October 28, 2014
I was thinking today… one can buy different kinds of adrenaline products in the health food store. It’s supposed to bring strength to the body. (I wonder how they get this adrenal?) As we know, adrenaline is created in the body of humans and animals when they go through extreme stress, terror, or are in the last battle trying to survive. It is also well known in German history, that the Jews kidnapped German Christian children and tormented them slowly to death to create a lot of adrenal in their blood. The Jews did this by stabbing them over and over again creating many wounds and sucking out their adrenal-enhanced blood to give the Jew a physical energy boost. The blood was often worked into their meal called Matzah balls. This was usually done in a ritual ceremony and the discarded children were sometimes found. Other times the children just disappeared. The child was alive through all the torment until it could no longer hold on. Imagine such unbridled cruelty! This leads me to conclude that the way the Jews are slaughtering animals slowly is just another way to create adrenal in the blood of the animal to enhance the blood of the animal with adrenal for the Jews. They cut the throat of the animal and it slowly bleeds to death. The animal struggles in severe terror to survive, therefore the blood will be swamped with adrenal and flows out to be harvested by the Jews. The life struggle can take a long time in this horrific slow death. I heard it can be something like 30 minutes for some animals. What unbelievable cruelty!
This is the slogan for CNN: CNN| The Most Trusted Name in News
I was thinking… their viewers must all be trusting idiots then!
“They” want to hide the fact what great and honorable men Germany has brought forth over the centuries. This is part of their plan to make the Germans the evil ones with their lies about a Jewish holocaust and Soldaten war crimes. Everything is one great defamation, deception and annihilation plan against the German people by the Jews and all the Allied governments! Why? Because the Germans WERE, IN FACT, THE GREATEST and were standing strong and in the way of the New World Order takeover plan of the INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL GANG! That’s why the gang roused “everyone” with money or intimidation to fight against the Germans with atrocious lies about them to help eliminate them. All of the media is fitted into this goal every day to distract from the real criminals, the International Criminal Gang and their millions of crimes against humanity during the 2 world wars and the many wars thereafter. TO DESTROY US GERMANS, THIS IS WHY THEY ALWAYS CLAIM US GERMANS TO BE THE OPPOSITE OF WHO WE GERMANS ARE. UNFORTUNATELY, THE GERMAN OF TODAY HAS ALSO BEEN RE-EDUCATED AND MADE TO THINK MORE LIKE HIS ABUSER WHO OCCUPIES HIS COUNTRY AND MAKES THE LAWS. This has also been done to the Americans but started much earlier, in 1914! This is why the Americans behave more like Jews than White Europeans. They have become part of the deception, with the exception of a few short breaks (J.F. Kennedy) and can no longer see themselves for what they have become. I think, German-Americans suffer the most from the Munchhausen syndrome as they adapted to survive in the U.S.A. However, there are always those who are in touch with their great white European soul that has formed them in ancient times. And they are not the ones who’ve got it easy in the U.S.A.
We Germans got a raw deal: The Jews stole our ancient history in Palestine and made it their own. We were the 12 tribes of Israel and the chosen people of God. Esus Kristus was our noble German king. The Jews decimated our forefathers in Palestine and made themselves into the 12 tribes chosen by God, even turning our German king into a Jew. In return for taking from us they gave us Germans much in return: They have dumped their thousands of years of guilt of crimes against humanity on us, making us into the evildoers with their deception. They have made us into their scapegoat and are glorified in return by the uninformed Western World as victims. Our world is so upside down that we feel sorry for the wolf now… never mind the innocent lamb?
Wir Deutschen machen einen schlechten “Handel:” Die Juden haben unsere Vorgeschichte in Palestinien gestohlen und sich zu eigen gemacht. Wir Deutschen waren die 12 Staemme von Israel und die Auserwaehlten Gottes. Esus Kristus war unser edler Germanenkoenig. Die Juden haben unsere Vorfahren in Palaestinia ausgerottet und haben sich selbst den Stand unserer 12 Germanenstaemme angeeignet. Sie haben sogar unseren Germanenkoenig in einen Juden verwandelt. Als Ausgleich fuer ihre verlogenen Taten gaben sie uns viel dafuer: Einen Buckel von Schuld! Sie haben uns ihre uebergrosse, tausendjaehrige Schuld wegen Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit angehaengt (z.B. Die zig-Milionen Morde in der Sovietunion nachdem sie Russland geraubt hatten) und nennen uns Verbrecher. Sich selbst verherrlichen sich als Gottes auserwaehlte Kinder, als die 12 Staemme, und das Palaestinia ihnen gehoert, und die angelogene Menschheit glaubt diesen Luegnern und Soehne Satans (das sagte Jesus) alles. Alles ist so verkehrt herum dass uns der Wolf leid tut… und wie steht es mit dem Lamm?
Have you noticed that “takeover” has been a major method in our daily life? As you can see from the Palestine history, take over originates from the Jews. They have taken over businesses of all kinds and sizes. “Hostile takeover,” they called it in Silicon Valley. Hostile is right as those who take over are hostile toward humanity! Only Mammon matters! Our country has been taken over by being indebted to the Chinese. Do you think they will come to collect some day? Our jobs have been taken over by the Chinese and other foreign nations overseas, and the same inside of the U.S. They are all growing, and we are dying. Our small business have been killed by global firms inside of our country. Most small businesses cannot compete. Our brains have been taken over by a lying media. What’s left to take over? Your life!
What do you think of the Palestine takeover? And the Iraq takeover? And the Afghanistan takeover? And the coming Iran takeover? When they plan to take over, they will!
Was denken Sie von der brutalen Palaestinia Machtuebernahme? Von der brutalen Iraq Machtuebernahme? Und die brutale Afghanistan Machtuebernahme? Und wie steht es mit der kommenden brutalen Iran Machtuebernahme? When sie plannen ein Land an sich zu reissen, dann machen sie es auch, wenn es auch 10 Jahre nur diskutiert wird.
For over 130 years now the Jews have transferred their guilt for crimes against humanity on the Germans with endless lying and defamation propaganda. Now the Western world loves the Jews and hates the white man! The Jews and their henchmen keep the hate aglow with the most bizarre stories about the Third Reich and its people.
Fuer ueber 130 Jahre jetzt haben die Juden ihre Verbrecherschuld gegen die Menscheit vertuscht, wie z.B., in Russland, und die Judenvebrecherschuld auf die Deutschen uebertragen mit Luegen und Propaganda. Damit liebt jetzt die westliche Welt die “armen” Juden und hasst den Arier, insbesondere den Deutschen! Die Juden und ihre Handlager lassen die Hassglut nie ausgehen indem sie die bizarresten Luegen und Verfemungen immer wieder ueber das Deutsche Reich und seine Menschen erfinden.
Brainwashing everywhere! The movie “The Godfather” was created as a smokescreen to hide the fact that the largest crime syndicate in the world is run by the Jews (according to Dr. David Duke). Whenever there is crime involved, blame it falsely on the Italians! They are the crime scapegoat and have quite a reputation by now. Whenever I used to meet Italians, I used to think of the word “Mafia,” due to American brainwashing. (Now I know better.) In the same way, whenever I saw Japanese, I would think of the word “sneaky,” also due to American brainwashing. The Japanese are the sneaky kind of scapegoat. (Here I now know better, too) Because of this I know that whenever they meet me, a German immigrant, they think of “gassing Millions.” We are the mass murder scapegoat. (And that is one of the biggest lies in human history!) It’s just the other way around, the Allies murdered 12 Million Germans purposefully AFTER THE WAR. Japan’s was not a sneak attack at all. Roosevelt knew what was coming and let it happen because he wanted to sway people to go to war against Germany. He even pushed the Japanese into this, it says in various documents. Germany never gassed anyone and neither started WWI nor WWII; all of this has long been proven but often forbidden to be told in many countries; so those with the control of the mass media keep lying about us Germans and therefore, they fool 90% of their audience.
Too bad for all of us that most of our white men are asleep. It would take all of us to stand up worldwide and throw out the criminals of our governments everywhere. I think all white people are in great danger because we are all of the same stock, Germanic / Nordic. So when they attack the Germans, the core white man who settled all the other white tribes, they are attacking you, white man! According to researchers of the Proto-Germanic times, this hate of the Jews against the white man (written down in their Talmud and in the Old Testamentt o conquer and destroy ) goes back to long before the birth of Christ and many of the tribes in the Old Testament are actually Germanic tribes. According to German research, the Germanic man lived in Palestine BEFORE the Jews came into the “Holy Land” (not “holy” but soaked with blood from ancient times and the last 100 years) and the Jews slaughtered all the Germanic tribes with the help of their god, Satan (that’s what Jesus called him-Jesus was not a Jew according to German pre-history), described in the Old Testament. If Palestine belongs to anyone, it belongs to the Germans because we were the “chosen” and the Hebrews stole our Germanic history. For example, the Hittites were Germans. But for the benefit of the Allies and the sheep-like historians, we innocent Germans are made into the mass murder scapegoat. Bah, bah, bah… After the Germans are eliminated in the heart of Europe via strife with the criminal riff raff they have imported into Germany, the rest of the white man is next… Just my opinion. I am just sick about how they can get away with this!!
Regarding Freemasonry and Amadeus Mozart… Freemasonry is Jewish. The non-Jew on the lower ranks is used as a stupid servant without knowing what he is REALLY serving; namely a crime syndicate! Surely, he will provide some funds in membership dues and donations for this international gang. Amadeus Mozart joined the Freemasons, perhaps to further his career? Any Freemason who steps over the line or does not comply is in danger. Cyanide causes a slow, miserable death. Mozart had no disease and yet he died slowly at a young age. Why did he die? What did he die of? Mozart wanted to do his own kind of Music. He did not want to conform to providing music glorifying the Jewish Old Testament as other ‘successful’ musicians did. Just wondering… was Mozart murdered? Whenever ‘THEY’ want to hide the truth, they create a false movie to tell a story to replace the facts. This is done about Germany all the time. In no way was a GERMAN composer of those days behaving like a silly boy, as Mozart is portrayed in the movie. And then “They” always blame evil on the Italians (character : Saliere). Dr. David Duke said that the greatest “Mafia” is Jewish and the Italian Mafia is a drop in the bucket.
Revilo Oliver was an insightful, highly intelligent, knowledgeable and sophisticated man with a vision (of what’s coming). “They” defamed him because he spoke truth about the conspiracy to destroy the white man. But read his writings and you know how great he is.
4 Verbrecher (Juden), Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin und Eisenhower haben sich die Alttestamentische Vernichtung der Weissen Rasse aus den Biblischen Zeiten, den Germanen/Weissen, ausgedacht. Sie dachten sich nichts dabei denn um sich selbst zu erheben, haben sie uns wie boese Tiere behandelt nach beiden Weltkriegen.
Die Menschenhasser klagen uns Deutsche immer an, mit dem was sie uns antun oder schon lange angetan haben. In anderen Worten, sie drehen den Spiess immer um. Das ist das Marxistische-Kommunistische-Bolshevistische System das sie schon seit Jahrhunderten anwenden und es laueft wie geschmiert weil wir dummen Menschen mitmachen. Es ist ein System das sie leicht im Kopf behalten und damit ihre Anklagen nach unseren Anklagen leicht formulieren koennen indem sie sie einfach umdrehen.
It’s All About Hostile Takeover - Robber State England (directed by an International Criminal Gang) took over the power in many countries and murdered Millions in the process. In the last century, with the help of the Allied union, it eliminated the great German empire in two wars. And after that England became so debilitated, world power shifted to the United States, but had already started to establish itself under Wilson. (A good trick by the International Criminal Gang who has the real power!) After that, Robber State U.S.A. has been at it for nearly 100 years to rape, rob, murder, and occupy. Country after country is decimated per order of the International Criminal Gang of which the U.S. and Israel are the leaders.
I regret to have come to this robber state U.S.A. Little did I know what this country is really about: Rape, rob, murder and occupy in other countries. The American public has no idea what’s going on. They are fogged out! Like children they have been occupied with an ever growing array of “toys.”
Since the U.S. has been sucked dry by parasitic management for 100 years now, and heavily indebted to China, will China invade and take our private land from us? After all, we cannot pay. Marshall law will take over all property. In the meantime, there is an ongoing slow invasion for decades now by primarily Chinese and Mexicans, but also Russian Jews and many others. Will these people who are taught to hate white people be sent upon us to rape, rob and murder us? I have great concerns! After all, the International Criminal gang arranged for such things in Eastern Europe, and Germany during and after the wars telling everyone to rape, torture, rob and kill those bourgeois Germans who have more than they have and therefore deserve this punishment. The Americans will not be exempt.
Why, I am wondering all the time, has it been acknowledged in the mainstream news that most cities in the United States are equipped with strongholds of “Mexican war equipment” including tanks, grenades and night gear? Why has it been acknowledged by mainstream media that our county parks and state parks are filled with Mexican mafia types growing Marihuana? Really? Is that what they are doing there? Why are they closing so many of our state parks? How can our government allow this??? How in the hell can they ALLOW THIS??? Are the weapons really for the Mexican mafia battles? I have not heard of a single battle inside of the United States. The reason is, it is not for the Mexicans against Mexicans. It is for the Mexicans against us Americans WHEN THE TIME COMES FOR TAKEOVER, white people foremost. Have you ever visited one of the Latino hate sites? They are communists and supported by the Communists in this country. I did once and never went back because they are very frightening; they want to eliminate us, is what they say and the one I visited wants to take back California. In San Francisco I heard in the demonstrations the Mexicans shout already a decade ago they want to take back California.
Why is everyone so focused on the blacks? Our real danger is the Mexicans. Not the American Mexicans who came here 50 years ago or more. No, it’s the ones after that that our government lets come into the United States illegally, every year by the Millions, right over the US/Mexican border. They hate us because we have more and want to rob us.
We are dealing with a MURDEROUS, HEARTLESS KILLING MACHINE, almost inhuman, a people who hate all people. And “they” say on a video (culling the population) that 90% of the population needs to be eliminated in this century. How about that?
Is stating facts and fears hate speech? In no way! Only for twisted brains!