sutton Bombshell - 100 000 Americans have been killed in Korea and Vietnam-by our own technology… About 100 Soviet ships are used on the Haiphong run to carry Soviet weapons and supplies for Hanoi’s annual aggression… There was no such thing … Continue reading →
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, Russia-Russland, USA
Tagged Deception, Destroying America, Murder
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Jewish Atrocities Chosen by God - …Not only have they [the Jews] committed millions of atrocities throughout their history, flagrantly, and constantly, but they are perpetrating atrocities today, in Russia, in China, in Cuba, in Hungary, and in Germany, both East and West. In … Continue reading →
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Communism Kommunismus, History-Geschichte, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Deception, Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Murder, Racial Hate against Whites, World domination
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Red Terror for Americans? …Empowered by the Patriot Act, the Homeland Security Department could become a Cheka, and FEMA’s detention camps a gulag archipelago. Last year the Department made headlines by ordering 1.6 billion ammunition rounds – enough to kill every American five … Continue reading →
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen, USA
Tagged Action needed, Destroying America, Enslaving people, Government oppression, Murder, Usury, World domination
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If You See Black
If You See Black… Don’t Go Back! 27. February 2005 By Edgar J. Steele “Keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not … Continue reading →
Posted in African, New World Order, The West-Westen, USA
Tagged Action needed, Aggression, Creating Chaos, Deception, Destroying America, Hate, Racial Hate against Whites, White man history
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USS Liberty Crew Murdered - the USS Liberty Crew was attacked by the Jews - left for dead - and left behind by the United States military, purposely! In other words, the USS Liberty crew was murdered… the Navy has refused to come … Continue reading →
Posted in History-Geschichte, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen, USA
Tagged Aggression, Bombing, Deception, Destroying America, Government oppression, Hate, Honor, Human rights abuse, Murder
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How the Jews Stole the Church - how the Jews stole the church - …then, only a few years ago, it was suddenly shattered by an internal revolution, as sudden and drastic as the Jews’ Bolshevik revolution in Russia, and far more surprising to observers … Continue reading →
Posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus, Christianity Christentum, Communism Kommunismus, Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Creating Chaos, Deception, Destroying America, Enslaving people, World domination
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The Hate Industry - …The Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Hatewatch” fails to use objective criteria in determining which organizations should be labeled a “hate group”… out of this careless labeling a whole hate industry has sprouted… By Napp Nazworth, Christian Post Reporter … Continue reading →
Posted in Brainwashing-Gehirnwäsche, Christianity Christentum, Defamation-Verfemung, Jews-Juden, New World Order, The West-Westen
Tagged Aggression, Deception, Destroying America, Destroying Germany, Enslaving people, Freedom of Speech, Government oppression, Hate, Human rights abuse, Instigation, Racial Hate against Whites, World domination
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Takeover Going On! - Charlotte Iserbyt: …Deliberate dumbing down of America and Communist takeover going on - taking our land - getting our future generations ready for the slave labor camps by dumbing them down… Scalar Waves Used to Control Us Lubavich … Continue reading →
Posted in Jews-Juden, New World Order
Tagged Destroying America, Government oppression
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