DEUTSCH UND ENGLISH TEXT ON THIS PAGE: Aktuell-New - wichtige freie Information ueber das Dritte Reich und die heutigen Folgen, hauptsaechlich in Bezug auf Verbrechen gegen die Deutschen, Verfolgung der Wahrheitsprecher im Westen und dem Juedischen / Alliierten Gewaltsystem. THIS WHOLE PAGE GOT CORRUPTED - UNABLE TO FIX IT.
Russian painter Konstantin Wasilyew’s first exhibit was in 1976 in Russia. Leaving the exhibit with a friend, he and his comrade were axed down on their way home in a contract killing. He expressed his re-discovered Russian soul and Nordic ancestry in his art and was a great admirer of German mythology. He stated “The farther north people are from, the braver they are.” Surely that did not please the desert-dwelling Communist Jews who ruled and terrorized their creation, Soviet Russia. It was difficult for decades for Anatoli Dorin, an admirer, to exhibit Wasilyew’s art as constant obstacles were invented by the ‘enemy of the people’ to undermine the endeavor.
When is the crime against humanity going to be stopped? The Jews have planned and instigated to destroy the German empire, and they did. They have caused and driven the first and second world war. The have planned and caused many American wars after that, probably all of them. The Jews have, therefore, committed genocide against the German people and many other nations. And these biblical master liars run around and whine and call themselves victims with their despicable master lie of the 20th century, the Jewish holocaust deception, all the while making wars around the world and hiding their 66 Million holocaust against the Russian and the 18 Million holocaust against the German people in WW2, and so many more of them throughout the world. Just because someone has the money to erect monuments to something around the world does not make it true. Just because someone has the control of the media to spread information almost everywhere in the world does not make it true. And just because someone has the money and control to make endless “historical” movies does not make those movies true to history either. It’s about power, deception and mind control and not about truth. “Everybody” is licking the boots of the Jews! Why? What is wrong with mankind? How insane are we? Or how indifferent? Or does everyone need a scapegoat, the Germans, to make everyone feel they are good, after all, by seeing nothing, hearing nothing, and saying nothing?! Soon, we will all be slaughtered. Our last thoughts will be, “what fools have we been,” if most people will even realize then who has orchestrated their demise. It is still today as Jesus, the non-Jew, said to the Jews: “You are of your father the devil, he was a LIAR and MURDERER from the BEGINNING.” It’s a miracle that the Jews have not removed or twisted this line of the bible.
ALLIES = ALL LIES - how funny, they even admit it!
Click to read!
Germany is occupied for 70 years now by primarily Americans, Jews, but also Russians, French, etc. It’s a great crime against humanity, against the German people, to forbid them to speak up against the Jewish Holocaust lie and false accusations of war crimes. If they just only doubt the Jewish holocaust or speak against it, they will get a prison sentence and have their careers ruined. It is further a great crime against humanity, against the Germans, to indoctrinate German children with false shame for their parents, grand parents and great grand parents as them being accused of being criminals, when in fact, they were the best people society had to offer at that time. It is further a crime not to have been able to call any Allied soldiers to account for the Millions of murderous crimes they have committed against the Germans around the world, including the U.S. and South America; these crimes were rape, rape to death, torture, torture to death, starving to death, executions at will, mowing down people with guns and tanks, murder, robbery, theft, severe emotional abuse for 7 decades now, and so many more horrid things. All if the Allies murdered millions of our German POWs and Millions of Civilians. The Allies drove 20 Million Germans from their homelands throughout Europe, many of whom had lived there for centuries. If anyone wonders why the Germans say themselves “that they are guilty,” it’s because they have been indoctrinated with lies since they have been toddlers, and the way they deal with these lies is to distance themselves from “those bad Nazis,” by attacking them. This, of course, will seam very confusing to anyone who understands that the Germans did not commit a Jewish holocaust. Why do the Germans do this? Again, it’s because Germans will go to prison if they doubt the holocaust and there are many spies in Germany. I’m sure that even someone’s ex-wife might turn a German in, in order to revenge themselves. That’s what they have done to German honor: depraved it and murdered it. Furthermore tens of Millions of “Germans” live in Germany who are not of German blood.
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Verbotene Buecher in Deutschland
“If the Jews win, the world will lose its civilization, and life on this planet eventually will be extinct.” Adolf Hitler
And Marketing is not civilization. It’s sophisticated Lying. gv
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“The Illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little while.” Jew Henry Kissinger.
Listen CAREFULLY to what former Green Beret Sgt.Maj. Dan Page says - play it a couple of times. He says they are bringing special forces (which are always killer forces), from foreign nations into the United States by the thousands every week TO KILL US. That is one-world government!
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They are after our lifes any which way they can: The deadliest chemicals in our food, water, tooth paste, cosmetics and through medicine and bio-engineering; radiation and chemo as medical treatment; innoculation; radiation from microwaves, wi-fi, cordless and mobile phones, smart meters; Aluminum, Barium, and other deadly chemicals raining from the skies distributed by airplanes (chemtrails) daily throughout many parts of the world. Indeed, they treat us like insects.
- Plan to kill us: And here is the interview of Dr. Lorraine Day, wife of former Congressman Dannemeyer, who has discovered the Law instated in the U.S. by a handful of Jews, signed by Bush (a crypto Jew?) to mass-kill American Christians by chopping off their heads. As you know, it’s already forbidden in the U.S. Military to mention the name of Christ. You will be court-martialed. She explains how the Jews hide their Talmudic killing plan behind the Noahide “laws.” Guess who has taken over our government? Communists, and C0mmunism is Jewish. It’s the same “deal” the Russians got, killing off 66 Million of their citizens by the Jewish-run Soviet Union. It was all done “legally” by their Soviet government that determined what was legal, the Communist style. The Communists who have taken over our government, day by day decide what is legal in this country, against our constitution. Here is Dr. Lorraine Day:(this got corrupted - you can find her somehwere else on this website)
- A short synopsis of the Book “200 Years Together” about the Soviet (Jewish) Communist Killing machine:
- Solzhenitsyn - Russia and the Jews-pdf
- The Book by Solzhenitsyn “200 Years Together” with all its chapters intact (they are not in’s electronic version) that expose the Jews as the killers of the Czar, usurpers of Russia, the criminals and master killers in Russia “cannot be found anywhere.” I have not been able to find the hard copy book in any library near me. The libraries had it but the book was never returned.
- Here is another book by Solzhenitsyn. It’s about the death camps in Russia where most people never get out of alive. He survived. Number 5 is the one that is downloaded the most. I have not read the books; I have read other articles about the Gulags. My German family members died there:
- Gulag_Archipelago_5
- Gulag_Archipelago 1 and 2
- Gulag_Archipelago_3 and 4
- ________________________________________________
- Frühlingsgrüße
von Rosemarie
- May 29, 2015
- Deutsch-English. Film in Deutsch - Englishe Untertitel.
- Before watching this movie you might want to read the review in the pdf below to see what of Rommel’s life is and is not in the movie and how the movie failed or delivered.
- Desert Fox Rommel The Man and the Movie_pdf-4pg
- All the people of German blood in this world should get together and file a class action law suit against the Jew-Allies for 1) defamation since 1871 and 2) genocide of the German people, foremost in the Ukraine, Russia, Germany and Eastern Europe, not to mention in Germany and around the world!
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- The Exclusion of Jew-USA from prosecution in the international courts is another crime against humanity which has allowed Jew-USA to commit mass murder of millions of people around the world.
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- Truth Speakers are defamed, harmed, imprisoned and murdered. This can be done because the general public has become so selfish that they are nothing but consumers and running only after their own ‘happiness,’ not the happiness of their country or the future of their children. This consumerism has been planned and hammered into our heads. But it will not stop there. One day soon, I am afraid, the funds to go shopping will be cut off and millions of us will die a miserable death. That is part of the master plan that started with the Jewish Federal Reserve Bank, we poor creatures were lead to believe was our government bank. The imported foreigners of various races and illegals think they have come to the land of prosperity. But they have no idea that this so-called prosperity projected in homes and cars and a small parcels of land, belongs almost exclusively to the Jewish banks because Americans are indebted to the hilt. And that was the purpose of the Jewish Federal Reserve Bank so they can rob us each time they create a crash, be it a banking crash, a stock market crash or a housing market crash. This scenario is repeated in many countries around the world. The Jews are the richest people on this planet from the money they have stolen from everyone.
- May 28, 2015
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- From the website of Dr. Lorraine Day:
- Secret Pentagon Report Reveals
U.S. Created ISIS to overthrow Syria - Ferguson Protestors PAID up to
$5000/Month by George Soros - The Roots of Christian Zionism - video
- BOA tells its Shareholders to own
MORE CASH and MORE Gold! - Jade Helm: Newly Released Document Reveals True Intent
- TSA Demands Internal Passport for
Domestic Travel in U.S. = Communism! - Israeli Lobbyist Admits U.S. INITIATES
False Flag Attacks to Start Wars! - Microwave Crowd Control Weapons
moved into NV for Jade Helm - U.S. Intelligence Officer: “Every Single
Terrorist Attack in U.S. was a False Flag Attack.” - Hundreds of Military Humvees Heading to Cleveland, OH
- Immense Military Activity All Across U.S.
- NOT “just a drill” - Ebola - Government Psy-Op? Dr. Lorraine Day
- end: from the website of Dr. Lorraine Day:
- ******************************************
- Thought: Pointing out Facts is not Hate. It’s a necessity to identify the evildoers so that we can curb their evil. Otherwise, we are heading blindly into our complete destruction without knowing what hit us.
- Random Thoughts: As I go through the German YouTube videos and Internet TV programs, sometimes I could just puke. What the Germans have done to themselves, or rather what was done to them by the Jewish-US occupation government for 70 years now is difficult for me to watch. The Germans kiss the asses of the Jews and the Americans and constantly bring up the Nazis with derogatory remarks (all lies instilled by the occupiers) and flagellate themselves. This is so perverse, so un-German, so weak, and so sickening! The Germans had a gun held to their heads so that they and their children, starting in Kindergarten, could be forced to go through re-education training (de-Nazification) to turn them into Jews, Americans, internationals, men without a home, occupied by strangers who are abusers and users. Sure, there are nice Americans in Germany, but Germany is not America’s country, but Americans act like it is, and it actually is because it has been robbed from the Germans by the Jew-Americans. It hate what Americans have done to Germany. They have robbed Germany of its uniqueness, its culture, its heritage, and so much more. For someone like me who has awaken to what is really going on in this word, this is difficult to bear. If there are any Americans of German blood left who still have brains and are still in touch with their German soul and see the crimes of the Americans, I know their heart is bleeding, too. I know most German-Americans went underground due to the abuse they have suffered during the two world wars, including being locked up in concentration camps in the U.S.A., hundreds of thousands of them who lost everything. As a German immigrant (with American citizenship), I get almost no spiritual support from German Americans. Once they were the majority of American settlers, but now they are nowhere to be found. Such is the power of God’s un-chosen!
- Business in Germany: You might think you are dealing with a German of German blood, but in reality you are sometimes dealing with a German-born Jew. He could be of full Jewish blood, or he could be half German blood. If his mother is Jewish he is a Jew and lives by the hidden Talmudic laws of hate against whites. So don’t be so quickly judging a white looking German to be of German blood. Furthermore, there are many Slaves who look to some extend Germanic and over the last 70 years they were born in Germany and are German-bread but not of German blood. In the most powerful positions, you will usually find German Jews who are difficult to differentiate from Germans. Many Jews have blue eyes and blond hair due to centuries of interbreeding with the Germans. But the law stands for all who have Jewish blood and a Jewish mother, and that is the Talmudic law. There come great financial and social benefits to those who who belong to this clan.
- What the mainstream media hides: German Princess Catherine the Great of Russia, invited Germans around 1775 to come and help build Russia. Hundreds of Thousands went; many lost their lives on the horse buggy journey of endless miles to Russia or after arrival. The beginning was harsh and deadly for many because of deception about the conditions by those “agents” who solicited for the immigration and practiced usury. They distributed the land Catherine trusted them with as government agents. The Germans built Sankt Petersburg and the Ukrainian breadbasket since 1800 with their blood and sweat and were the inventors of more modern farming equipment. After 1900 the Germans were abused in raids by the Jews who lived in their German villages. Those Jews had acquired more and more government powers and turned t0 criminal attacks to drive people off their homes and land. Soon Millions of Germans were removed from the Volga, the Ukraine, and the Crimea and deposited far out in Siberia. Most of them did not survive. Then 2 famines were created to kill Millions more nearly 2 decades later and then again Millions more another decade later. In those days people had 10 – 12 children and there were thousands of German villages all over the west of Russia. Later came the executions and the dragging off to the Gulags of all successful farmers and middle-class Germans (and Ukrainians), Christian Germans (and Ukrainians, etc.) All these murderous rampages were committed by the Jews ordering Russians, Ukrainians, etc. to kill their fellow citizens. Then they were also killed to eliminate witnesses. In 1939, after the German population recovered, the average German soldiers arriving in the Ukraine were surprised and delighted to find so many Germans in those areas in Russia, and the Germans received them with open arms. The Ukraine started to flourish again under the Germans and the churches were reopened. As the war turned, the German military rescued as many Germans as they could from the Ukraine as they retreated first to Poland.
- Ghillany Dr.F.W.-Die Menschenopfer Der Alten Hebrer 1848-pdf
- Rein, Dr. Adolf - Die Wahrheit Uber Hitler Aus Englischem Munde 65 S. Pdf (1940)
- May 27, 2015
- Neue Medizin - Krebs
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- Diskussion: Heiko Schrang und Michael Vogt - Erkennen - Erwachen - Aenderung - Luegenpresse - sogenannte “Verschwoerungstheorien” koennen doch nicht wahr sein, oder???
- Die Anstalt (ZDF): Verschwörungstheorie goes Mainstream
- 27. Mai 2015 War da nicht was mit Xavier Naidoo, den Friedensmärschen und den von den Politikern übelst beschimpften “Durchgekanllten” und “Neurechten”, die auf den Besatzungsstatus Deutschlands hingewiesen haben. Nun liebe Leute, die Katze wird jetzt allmählich in den Mainstrammedien aus dem Sack gelassen. SHAEF-Gesetze, Besatzungsstatut und alles Drum und Dran, Überwachungsstaat, Die Rechte der Besatzer USA … hier kommt genau das, wofür man uns Alternative Medien gegeißelt hat. Was gestern Verschwörungstheorie hieß, wird jetzt zur lustigen Systemkritik.
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- Unverschaemt! Wie die Schleswiger Nachrichten im Mai berichten, hatte die Gema nichts besseres zu tun, als ein Seniorenkränzchen auszuspionieren, das sich von Zeit zu Zeit in einem Kulturcafé trifft und dort gemeinsam alte Volkslieder singt. Wohlgemerkt, keine Schlager, Kein Karaoke, keine Veranstaltung mit Eintrittsgeldern - sondern nur alte Volkslieder zur eigenen Freude. Die Damen und Herren sind nicht betucht, manche sogar arm, einige sogar dement. Dennoch bekam die “Leiterin” des Singkränzchens eine Rechnung von der GEMA zugesandt, daß sie 24,13 Euro zu bezahlen habe, denn das Singen von Volksliedern falle unter Tarifmerkmal U-V II + II2a. Und es sein eben nicht auszuschließen, daß die alten Damen bei ihrem Gesang Urheberrechte verletzen.
Die alten Leute sind traurig. Sie müssen das Singen nun einstellen, denn einer Auseinandersetzung mit der gnadenlosen GEMA fühlen sie sich nicht gewachsen. Die Gebühren können sie sich nicht leisten. - Hier der volle Artikel:
- _____________
- So ging es mir… ein Notaufnahmearzt sagte mir in der Notaufnahme dass ich Krebs habe weil ein gewisses Organ geschwollen ist - und das ohne einen Roentgenspezialist - nur “weil das meistens so ist” sagte er mir (meine Aufnahme war fuer was ganz anderes). Ich glaubte ihm nicht. Dann gings in the emergency operation fuer was anderes. Eine Woche spaeter finde ich von meinem Chirurgen heraus dass ich kein Gewaechs in dem Organ habe. Wollte dieser Arzt mir Krebs geben in dem er mit einen Schock gibt?
- Aerger, Schock bringen Krebs und andere Krankheiten
- Thought: How can there be a just God with all this injustice against the German race?! And where is God when the Ukrainians are getting slaughtered by Jewish arrangement, were was he when 66 Million Russians, mostly Christians, got slaughtered by Jewish arrangement? Where was he when 40 Million Chinese got slaughtered or starved to death due to Jewish Communism brought to Mao Tse tung? If we are all his children, then what kind of father is he!!! I suspect, the Jews know there is no personal God, and just made one up in the Bible, to lead us down the wrong path to get the better of us? And is that why they are so terribly behaved, so sexually immoral, so greedy and selfish, so cruel and murderous? If we do have a personal God, I sure don’t understand him!!! I ask him almost every day: How can you let these things happen? Free Will? Why did he not create men without evil? We would still have plenty to choose: Whom to marry, where to build a home, what to learn and teach our children, how to help others, and on and on!!! I do no longer buy the “free will (to do evil)” idea!!! It’s a really bad idea!!! How could a personal God have such bad ideas? A loving God? Not possible!!!
- Thought: From what I hear here and there, the Swiss, who are Germans, are prejudice toward German expats or visitors in serious ways: employment, rentals, hotel stays, etc. This is not because Germans are less skilled or do not pay their bills, but because the Jewish media has poisoned the Swiss people, thoroughly and for decades by now. Another reason might be that the Swiss think that if they dis-associate themselves from the Germans, the Jews will be ‘good to them.’ Oh what foolish white people you are! Your death is planned by the anti-humans, only a little later in the game. Listen to the legally planned death for the American Christians on my website. The Jews stir hate amongst people so they will hate, destroy or kill each other and further Jewish World Rule. Many of the shop owners, business owners, hotel owners, are, of course, Jews!
- Rothchilds funded both sides of American Revolution 5 pg
- Shifting Indian Alliances and Indian Cruelties and Love of War 3 pg
- Hitlers Observation about Jews 7 pg
- The 1943 Warsaw Ghetto [Jewish] Uprising 3 pg
- Synagogue Rising Advertisement 1 Pg
- Dark Age ‘Holocaust’ 4 pg
- More Plausible Eyewitness Account Concentration Camps 1 pg
- Mein Kampf Stalag Edition Advertisement 1 pg
- Heutiger Gedanke: Warum wollen die Juden die Deutschen vernichten??? Nicht weil wir ihnen etwas antaten, NEIN! Die Juden fingen nämlich mit den Russen und Ukrainern an und orchestrierten und befahlen den Mord von 66 Millionen bis 120 Millionen Russischer/Ukrainischer/Deutscher Adligen, Elite, Mittelklasse und erfolgreiche Bauern (Kulaken) in Russland, Ukraine, Crimea, Sibirien. Dann ging das Schlachten und Sterben im Gulag sogar bis zu den ärmsten Russen / Ukrainer runter. Dann zu den deutschen gefangenen Soldaten und Zivilisten in Russland, Polen, usw. Es ist wegen dem Jüdische Gesetz von Satan. (Die Juden geben zu ihr Gott ist Satan). Das Jüdische Gesetz im “heiligen” Buch, dem Talmud, nach dem die Juden heimlich nur leben, gebietet: “Vernichtet die Besten der Nichtjuden.„ Ja, es ist wahr, wir Deutschen waren die Besten! Deshalb sind wir dran, schon seit 1871. Dann kommen die Nächstbesten dran, das sind alle Weißen. Seit Jahrzehnten läuft die Vernichtung beider aber parallel. Die Methoded schon seit Jahrhunderten ist das eigene Blut gegeneinanderzuhetzen um sich gegenseitig zu vernichten, also (damals alle fast weiße) Amerikaner, Franzosen, Engländer, Russen usw. gegen die Deutschen, denn die Juden opfern ihr Leben nicht an der Front, das ist eine Lüge. Wenn das nicht ausreicht, dann alle anderen. Ja, als Generäle arbeiten sie im Krieg, ganz hinten, verborgen, und kommen nur zum Schein wenn sich die meisten Soldaten auf beiden Seiten gemetzelt haben. Um die Deutschen die übrig blieben und die als Sklaven für die Alliierten und Juden arbeiten, langsam vollkommen auszurotten, quält man sie psychisch schon seit 70 Jahren und hetzt die ganze Menschheit mit ihren Holocaust Lügen auf sie auf um vielleicht einen weiteren Krieg gegen sie vorzubereiten. Und die weitere Frage ist, warum haben die Deutschen so viel Krebs? Mir wurde von einem Juden Arzt gesagt ich habe Krebs und es stellte sich heraus ich habe kein Gewächs. Man weis dass der Schock Krebs auslösen kann. Das wollte er mir damit antun. Weiterhin hörte ich vor ein paar Tagen von jemanden den ich nicht weiters kenne, dass man ihr in Deutschland sagte sie habe Krebs um sie zu schockieren. Es stellt sich heraus es ist gar nicht war. Wie viele Deutsche werden in Deutschland mit der mörderischen Krebsbehandlung vernichtet während sie keinen Krebs haben??? Die Ärzte können Krebs nicht heilen denn genausoviele Ärzte wie Patienten sterben an Krebs! Das macht ja alles klar! Die einzige Hoffnung für Heilung ist Leben rigoros umstellen und denn Körper fast ganz Alkalin machen, das ist Gemuese und Obst, viel davon roh, und den Stress sofort loswerden. (Dr. Lorraine Day, USA)
- “Man soll die Weißen loswerden auf jeglich Art wie man kann.” Schon in den 80iger Jahren - Harvard Professor.
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- Um ihn zu entbloessen, jetzt muss ich diesen Mann Leonard Coldwell, anscheinend geborener Bernd Klein in 1958 in Deutschland (Jude?), doch erwaehnen, auch um seine Falschheit und Gemeinheit ueber uns Deutsche zu zeigen. Auf dem deutschen Interview redet er wie ein Unschuldiges Lamm, auf einem Englischen video sagt er dass die Deutschen Millionen von Juden in der Schauer vergast haben. (Als ob man so was koennte!) Der ist entweder ein Deutscher der gehirngewaschen wurde oder er ist ein Jude. Wenn ich mir sein Englisch anhoere, so hat es keinen Deutschen Akzent sondern est scheint mir ein Israelisches Azkent zu sein. Er hat wohl eine gute Weile in Israel verbracht? Nach dem Aussehen nach koennte ein Teil der Eltern Deutsch sein. Mit diesen Anklagen und seinen anscheinend Israel Verbindungen ist er anscheinenend so steinreich geworden. Ueber 2 Millionen Menschen sahen sich das Englische Gesundheitsvideo an wo er die Deutschen anklagt. Es ist verheerend was man uns Deutschen antut. Es wird gezielt gemacht um uns weiterhin zu vernichten. Wir Deutschen sind unschuldig! Die Alliierten und Juden sind die Verbrecher!
- May 26, 2015
- China: Ein Krieg mit den USA Unvermeidlich
- German Population - High Death Rate
- Polizei Oslo - Wir haben die Stadt verloren
- The Allied Thought Police to Control German Minds-Eisenhower was a Jew in disguise and extremely cruel
- Who gives a hoot about the Jewish Liars?! The manipulation of our society by the Jews playing their own version of “history” in Hollywood for decades now, demanding attention from the stupid goyim (they call us cows and oxes), who pay money to the Jews to be able to watch the Jewish lie stories, has no end to it. Movie trick: Emotions triggered by a plot full of lies, will stick forever as truth. Such is the power of Satan. One inch at a time, one year after another, one decade following another, century after century, the Jews have been and continue to spread their lies through their media power, as they did already over 150 years ago. Anyone who sees Hollywood movies, in my opinion, is a fool working on becoming a complete idiot and pervert.
- May 24, 2015
- May 23, 2015 - Sehr gutes video ueber Krebs - Wir koennen unseren Stoffwechel heilen. Krebs kommt vom falschen Stoffwechsel. Es uebereinstimmt mit vielem das ich von Dr. Lorraine Day gelernt habe welche sich selbst von “last stage” Krebs geheilt hat:
- May 22, 2015
- “Have a nice weekend”- from visitor Katja
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- Lexikon der Revisionisten-Geburt-Taetigkeit-Todestag
- Das Programm Der N.S.D.A.P.1928 4S- pdf
- Feder Gottfried-Das Programm Der Nsdap Und Seine Weltanschaulichen Grundgedanken 169.Auflage1935_65S.pdf
- Kritik-Folge Nr. 38 - Wilhelm Staeglich - Das Institut fuer Zeitgeschichte - Eine Schwindelfirma-pdf
- Die Reden Hitlers Fuer Gleichberechtigung Und Frieden 1934_90S.pdf
- Die Reden Hitlers Am Reichsparteitag 1933_1934_27 -pdf
- Bouhler Philipp-Der Grossdeutsche Freiheitskampf-Reden Adolf Hitlers-Band_2_1941152S.
- Bouhler Philipp-Der Grossdeutsche Freiheitskampf-Reden Adolf Hitlers-Band_3_1943138S.
- The Lightning And The Sun-pdf
- Gold-in-the-Furnace-Savitri-Devi-1952-pdf
- Beweis - keine Gaskammern - click
- 1001-Quotes-By-and-About-jews-Willie-Martin
- Jews in the 1930s in Russia-Solzenitzhyn-pdf
- Jewish-Genocide-of-Armenian-Christians-Bjerknes-2006-pdf
- It is tough to dig up the truth. It’s painful and disturbing, but so are the lies. First one watches something or reads something and sees some truth that hits the nail on the head; one gets all exited… but then, all of a sudden, the lies come. They are usually carefully woven into the media, not always detectable for the average citizen who is not familiar with the subject. But those of us who are familiar with many of the lies, we usually see them right away and are filled with disgust. Disgust, is what I have experienced watching one of Dr. Leonard Coldwell’s videos. First I watched a video by him on health and self-empowerment and got all exited. Then I saw a video, where he blatantly says Germans gassed Jews, and explains how they did it. In the showers! What a bunch of insanity! Other Jews say the Jews got killed in the “oven,” and “puff” they were gone within seconds. Do you know how many degrees that would take? THE JEWS ARE PLANNING TO KILL THE WHITE RACE BY INSTIGATING RACIAL WARS. AND THIS HOLOCAUST LIE WILL BE THEIR LYING EXCUSE. There is not end to lies the crimes that Bolsheviks / Communists enjoy committing. And do not overlook, Communism is Jewish!
- Newsletter 868 Nicholas Kollerstrom-Breaking the Spell
- Dedicated to the many courageous individuals who sacrificed their livelihoods in furtherance of the truth.
- First-Holocaust-Don-Heddesheimer-2003-pdf
- About Dr. Leonard Coldwell, I just watched one of his other videos, and am finding out he is saying horribly lies about the Nazis and Germans gassing Jews. He is most likely a Jew. According to Wikipedia, he apparently was born in Germany, has changed his name several times according to Wikipedia, speaks natural German, but does not have a German accent in the U.S., sounds more like an Israeli accent, to me. I PERSONALLY would never trust treatment from him after hearing him say the false accusations about the German “Nazis” which have never been proven. I have removed him from my website.
- May 21, 2015
- The Most lied about Man in History - Nazi Germany in a Nutshell
- May 21, 2015
- Jew/USA-occupied German government thinks nothing of dragging a truth speaker in her 80s, Ursula Haverbeck, to court over and over again. She was a teenager/young lady during National Socialist times. She tried to go around directly denying the Holocaust by asking the authorities over and over: “Where is the proof and where are the dead bodies/skeletons?” without ever getting an answer. And in court in Germany, and many countries in Europe, there is no defense for anyone who even has scientific proof that the Jewish Holocaust does not exist. Defense is NOT ALLOWED. This is a Communist court method, just like in Nuremberg DEFENSE OF THE GERMANS WAS NOT ALLOWED! The Jewish Holocaust denial conviction is a Slam Dunk because the Jew-USA rules Germany.
- Francais - Deutsch - English
- FR= en français DE = auf deutsch ENG = in English
- Frau Ursula Haverbeck
- May 20, 2015 - Jews everywhere are getting into the “good guy - bad guy” con game to cover their criminal tracks for the past, the present and the future.
- - Lying to and deception of the non-Jews by the Jews is the law by the “Holy” Book of the Jews, the Talmud, by which they only live. They do not live by the Old Testament - that’s only used to con U S. The Talmud gives them the hidden meaning behind the Old Testament, mostly re-written and debased by the Jews with the tribes and stories already in the bible turned on their head. With that kind of “holiness” they have conned us out of our gold, our land, our retirement funds, our love of our white race, our government “by the people and for the people,” our hope and the happiness and security of our children. -
- May 20, 2015 - I think this guy is not believable. How stupid do they think we are? Well most of us have been made stupid! They long knew what damage cell phones wold cause. They did it to harm us on purpose, making people sterile and damaging their brains, and to make money at it. I have woken up when I woke up over the lies about Germany. When you realize truly, with no uncertainty, how they lied/lie about Germany for 100 years and longer now, and the millions of heinous crimes and murders they have committed against the Germany people and hiding them, then you will face the fact what kind of criminals they are. You will see what kind of liars they are, you’ll see all the deceit in the U.S., in Germany today for 70 years now, and in the world. It’s all the same game and same gang, just different “theaters,” as they coined it. It’s a game to them! But they play Chess and we play Checkers.
- Is WIFI making your child sick? (an article that was shut out by the North American News outlets).
- Random Thoughts: Knowing the truth about Germany is the core to waking up because it sharpens the mind and alerts to most of the other lies. Adolf Hitler was Jesus Christ as modern man, loving, just, and sacrificing himself for his sheep, the German people. The Jews (Satan’s servants) were the deceivers and murderers of the German people in the Ukraine and in Germany, long before Adolf Hitler became chancellor, and he came to rescue them. It is possible that they even murdered him, Goebbels and the women and children and are hiding that, so that Hitler would not have a martyr status in the world’s eyes. But he already was at the time when he took over Germany because he and his inner circle were already then tormented by the International Criminal gang, of which most were Jews.
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- I totally agree with “Truth For Germans” on this article about David Irving:
- The Problem with David Irwing and what he calls authentic and false!
- May 19, 2015
- Good night again, Ukrainian angels. Good night Russian Angels. May you be protected!
Random thoughts: Beware of “them,” the “I can help you out, type” or “my buddy can help you out” with a loan, of course. The trick is ALWAYS to get us a loan, get us indebted, get us a credit card, get us to spend more than we can afford. Live now, pay later! Then when tough times come, we lose our job or there is illness in the family, we can lose our car, or our home, or our business, or all of it. We then might be enticed to do something slightly illegal to make some money we desperately need. And “they” know about it. And before we know it, we are in deep trouble and go to jail. It’s all been done before, millions of times. It’s capitalist game plan number 1. (Behind it hides Communism because we will end up with nothing at all when they come to get us.) The lending has been done to our government, too. And now we are so indebted they could take away the best pieces of government land because our government cannot pay back the debt. That’s where “they” will probably live, prime, unspoiled and unpolluted land. It was set up this way to steal the best things from us. Have you ever asked yourself why there is government land? Why they have a seed bank, which contains, most definitely, pure seeds without the chemical injections? And then there are the Jews who print money at will as if it were toy money. That’s it. And they “loan” money to our government - that’s us, because we and our children and children’s children will have to pay it back in the form of taxes - and they demand a high interest rate for it. But our government cannot pay it back any longer, and we pay interest upon interest and the debt ever increases by the minute so that now we owe the money printers trillions, and taxes are ever increased. And our collateral is our land, our institutions, all of our government and PRIVATE property by NOW. ONE OF THESE DAYS, IF WE DO NOT STOP THESE THIEVES, THEY WILL TAKE ALL OUR LAND AWAY, INCLUDING OUR HOMES AND CARS. That’s MARTIAL LAW, but they will call it some deceptive other term. Then we’ll have no place to live, and they will stick us into the FEMA camps where the killing begins, a few at a time, then more and more. Then new loads of “terrorists” will be shipped there. Just like in Russia. From what I gather, it’s all been planned this way. It’s just my conclusion from all my research; I am not in the KNOW. We are nothing but cattle to them. They say so! I do not know what the situation really is with the FEMA camps, but the death camps existed in Russia. (Not in Germany! Those Jewish liars) Those were death camps for Millions of successful farmers and elite and middle class of the country, later also for the poorest of them, to get rid of most of these people by working and starving them to death because new trainloads of them kept coming in. Millions of German soldiers also died there. The death camps were not run by the Germans. They were in Russia, and they were not run by Germans but by Jews. For executioners the Russians and Chinese were used. In other words, the Russians had to kill their fellow citizens. When they ran out of Russians, they used Chinese. Then all the execution workers from the Police and Military were also killed. It went on and on until 66 Million were slaughtered because it would bring the Jews closer to world power. Do you think they care more about us because we speak English, or something? I know I say very scary things that sound insane. That’s because these people are insane, criminal insane. I can’t repeat the warning often enough. Please read my website and wake up to the fact that “they” have stolen your country, wherever you live! In some cases, they did it with making war against your country, robbing, raping and murdering, and then indebting your governments, practicing USURY. What they have done to the Germans for 100 years now, gives you the answers as to what they are doing/will do to your country. It’s always the same scheme and the same schemers. Sure, the Germans are mostly silent because they have been gagged by the Jews since 1945. Those who speak up, lose their career, go to prison, and might even be “suicided.” The Jews have trained, hiding behind the scene, millions of people around the world in Communism: Kill the upper class and middle class. Mexicans, South Americans of all types, Russians, Chinese, Americans, American Muslims, Africans, etc. These people believe that anyone who has a comfortable home and a tiny piece of land it sits on, a couple of cars and a decent job HAS IT BECAUSE THEY ROBBED IT FROM THE COMMUNISTS. They will have no qualms to kill us. This to me is the reason why most of the SPECIAL FORCES they have brought into the United States are from Eastern Europe, where people grew up in Communist ways and poverty, but they look like us and are not easily detected. They are full of hate against us, especially since the U.S. has robbed many of those countries over the last 100 years. It’s all been set up this way by the “long-range thinkers.”
- ______________________
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- From: Old Fritz Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2015 5:32 PM To: Admin Subject: Why does the US government treat Military Veterans like Human Garbage? Hello Brian, (not … They are treated like human garbage by the US government, because they are YES-men of the system and do not fight it: german victims: Hi Fritz, I think the answer could be this: They want to discourage American citizens, especially whites, from joining because they want to hire Israeli and other foreign mercenaries so they can turn them against us U.S. citizens, if there is a revolt and have us killed! I do not have any trust anymore in this foreign Jewish-USA government. It is NOT a government “by the people and for the people.” It’s a government for the Jews who want to destroy us.
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- gv: Imagine you are a teenager and you do not know where your father and mother work, but they are busy and gone a lot. They used to have stable jobs you knew about, but things have changed. Still, they have lots of money, you live in a beautiful home, and your parents have many parties and buy you almost all the things you want as a child and young adult. Sometimes you wonder how they can afford all these things since you do not know where the money comes from. As you get older, you wonder more. You hear things through the grapevine here and there about your parents robbing others, no, not house to house, financially, supposedly even hire people to kill others whose property they want. But yet, you do not want to ask. You do not want to make your parents uncomfortable. You, yourself are uncomfortable asking. How could you dare to make such assumptions? They might drive you out of the home or give you a severe beating. It’s all about feeling good and not stirring up anything uncomfortable. And besides, you enjoy all those wonderful things, the big house, the cars, the boat, the parties, the good neighborhood, the private school, and all the teenage “toys.” Time goes by and your consciousness nags on you, and yet you say nothing, ask nothing, don’t check into things… you could lose your parents’ love and those material things you possess, and you would not want this. The quiet little voice is shoved aside, stuffed down with an expensive ballgame ticket. To further silence the nagging voice, you blame it on the people who have been robbed… saying to yourself, they are probably just bad people anyway, probably rob others, too, or my parents would not do this to them. Besides I don’t believe that my parents would do such a thing. Father went to Harvard and mother to Stanford. They are educated people. They know what’s right. They do not allow us children to lie… …. to them. They get furious when we do and come down hard on us. Then you get busy again with being chauffeured around to your sports games, friends’ parties and on and on it goes. By now your denial is so ingrained that you have become a softy. You lie more and more to hide the truth to yourself and others. You have fun in your lies and have become a show off. “Having fun” is everything to you. Having more entertainment and goods is the world to you. Anyone who challenges your comfort level is rejected, attacked or stabbed in the back. When you are in your 30s, you still act the same way, like a child who wants security at any price. You do not ask or challenge anything that looks suspicious. No! You were taught in school not to stir up trouble. You learned at work not to stir up trouble (insisting on truth and honesty), or you will get fired. The still small voice has disappeared. You pretend that “all people are essentially good, no matter what.” “All people deserve a second chance.” “All people are your brothers and sisters,” as long as they do not break into YOUR home and kill YOUR family and rob YOU. You have a job, buy a house and find out what your tax deductions are. You search how else your government can serve YOU. Your military will go out and protect you, by going to other lands and killing those bastards! Every few years your government goes out and robs and kills and tortures Millions of people, occupies a foreign country here and there, but you and your friends keep getting loans and credit cards from the same people who created those wars, the International Criminal Gang, to buy and buy some more. And your crooked government keeps getting credit, too, signing away its land and property as collateral to a bunch of crooks that print money out of thin air. Many young Americans die in the wake of these robber convoys. You fly the flag on the 4th of July, and you live by “your values” as long as the money flows in. As far as you know, the American mission is to rid the world of evil people, those other ones, far away. If there isn’t a war going on by your government for evil creatures to be rotted out and you screaming, “Yeah” “Yeah”, you have always “entertainment” to fall back on and can gorge yourself on your self-righteousness by watching a movie or reading an article about the so-called most evil people in the world, those so-called Nazis, those Germans and their Hitler. Yeah! Those were the “badest” of them all! You have become a TRUE AMERICAN! AND YOU HAVE BEEN FULLY BRAINWASHED! IT’S NON-REVERSIBLE FOR MOST AMERICANS, I HAVE FOUND.
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- Random Thoughts: White America has gone insane! Instead of celebrating the holidays of their ancestors, be it from a German, Italian, Greek, or other culture, white Americans are throwing themselves at the feet of much less advanced cultures and celebrate Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican Holiday, Chinese New Years, and many others. It’s entertainment… consumerism… consume anything, even someone else’s culture, just “for fun.” I see the ignorant whites everywhere “licking the boots” (I do not want to use a more appropriate term) of the Mexicans. It’s “look how nice we are, we love everybody.” Yeah, you do. But they do not love YOU. I once went to a play with a large group of women that was giving the message: “We Mexican women can grab your white husbands and de-throne you sophisticated white bitches because we are more worthwhile, better people.” Not a single one of these women said anything about this Anti-American play. To them it was just entertainment. They must all have severe brain fog. It’s almost unbearable. Where did they leave their brains? End up by accident in a shopping center that you remember as mostly white and has been taken over by Filipinos, and you’ll get some wild, hateful stares, as I have experienced myself. They stole it from us. But they hate US, us who have built this shopping center, who have established this country, us whites. They do not want us there. All these third-world races are playing us for advantages. Foolish “Christian” Americans go to Mexico to help those “poor Mexicans” while the Mexicans come here over the border, illegally (tolerated by our government), and are using up our resources and steal our country by getting on welfare and using up our housing so that working Americans cannot afford a decent apartment anymore while the illegal invaders get housing help from the government. Martin Luther said a long time ago, that “your brother” is your blood brother, not all people! But they lie in the Church! You “good American, politically correct people” are not observing carefully what is REALLY going on before you, due to your fog-induced fluoride brains. They can sell you ANYTHING, even one of the most dangerous chemicals, an exfoliating agent, as “good to drink” and brush your teeth with. Yeah, everything is “good.” Everybody is “good.” “Think positively!” “Oh, you are so negative!” “You’re a hater.” “You are a racist.” But, what you do not want to see is that your white children are abused by Mexican gangs in school and co-erced with threats into helping sell drugs. Those Mexicans are hard and bad and they carry knives. They are very intimidating and dangerous. Teachers look the other way, ordered from the top administration all the way down. Who do you think sits on the top administration? Communists who are deliberately destroying your children, and your life. That’s Jews or their henchmen. I know personally of people who had to take their children out of public school and do home schooling or pay for a private school, they could hardly afford, in order for their white boy to survive. The blacks, of course, are getting more bold at attacking white children. After all, their president is destroying white pride. As a young child, I was once attacked on the way home from school by a Mulatto, a much taller girl. I do not know where she came from and never saw her again. I was bleeding from my head as she hit me with an object. This hate must be in their blood. (I should have told the school but I did not know who she was.) When I went to school, kids got a good whipping with the stick across their hands or seat, and the “real bad ones” were locked into the cellar. You can imagine that we had hardly any problems with “bad” children in school. But now, in America, our whole school system is corrupt, run by the Jews way on the top of administration, demanding integration and great lenience toward non-white races to destroy the white race, arranging things to make it easy for misbehavior and not punishing for it in order to corrupt our society. It is done on purpose to destroy us. We white Americans live in a fantasy world of freedom and always debase ourselves instead of opening our eyes to how we are being abused by the LIARS. The LIARS have everyone in a grip. The LIARS almost all work for the Jewish media, the MASTER LIARS. It’s the mark of insanity of Americans, drilled into them by their education system, on purpose, to “get rid” of the white race. The motto is, get rid of their culture and their career opportunities, and have all other races hate them, and soon the race will also be gone. Guaranteed! Sometimes I wake up and I feel really hopeless, hopeless for America. Americans are just so DARN SELF-RIGHTEOUS (WE ARE THE BEST AND WE KNOW IT ALL) HA! - AND SELF-RIGHTEOUS IN THEIR SELF-DEPRECATION AND FALSE GUILT ARE THE GERMANS - NEITHER OF THESE TWO GROUPS HEAR OPPOSING OPINIONS, INSTEAD THEY WILL “ATTACK” YOU WHEN YOU ARE SPEAKING THE TRUTH. THEY ALL HAVE BECOME EXECUTIONERS AND HENCHMEN FOR THEIR MASTERS, THE JEWS. THE GERMANS HAVE NO CHOISE; THEY DO NOT HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH. BUT THE AMERICANS DO, AND THEY DO NOT USE IT IN THINGS THAT REALLY COUNT. HERE, IN AMERICA, EVERYONE HAS TO “GO ALONG WITH THE FLOW,” AS IGNORANT AS POSSIBLE AND WITH A SMILE. SOMETIMES I THINK I CAN’T STAND ANOTHER DAY IN THIS COUNTRY. Unfortunately, I immigrated here in my youth when I was ignorant about history and politics. They kept us ignorant alright in school so that they can manipulate all of us. Americans are greatly advanced in their ignorance, much more than Germans or other Europeans, one reason is because they do not know true European history. Europeans point out to me how ignorant Americans are. That’s because the Jews got a hold of remote America since the American Revolution - you should call it the Jewish Revolution. And look how many wars America has had since then, I think it’s hundreds of them since the Revolution. All for the Jews. Like a German leader said during the so-called Nazi times: “America for the Jews.” I now found out it’s true, and it is heart-breaking to me! Germans in Germany have no choice but to lick the boots of the Jews, or they will end up in prison and without a career. But Americans, went into enslavement by free will in the last 100 years. Now how could this have happened?
- My understanding is that drugs for depression, cut off human feelings. You are just like a zomby. There is no compassion any more, just mental alertness to “do what needs to be done.” They do alleviate depression and sadness, but they cut out love, joy, sensitivity, and all those emotions that make us human. People can easily become ruthless in this state. A lack of proper nutrition can cause depression. Proper nutrition must have lots of RAW fruit and vegetables and uncooked omega-3 vegetable oils, among many other things, and almost no sugar, very low flower, no cornstarch, and no commercial salt.
- Click to read better - the video is below this picture!
Therefore, watch:
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- This is a video about how a group of Jews who left Germany in the 1930s (The Frankfort Group) “invaded” American medical institutions and invented Psychology along with that criminal Freud. They had no degrees and no scientific research done. It was just an invention. Not only that, they laughted about the dumb goyim (us) for letting themselves be exploited and brainwashed. From then on, we have been on the hook and now on mental medicines.
- Are the Jews Khazars or not?
- “Die Geplante Vernichtung” – Entwicklung 1649 bis 1948 und danach – “
- by Christine Kluge
- Dr. Rigolf Hennig schreibt im Vorwort: …Jene ansich unfassbare Erscheinung, dass gewisse Kraefte ein ganzes Volk gezielt und vorsaetzlich ausrotten wollen… Das Gewebe des geschichtlichen Geschehens wird nur sichtbar, wenn man das Zeitgleiche Wirken der Maechte schildert, die am Webstuhl sitzen…Waehrend Deutschland um den Frieden rang, plante die andere Seite nicht nur Krieg sondern unsere Vernichtung. Das koennen wir gar nicht laut genug in die Welt hineinschreien denn nun droht die gleiche Vernichtung allen anderen Voelkern die der geplanten Globalisierung im Wege stehen… “Menschenrechte als Vorwand fuer Massenmorde in Irak und Afghanistan in Orwells’scher Verdrehung der Begriffe was den Taetern immer wieder abgenommen wird…Das Begreifen des scheinbar Unbegreiflichen, das Erkennen der entsaetzlichen Plaene des Gegeners ist schon der erste Schritt zum vereiteln seiner Absichten… Vollend werden wir aber seinen Vernichtungsplan erst entwenden koennen, wenn wir, voran wir Deutschen, unser Schicksal wieder selbst entschlossen in die Hand nehmen.
- Umerziehung bis zum Volkstod
- A Talk with Joaquin Bochaca about History Truths_7pg-pdf
- Josef the “Great”?-Taking Another Look at Stalin-6pg.pdf
- How Many Russians Died in WW2?-1pg.pdf
- Is the Smithsonian Suppressing History?-4 pg-pdf
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- Germanic Dark Ages-Tracking the Money Lenders-5 pg-pdf
- J P Morgan and the New (Money) World Order_3 pg
- Mullins Eustace-The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve_227P.-pdf
- The Creature From Jekyll Island-By Edward Griffin - Federal Reserve; The London Connection (1993)-pdf
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- I can see it in my personal experience: The plan is indeed in action, to get rid of the white race. I am not a racist; I am exposing the racists who do not give us 75% percent white doctors in our community (supposedly 75% whites live in our community) to meet our needs. In a huge medical facility with hundreds of doctors in each main branch of medicine, there is almost no white doctor. I, as a white person, have not been able to find a white female doctor for myself, a person who naturally has a similar culture as I, namely diet, attitudes, religion, and cultural stresses. Available are a few Jews (who could be mistaken for white), mostly East Indians, Muslims of various races, brown mongrels of all types, and Chinese and similar looking races. I am, naturally, not as comfortable and trusting with these races as with my own race. Not about their looks but about their cultural values. For example, the East Indians believe in Karma and that means whatever suffering you have today you deserve. Good luck with a medical treatment! The Hindu men look at women as cattle and there is widespread abuse. No thanks for their treatment! The Jews hate the white race, obviously. The whole world knows it by now. No way will I go see a Jewish doctor out of free will! The Chines do not value girls; therefore, females. I wonder what they think of me, a female. They murdered Millions of their own citizens and a life is nothing to them. It is difficult, therefore, to trust those doctors. Why would they care about me? They do not even understand my culture and cannot deeply relate to me as they are of a different race (which has a natural build-in defensive stance against other races, a response to preserve racial integrity. I wonder why the creator did this?) Surely, some of them do their best in treating their patients (including life-destroying medicines), but there is a reserve in their soul that cannot be overcome by them by will because that is based on thousands of years and more of being ingrained with their own cultural values. So when a split second counts, what will they decide? Will they put themselves on the line for me? I have concerns about that! Like the Harvard professor said about 20 years ago, the white race must be eliminated by any means possible. At this medical facility this plan is instated. Now that my eyes are open about race, I am culturally very aware. And here is one Jew who has no qualms to talk about the plan: Dark-hearted Harvard Jew Professor’s Plan to Eliminate the White Race - this was decades ago already Thoughts about the Führer, Adolf Hitler: Those who read the speeches of Adolf Hitler and his book “Mein Kampf” (if it is a genuine translation only) will love this man, or at least respect him or admire him. He was most likely the greatest man of all times, honest, just, loving and strong willed, a leader with incredible strength and energy, self-educated, very intelligent, and even artistic. But what stands out the most is his love. His love for the German people is the size of the ocean. He who gets to know the real Adolf Hitler will be set alight by his love not only for the German folks as fellow citizens but with a love for himself, as a German, and even beyond this, for his own race wherever here on this earth. This love is found in “Mein Kampf” (that’s why the Germans are forbidden to read it by jail term) and in his speeches. Even though the Jewish holocaust lie has long been exposed and is exposed time and time again, but the truth is oppressed (in most countries with jail terms), it is clear who Adolf Hitler was as a man, and that a man of such greatness and love could never commit genocide. That’s why they do not want people to get to know Hitler and istead make up ever new fantastic lies about him. One cannot just love one race and hate all the others (hate means harm), because one loves human beings and not just a race. I love all people in the sense that I do not want to do harm to them, but the Germans of Germanic blood I love the most because I am connected genetically to this blood, and I am therefore the most comfortable with them. But I hate crimes, and that is good and just, and the Jewish crimes I hate with great passion, because they have caused us Germans the utter most terrible harm for centuries, especially in the last 100 years, and causes us more harm every single day! The lies about the Jews and the National Socialists, so-called Nazis, are reverberating a Millionfold every day on this earth. It is rather overwhelming for someone like me who gets truth out. The lies are as if a parasite has infested the whole earth, oppressing all the people on this planet and making them feel guilty vis–à–vis Jews. Adolf Hitler recognized the crimes of the Jews and their evil plans. He surely knew that the Jews usurped Russia, and of some of the horrors the Jews committed in Russia because he constantly talked against the Bolsheviks (Communists) that wanted to invade Germany and turn it into a second Soviet Union, and then conquer all of Europe and destroy it. He knew at that time that already 40 Million Russians were murdered by the Jewish Bolshevik / Communist government, the Soviet Union, and that Germany was flooded with Jewish Communists who turned Millions of Germans into Communists with the Jewish goal to usurp Germany as well (unknown to the Germans who had no idea that the Jews usurped Russia and murdered the Russians in the Millions). Against this deception of the German people, Adolf Hitler stood up. It was a fight for the survival of Germany and Europe. “Adolf Hitler, once I was afraid of you because of the lies I have been fed, and I was even afraid to research you.” But now I love and admire you! Every non-Jew who finds out the truth about you will love you, and if not, at least respect you. Heil Hitler! _________________ Gedanken über den Führer: Jeder nicht-Jude der die Reden Adolf Hitlers liest und das Buch “Mein Kampf” der lernt diesen Mann zu lieben, oder zumindest zu achten. Er war wahrscheinlich der größte Mann aller Zeiten, ehrlich, gerecht, liebend and willensstark. Ein Führer unheimlicher Kraft und Energie, selbstgebildet, sehr intelligent, und auch noch artistisch. Was aber am stärksten hervorsteht ist seine Liebe. Seine Liebe für das deutsche Volk ist wie ein Ozean. Wenn man den wirklichen Adolf Hitler kennenlernt so wird man von seiner Liebe nicht nur für das deutsche Volk als Mitmenschen angesteckt sondern von einer Liebe zu sich selbst als Germane, und sogar weiter als dies, für seine eigene Rasse, wo auch immer auf der Welt. Diese Liebe entdeckt man in “Mein Kampf” (deshalb dürfen es die Deutschen nicht lesen) und in seinen Reden. Obwohl die Jüdische Holocaust Lüge schon längst als falsch bewiesen wurde, immer wieder, aber alles unterdrückt wird, es ist ganz klar von wehr Adolf Hitler war, dass solch ein Mensch von solch einer Größe und Liebe niemals Menschen massenhaft vernichten würde. Man kann nicht nur eine Rasse lieben und alle anderen hassen, denn man liebt sie als Menschen und nicht nur als eine Rasse. Ich liebe alle Menschen in dem Sinn dass ich ihnen nichts antuen würde, aber die Germanen liebe ich am allermeisten, denn genetisch bin ich mit ihnen verbunden im Blut und finde mich bei ihnen am meisten zu Hause. Aber ich hasse Verbrechen, und das ist gut so und gerecht, und die jüdischen Verbrechen hasse ich mit Leidenschaft weil sie uns Deutschen den allermeisten furchtbaren Schaden angerichtet haben seit Jahrhunderten, aber besonders in den letzten 100 Jahren und alltäglich noch mehr Schaden. Jeden Tag! Adolf Hitler erkannte die Verbrechen der Juden und ihre teuflischen Pläne. Er wusste sicherlich was die Juden Rußland an sich gerissen haben, und was sie in Rußland anstellten denn er redete laufend von den Bolshevisten (Kommunisten) die unser Deutschland überfallen wollten und eine zweite Soviet Union daraus machen wollten, und dann ganz Europe vertilgen wollten. Er wusste auch daß bis zu seiner Zeit schon 40 Million Russen von den Jüdischen Bolshevisten/Kommunisten ermordet wurden und Deutschland war überschwemmt von Jüdischen Kommunisten welche Millionen von Deutschen in Kommunisten verwandelten um das Land fuer die Juden umzustürzen (den Deutschen unbewußt denn sie hatten ja keine Ahnung daß die Juden Russland umgestuerzt hatten und Millionen von Menschen ermordeten). Gegen diese kommunistische Verblendung kämpfte Adolf Hitler. Es war ein Kampf ums Überleben Deutschlands und Europas. Adolf Hitler, einst hatte ich Angst vor dir weil ich die Lügen über dich hörte und Angst hatte es nachzuforschen oder zu sehr mit dem täglichen Leben beschäftigt war, jetzt liebe und verehre ich Dich! Jeder Nicht-Jude der die Warhheit über dich herausfindet wird dich lieben, und wenn nicht, zumindest respektieren, Heil Hitler! Random Thoughts: I do not trust others’ translations from German into English when it comes to the so-called Nazi times. Writers who do not fully know the German language, cannot even translate the works of Adolf Hitler correctly because they do not know the language enough to understand subtle meanings. It is a complicated, precise language and sarcasm is built in in such a subtle way that it can be easily mistaken for being NOT sarcasm. Adolf Hitler used a lot of sarcasm in his speeches and writings. From that alone, I am sure, lots of mistakes are made in the translations with the outcome of saying just the opposite of what Adolf Hitler meant. I do not trust English translations of German works by others then by myself, because 1) some have a brainwashed mindset about Hitler from the beginning and will interpret what he says accordingly and 2) many evil creatures are at work to distort and falsify what Adolf Hitler and the Germans said and did. But I do not have time to inspect and correct all of the ones I come across.
- März 2013: David Rossi, Monte DeiPaschi. Selbstmord durch Sprung aus dem Fenster, berichtet der Business Insider. April 2013: David William Waygood, HSBC Bank – National Westminster Bank. Selbstmord durch Sprung vor einen fahrenden Zug, berichtet Seven Oaks Chronicle. Juni 2013: Rob Evans, VizeChef Bank of America. Verunglückt beim Iron Man Triathlon in Frankreich, berichtet der London Evening Standard. Juli 2014: Michael Burdin, Bank of America: Selbstmord durch Sprung vor einen fahrenden Zug, berichtet The Daily Mail. Juli 2013: Sascha Schornstein, Royal Bank of Scotland: Mit Privat-Flugzeug im Ärmelkanal abgestürzt. Die Leiche wurde nicht gefunden, berichtet die Ostsee-Zeitung. Juli 2013: Carsten Schloter. Chef der Telekommunikationsfirma Swisscom und Vorstandsmitglied Swiss American Chamber of Commerce in Zürich. Selbstmord. Abschiedsbrief vorhanden, berichtet der Tagesanzeiger. Juli 2013: Hussein Najadi, Gründer der Arabisch-Malaysischen Bankengruppe, Wurde auf einem Parkplatz in Kuala Lumpur von einem Schützen aus nächster Nähe erschossen. Ein Verdächtiger wurde im September 2013 festgenommen, berichtet The Star. August 2013: Pierre Wauthier, Ex-JP Morgan Mitarbeiter, Finanzchef des Schweizer Versicherers Zürich. Selbsttötung im eigenen Haus. Er hinterließ zwei Abschiedsbriefe, berichtet das Manager Magazin. September 2013: Guy Ratovondrahona, Chef der Notenbank von Madagaskar. Plötzlicher Tod mit unbekannter Todesursache, meldet die Notenbank von Madagaskar. Oktober 2013: Ezdehar Husainat, Ex-JP Morgan Bankerin. Sie ist in ihrer Garage von ihrem eigenen Fahrzeug zerquetscht worden, berichtet The Daily Mail. November 2013: Venera Minakhmetova, Ex-Finanzanalystin von Bank of America. Sie wurde in London von einem Bus überfahren, berichtet der London Evening Standard. November 2013: Patrick Sheehan, Wells Fargo New York. Bei Autounfall in New York tödlich verunglückt, berichtet Bloomberg. Dezember 2013: Joseph M. Ambrosio, Finanz Analyst bei JP Morgan. Plötzliche Atemwegserkrankung mit Todesfolge, berichtet Bloomberg. Dezember 2013: Benjamin Idim, Banker der Diamond Bank in Nigeria. Bei einem Autounfall in New York tödlich verunglückt, berichtet Reuters. Dezember 2013: Jason Alan Salais, Technologieanalyst von JP Morgan. Herzinfarkt mit Todesfolge, meldet Bloomberg. Dezember 2013: Susan Hewitt, Ex-Vizepräsidentin der Deutschen Bank. Ertrank in einem Fluss am walisischen Bergpass Nant Ffrancon, berichtet BBC. Dezember 2013: Robert Wilson, HedgeFondsmanager aus New York. Sprang aus seiner Wohnung in Manhattan aus dem 16. Stock, berichtet die Washington Post. Januar 2014: Tim Dickenson, Kommunikations- und Marketing Chef der Versicherungsgesellschaft Swiss Re AG. Plötzlicher Tod. Doch die Todesursache ist unbekannt, berichtet The Australian. Januar 2014: William „Bill“ Broeksmit, Ex-Risikomanager der Deutschen Bank. Wurde tot in seiner Wohnung aufgefunden. Todesursache unbekannt, meldet Bloomberg. Januar 2014: Karl Slym, Manager von India Tata Motors. Beging durch Sprung aus seinem Hotelzimmer in Bangkok Selbstmord, berichtet The Telegraph. Januar 2014: Gabriel Magee, Vizechef für Investment und Technologie JP Morgan. Sprang vom Dach des 33-stöckigen europäischen Zentralgebäudes von JP Morgan in London aus dem Fenster, berichtet The Daily Mail. Januar 2014: Mike Dueker, stellvertretender Vizepräsident der Fed in St. Louis und Chefökonom bei Russel Investments. Soll von einer Brücke in Washington gesprungen sein, meldet Bloomberg. Februar 2014: Ryan Henry Crane, Aktienhändler bei JP Morgan. In seiner Wohnung in Connecticut tot aufgefunden. Die Todesursache wurde nicht veröffentlicht, berichtet Bloomberg. Februar 2014: John Ruiz, Analyst bei Morgan Stanley. Zu Hause in New Jersey tot aufgefunden. Die Todesursache wurde nicht veröffentlicht, meldet Bloomberg. Februar 2014: Richard Talley, Gründer von American Title Services in Centennial, Colorado. Soll sich selbst mit einer Nagelpistole getötet haben: Er hat sich mehrmals in den Oberkörper und in den Kopf geschossen, berichtet The Denver Post. Februar 2014: Li Junjie, Buchhalter bei JP Morgan. Sprang von dem Dach des 30-stöckigen JP Morgan-Gebäudes in Hongkong, berichtet The Daily Mail. Februar 2014: James Stuart Junior, Ex-Chef der National Bank of Commerce. In seinem Haus in Arizona tot aufgefunden. Die Todesursache wurde nicht veröffentlicht, meldet Februar 2014: Autumn Radtke, Chef von First Meta – Handel mit Bitcoins. In seiner Wohnung in Singapur tot aufgefunden. Selbstmord wird vermutet, meldet The Daily Mail. März 2013: Edmund Reilly, Aktienhändler bei Midtown’s Vertical Group. Sprang in New York vor einen fahrenden Zug, berichtet die New York Post. März 2013: Mohammed Hamwi, IT-Spezialist der Finanzfirma Trepp in New York. Wurde auf offener Straße drei Mal in den Kopf geschossen, meldet die New York Post. März 2014: Kenneth Bellandro, Ex-Banker von JP Morgan. Selbstmord durch Sprung aus seinem Wohnungs-Fenster in New York, berichtet The Daily Mail. März 2014: Joseph Giampapa, JP Morgan Anwalt. Er starb in Columbus Ohio bei einem Unfall, berichtet das Economic Policy Journal. April 2014: Jan Peter Schmittmann, Ex-Chef der Dutch Bank ABN Amro. Schnittmanns Leiche und die Leichen seiner Frau und Tochter wurden in seiner Wohnung in Amsterdam aufgefunden. Die Todesumstände sind ungeklärt, berichtet Bloomberg. April 2014: Amir Kess, Mitgründer und Manager der Markstone Capital Group. Er war mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs und wurde in der Nähe der israelischen Ortschaft Hod Sharon überfahren, berichtet Haaretz. April 2014: Jürgen Frick, Direktor der Liechtensteiner Bank Frick & Co. AG. Es auf ihn in der Nähe seiner Garage drei Mal geschossen. Er starb an den Folgen der Attacke. Der Schütze war Jürgen Hermann. Doch der begann nach der Tat Selbstmord. Seine Leiche wurde in einem Fluss gefunden, meldet Bloomberg. April 2014: Tanji Dewberry Vizepräsidentin von WL Ross Investment in New York und stellvertretende Vizepräsi von Credit Suisse. Sie verbrannte mit ihrem Sohn in ihrem Haus in New Jersey, berichtet The Daily Mail. April 2014: Benedict Philippens, Director der Bank Ans-Saint-Nicolas, wurde zusammen mit Frau und Kind von Unbekannten in seinem Haus erschossen, berichtet Reuters. April 2014: Li Jianhua, Direktor der CBRC AfDB. Er starb an einer Herzattacke, meldet der Business Insider. April 2014: Eine Französin namens Lydia von der France’s Bred-Banque-Populaire sprang in Paris aus einem Bürogebäude, berichtet International Business Times. April 2014: Andrew Jarzyk, stellvertretender Vizepräsident der Commercial Banking der PNC Financial Services Group. Seine Leiche wurde im Hudson River aufgefunden. Ursprüngliche Todesursache ungeklärt, berichtet das New Jersey Journal. Mai 2014: Thomas Schenkman, Manager von Global Infrastructure Engineering, JP Morgan. In seiner Wohnung tot aufgefunden. Er soll an einer Herzkrankheit gelitten haben, meldet das US-Lokalnachrichten-Portal Smithtown Matters. Mai 2014: Naseem Mubeen, stellvertretender Präsident der ZBTL Bank, Islamabad. Sprang aus dem Fenster des Hauptquartiers seiner Bank, berichtet Pakistan Today. Mai 2014: Nigel Sharvin, Manager bei der Ulster Bank in Belfast. Er war in Spanien auf einem Jungesellenabschied und verschwand im Laufe der Party. Am nächsten Tag wurde seine Leiche gefunden. Er soll ertrunken sein, berichtet der Belfast Telegraph. Mai 2014: Daniel Leaf, Ex-Manager bei Bank of Scotland und Manager von Saracen Fund Managers. Beim Klettersport im schottischen Hochland tödlich verunglückt, berichtet Edinburgh News. Juni 2014: Richard Gravino, Teamleiter für Anwendung und Entwicklung bei JP Morgan. Vertarb in Tampa Florida in seinem Haus. Die Todesursache ist unbekannt, berichtet der Herald Tribune. Juli 2014: Julien Knott, Direktor bei JP Morgan. Er soll sich und seine Frau in seinem Haus in New Jersey erschossen haben, meldet die International Business Times. Juli 2014: Nicolas Valtz, Chefmanager bei Goldman Sachs. Seine Leiche wurde an der Küste von Long Island gefunden. Er soll von seinem Surfbrett gefallen und ertrunken sein, berichtet Bloomberg. August 2014: Steven Dowd, Chef der Finanzabteilung der CMS Bancorp in White Plains. Er ist plötzlich verstorben, meldet Es gibt keine weiteren Angaben zur Todesursache. Oktober 2014: Calogero Gambino, Manager bei der Deutschen Bank. Wurde von seiner Frau erhängt aufgefunden. Er soll Selbstmord begangen haben, meldet Reuters. November 2014: Shawn D. Miller, Citigroup-Geschäftsführer. Seine Leiche wurde in der Badewanne seiner Wohnung gefunden. Der Hals von Miller war komplett aufgeschnitten. Dezember 2014: Geert Tack, Top-Banker der ING Group. Seine Leiche wurde an der Küste der belgischen Hafenstadt Ostende entdeckt. Todesursache ist ungeklärt. Tack wurde seit dem 5. November 2014 vermisst. Dezember 2014: Der britische Investor Scot Young ist am 8. Dezember aus dem Fenster seines Londoner Penthouses gefallen und verstorben. Die Nachricht über sein Ableben wurde zwei Tage später bestätigt. Januar 2015: Der US-amerikanische Hedgefonds-Manager Thomas Gilbert wurde in seiner Wohnung von seinem Sohn erschossen. Gilbert war Gründer des US-Hedgefonds Wainscott Capital Partners. Januar 2015: Die Leiche des Bankers Michael Flanagan wurde am Donnerstag im Gebirge des britischen Lake District-Nationsparks aufgefunden. Es gab keine Anzeichen auf Fremdeinwirkung. Die Todesursache ist unklar. Januar 2015: Der Banker Kirt Adlam wurde in der jamaikanischen Hauptstadt Kingston in seinem PKW erschossen. Adlam war Banker bei der First Global Bank. Nach Angaben der Polizei handelt es sich offenbar um einen Auftragsmord. Januar 2015: Der AIG-Banker Omar Meza wurde tot in einem Teich im kalifornischen Palm Desert gefunden. Er wurde seit acht Tagen vermisst. Er war Vize-Präsident der Abteilung Financial Services. Januar 2015: Ein anonymer Banker, Direktionsmitglied der DZ Privatbank, keine Angaben zur Person oder den Todesumständen. Mai 2015: Der Vorsitzende des kanadischen Investors Khan Resources, Jim Doak, wurde tot in einem Hotelzimmer in der Mongolei aufgefunden. Die Todesumstände sind unklar. Doak befand sich mit der Regierung in Verhandlungen über die Rückgabe von Uran-Lizenzen, die die Mongolen zurückgezogen und an einen russischen Investor verkauft hatten. Quelle:
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- Random thought: What destruction has the International Criminal Gang planned for us in the U.S.? Sgt. Maj. Page, former Special Forces USA (killer forces) says every week thousands of Russian Special Forces are entering our country, U.S.A. Why? Why! Are we citizens such a threat?! Or are they private forces to protect our rotten foreign government? Why are Russian forces coming here while we agitate war with Russia? Makes any sense? What’s the game here? To agitate you? Against Russians? The forces coming here are real, are a fact. They will not think twice to blow our head off since they have no sentimental connection to us (not a fellow citizen), and now that a police officer can enter our home without a search warrant, what, does anyone think, can Special Forces do? Clearly, some dirty, rotten game is up. They are probably planning AGAINST us citizens, to get rid of a lot of us. According to web reports, Sgt. Major Page has been fired from the police department for revealing various facts and warning us on this video:
- Random Thought: Helping others but not your own. While the Christian Americans are going on “mission trips” into so-called third world countries to “help those people,” those people come to our country and steal our jobs and live off welfare ever more indebting our future generations. What’s the collateral for it? Our land, homes, and bank accounts can be confiscated because we are in such great debt to the Jews. That was the plan. Our country IS GOING DOWN and the Americans are not paying attention but flit off to foreign projects, FOR OTHERS. Oh “how good they are, how noble!” Stupid they are, blinded, manipulated and weaklings they are! Whom will the white children marry when there are no more jobs here for whites just for black and yellow and brown people? JEWS CAN SAY ANYTHING-GET RID OF THE WHITE RACE! They will marry those races they go to school with and who have an income. Good bye white race! Jobs are available for mongrels of all types and literally handed to imported foreigners through the State Department who have most likely betrayed their country’s fellow citizens “back home” to the occupier U.S.A.? These people get jobs with government offices before you can every dream about it, white American, U.S. citizen! You have been had! White Christians need to understand that their religion was not meant for other races. It does not fit other races. Let them have their own religions, from their race and culture! And through the changed verses and history of the Christian religion in the Bible by the Jews, you are used and abused as a cash cow and helper for others to get you away from your real brothers, which is the white race (Martin Luther) and your family members. When will you wake up and take care of your own, especially yourself so you will have some strength for the terrible times coming?
- Random thoughts: Gag orders. Whether you are willing to examine if the Jewish holocaust is true or not… that’s your thing, but you MUST know that when people are not allowed to speak their personal opinion about research, or research any event and are not allowed to present that research to a friend, in a social gathering, in public, or in court, than it is NOT TRUE that we have freedom of speech. What is true then is that it is a Communist human rights abuse, and our government already is Communist. (It’s in some areas and not in others-but that’s the sinister trick because it keeps us believing it is NOT.) And this is happening, of course, in Germany, all over Europe, Canada, Australia as far as the Jews and the their invented holocaust is concerned and the crimes of the Allies. But there, people go to prison for their political and historical research and opinion, or even just questioning the Jewish holocaust. Germany never had free speech again since 1945 as it is an occupied country by USA-Jews and was silenced with several gag orders, one of them is the invented Jewish holocaust, another the crimes of the Allies and yet another not allowed to defend are the accusatory lies of the so-called German war crimes. You also MUST know that the Jews have been lobbying in the United States for decades to take our “FREE SPEECH” away, and if it would not be for such individuals as Rev. Ted Pike to fight against taking our free speech away, it would be long gone by now. But every year they take more rights away. For that purpose they have introduced the “hate bill.” So if you have a dispute with a homosexual person, you will be immediately accused for hate against homosexuals and will have a great disadvantage in court. If you have a dispute with a black person, you will be immediately accused of being a racist, and “good luck” in the courts! If you have a dispute with a handicapped person, you will be at a disadvantage. If you have a dispute with an elderly person, your request for justice might be deemed elder abuse. If you have a dispute with a Jew, you are called an anti-Semite, or if you are German, you most likely will be called a Nazi which people associate with Nazi crimes that do not exist. A contact told me that she was recently called a racist by a young mongrel woman customer at Starbucks Coffee House. She wanted her to do something she had not right to ask and my contact did not feel like doing. She was not there to solve a stranger’s problem when she herself was tired. Immediately the mongrel berated her and went on and on. It ended with the mongrel calling my blond contact a racist really loud and then she started to tell loud to the clerks. My contact, of advanced age, told her that if she did not stop falsely accusing her she would beat the s… out of her. She meant it, and the message came through loud and clear because this mongrel stopped. Sometimes one has to be fierce and draw the line in the sand, may come what may. I would not recommend to go down this path. It’s a lose-lose situation. Just open your eyes and see how they are stealing your country from you and stop helping them. Help your own kind (caution: many have been corrupted), your neighbors and friends, your family. Stand by them. The white people have been indoctrinated to help all the other races. “Other races” do not do this. They grab for themselves. There are many ways they can call you a racist and discredit you. Once you are discredited it will be difficult to defend yourself. If you are a person in the public eye, then your career will be ruined, and that the press does to get rid of your opinions. No one will hire a “racist” unless they are wise enough to look through the scam. This is why we have to spread the truth so that we all can stand up together and defend ourselves against the abuse. The “hate crime” is a bill to protect the Jews so they can get away with their crimes. They do not want us to point out that someone is a Jew; that’s why we need to do that. Point it out. Expose the criminals, Jews or not Jews, Whites, Blacks, or Reds, or Yellows. A crime is a crime regardless of skin color and culture. Once they have taken some of your rights away to freely express your opinion, even if just by cultural indoctrination, a situation we have definitely strongly in the United States, they work on those strongholds and file away until all our freedom of speech is gone. They take a little bit at a time so we would not notice it. This method the Jews and their henchmen have been using in the U.S. intensely for the last 100 hundred years, but actually since the inception of the United States. We must practice to listen to the “still small voice” in our heart to do the right thing instead of being fearful or we will raise a brood of cowards. Since this faint voice has been so deeply buried under lies told to us and us telling ourselves, we have to practice with the smallest issues to listen to our voice from within. I cannot say if other races have this voice from within since I have not researched them, but I DO KNOW from my own experience and from the ancient history of the white race, that everyone of us white folks has the still small voice from within.
- Spötter
- Wenn wir nicht wuessten was unsere Regierungen fuer verhoehnende Vebrecher sind, dann muesste man denken diese Agenten und Regierungsvertreter sind alle verrueckt geworden. Dieser Hohn wird gemacht um das Volk auf die Weissglut zu bringen. Diese Verbrecher haben unseren Untergang geplant. Es wird jeden Tag klarer. Aber immer ruhig weiter, liebe Mitmenschen, mit der Aufklaerung!
- Random thought: We must all help expose the International Criminal Gang if we want to have a chance to survive. It is 5 minutes to midnight!
- Schwarzburg, Erich - Die juedische Kriegshetze in den USA zwischen 1933-1944-pdf
- Gracht Hans-Alljuda Als Kriegstreiber 1939_66S.ScanFraktur-pdf
- The Communists always say the opposite of what is true:
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- „Amerika – das ist die Entwicklung von der Barbarei zur Dekadenz ohne den Umweg über die Kultur.“ Georges Clemenceau in Versailles 1919.
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- Ukrainians! Read this and watch the video!
- israel-sex-slave-trade
- ________________ “12. By our mockeries (GV: HAVE YOU NOTICED?) and our attacks upon them we shall make their priests ridiculous, then odious, and their religion as ridiculous an as odious as their clergy. Then we shall be masters of their souls.” This appears to have already happened. While at first glance it appears the Catholic Church did much of this to itself, a closer look behind the scenes indicates that they had some outside help. “14. But above all let us monopolize education. By this means we spread ideas that are useful to us, and shape the children’s brains as suits us.” Now that many “public” schools have required “Holocaust Education” sessions, this too has come to pass. Birthing The Phoenix, Vol. 4, a part of The Phoenix Journals. FROM: PRECURSORS TO THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION: PLOTS AND PLANS FOR MODERN TIMES - by Dr. Harrell Rhome __________________________ …reminded of the crimes, which the Jews have committed for centuries on children. He will be reminded of the ritual murder. … History points out hundreds of cases, in which non-Jewish children were tortured to death. They were also given the same incision through the throat as is found on slaughtered animals…
- Executed for Thought Crimes-exposing ritual murder
Ritual Murder_Blood Pass Over Best Translation_Ariel Toaff Jude: Sterilisiert alle Deutschen! - Kaufman Plan – post Jewish Sex Trafficking: 400,000 women lured from the Ukraine on false career promises – 3 – offsite A “must watch” documentary: “Synagogue of Satan” – Takeover of the U.S.A. and the World Book – might be an older version: The Synagogue Of Satan – Pdf Read the updated version of this book on-line at:
- Deutsches Kriegsvideo: Und Warum Norwegen Kein Ueberfall War - Norwegen hielf England Krieg gegen Deutschland Vorzubereiten - Es war im Februar 1940 schon nicht mehr Neutral
- Warum der Name Nationalsozialisten?
- “Ihr könnt nicht wahre Nationalisten sein, ohne Sozialisten zu sein; Ihr anderen könnt nicht wahre Sozialisten sein, ohne Nationalisten zu sein. Nationalist sein heißt, sein eigenes Volk mehr lieben als alle übrigen Völker und sorgen, daß es sich ihnen gegenüber zu behaupten vermag. Damit sich dieses Volk aber der übrigen Welt gegenüber zu behaupten vermag, muß ich wünschen und sorgen, daß jedes Glied gesund ist, und es jedem einzelnen und damit der Gesamtheit so gut wie möglich geht. Dann aber bin ich Sozialist!
- Und ich kann nicht Sozialist sein, ohne mich dafür einzusetzen daß mein Volk sich gegenüber den Übergriffen der anderen Völker im Kampf um die Grundlagen des Lebens zu schützen vermag und ohne für die Größe meines Volkes einzutreten und somit Nationalist zu sein. Denn die Kraft und Bedeutung meines Volkes ist die Voraussetzung für das Wohlergehen des einzelnen. Somit seid Ihr aber beide, Nationalsozialisten.” - Adolf Hitler
- (Auszug von “Tatsachen und Luegen um Hitler,” 1932, Verlag Franz Eher, Nachf., G.m.b.H., Muenchen)
- Tatsachen und Luegen um Hitler_1932_32s
- Teil 1: Die Balfour-Deklaration
- Teil 2: Zionismus, die Pariser Friedenskonferenz und die bolschewistische Revolution
- Teil 3: Zionismus zwischen den Weltkriegen
- Teil 4: Amerikaner werden gelehrt, die Feinde der Juden zu hassen und töten
- Teil 5: Der Hintergrund des Verrats: Wachsende zionistische Macht in der Nachkriegszeit
- Britain’s White Nationalist Newsletter TWN86
- Die Russen feiern den Sieg ueber Deutschland in Berlin, deutsche Stadt! Unverschaemtheit bei der “Juedisch-Deutschen” Regierung. Bolshevismus / Kommunismus ueber Deutschland! Es wird ein erschuetterndes Erwachen kommen fuer die Russen wenn die gleichen Banden die 66+ Millionen von Ihnen umgebracht haben, diese Menschen auch umbringen werden. Nicht dass ich es wuensche, im Gegenteil, aber es sieht nicht gut aus fuer uns alle. Die Russen sind total verblendet. Sie haben auch nichts gelernt von der Geschichte. Dabei muss man jedoch bedenken dass sie genau wie die Deutschen furchtbar belogen werden.
Прост! Для глупость!
- 200,000 unverschaemte Russische Idioten feiern den Sieg vom 2. Weltkrieg in der Deutschen Stadt Berlin - Eine Frechheit und weiterer Volksverrat der Deutschen-Juedischen Regierung sowas zuzulassen. Stellt Euch mal vor die Deutschen in Russland feierten ihre Gewinne im 2. Weltkrieg in Russland. Dies wird gemacht um den Hass zu schueren!
- Random Thoughts: Adolf Hitler, was the leader, who dared to stand up against the torturers of the German people, the Jews. What country leader in this whole world dares to stand up to the abusers and usury kings, the Jews??? Only Ahmadinejad did and supported the German people against the Holocaust lie. You can be sure that with the responsibility as a nation’s leader, he had the subject fully researched and was not just mouthing off because he felt like it. He was speaking from truth and facts. The Jews are squeezing Iran into a corner with lies, planning to attack it, just like they squeezed Germany into a straight jacket and had it attacked by the Poles.
- How the Jews Rothchilds funded both sides of the American Revolution
- Contrary to the lies, Germany’s National Socialists were Strong Christians
- About 60,000 U.S. Troops in Jew-U.S.-Allied Occupied Germany.
- Coleman Barracks Sollen zum Ende 2015/Anfang 2016 Wieder Aktiviert Werden
- Random Thoughts: I get it! Now I get it why they use the chemtrails to dry up the West! By creating an artificial drought, they can raise the water prices and eventually hand the water management over to private companies, controlled by Jewish companies way on the top (hidden)? But, the water belongs to all people of a country. When this right is taken away, in 3 days without water, people would die. What right do they have to privatize water? None. But they do this because we let them!
- Video - Eine WARNUNG an alle Nichtjuden! - Die verborgene Tyrannei basiert auf dem Interview des Juden Rosenthal (unten als Schrift in Deutsch oder English zu haben):
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- Die Verborgene Tyrannai_Rosenthal Document - German - 2014
- The Hidden Tyranny Full Interview
- Das falsche Geständnis von SS-Unterscharführer Oskar Grönin
- Jews Can Say Anything!
- Drogenhandel, Terrorismus & organisierte Kriminalität: die kriminellen Machenschaften der CIA 02. Mai 2015 Dr. Andreas von Bülow im Gespräch mit Michael Friedrich Vogt. Auch westliche Geheimdienste genießen in breiten Bevölkerungsschichten hierzulande mittlerweile keinen guten Ruf mehr. Das gesamte Ausmaß der kriminellen Energie und welche Verstrickungen es im Drogenhandel, Terrorismus und bei der organisierten Kriminalität gibt, ist allerdings den Wenigsten bewußt. Hier weiter im video: [* Der heimtueckische Luegner Eisenhower, der Millionen Massenmoerder der Deutschen, heuchelt dass er die Schmerzen des 2. Weltkrieges vor sich sieht und man deshalb in diesem und jenem Land eingreifen muss um dies zu vermeiden; dieses Schwein. Herr Buelow hat aber leider auch gemeine Hirnwaesche erlitten, wenn es sich auf die Zeiten Adolf Hitlers bezieht. Deshalb ist es ihm wohl erlaubt, die CIA, anzugreifen. Jeder der die Nazis anschuldigt kann in Deutschland alles sagen. Ich weis nicht ob er sie hier angreift, aber er hat sie in anderen Sendungen und Buechern angegriffen. Herr Buelow, entweder sind sie ein Opfer von Gehirnwaesche oder sie sind ein Teufel.]:
- Die Kriminellen Machenschaften der CIA
- Sinister Messages in Songs:
- “Me & Bobby McGee”
- The International Criminal Gang flooded our country with drugs to screw up the minds of our youth. Here is an example of how they use music to brainwash us and tell us what’s really going on in this country and what’s good for us. But what music lover decoded it?! And drug-washed minds could not! This is done to get rid of their evil rocks through mindf…… namely, informing us of the reality of our situation while presenting it in a way that is difficult to decipher. We even pay for it and Mephisto laughs all the way to the bank.
- …Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose, Nothing don’t mean nothing honey if it ain’t free, now now. And feeling good was easy, Lord, when he sang the blues, You know feeling good was good enough for me, Good enough for me and my Bobby McGee…
- Translated: …Freedom is just another word for having Nothing and being Nothing, Nothing does not mean Nothing, honey, if it is not free; really meaning: Nothing does mean Nothing if it is free; So free is Nothing. So your freedom is nothing. And feeling good was easy when he was sad. Really meaning: Feeling good was difficult when things were good and easy when miserable. So being miserable was good enough for me. Good enough for me and my Bobby McGee… Song by Janis Joplin, who took her own life. The essence of this message from the International Criminal Gang hammered into our minds is: “You have no Freedom. It’s easier for you to dwell in misery than in happiness (which would be found in true freedom).” Die Wahrheit ueber das Charlie Hebdo “Attentat” • Warum beging ein führender Ermittler noch in der Nacht nach dem Anschlag Selbstmord? [*germanvictims: ist doch klar dass es Mord war!!!!] • Weshalb ähnelten die vermummten Täter bei Charlie Hebdo so verdächtig Angehörigen eines polizeilichen Sondereinsatzkommandos? • Weshalb war die Polizei an diesem Tag nicht vor dem Redaktionsgebäude auf ihrem Posten? • Warum hatten die vermummten Täter einen Personalausweis dabei und ließen ihn nach der Tat auch noch im Fluchtwagen liegen? • Warum sollten Kiffer und »Gelegenheitsislamisten« aus Glaubensgründen ein Massaker begehen und anschließend den Märtyrertod sterben? • Warum konnten sie ihre Taten verüben, obwohl sie längst auf dem »Radarschirm« der Behörden waren? • Weshalb sagte der türkische Ministerpräsident Erdogan, das Attentat sei von den Franzosen selbst begangen worden? • Warum erklärten auch andere hochkarätige Persönlichkeiten, die Anschläge seien das Werk der Sicherheitsbehörden? • Warum hatte die Polizei kein Interesse, die Verdächtigen festzunehmen, sondern erschoss sie alle drei wie bei einer Hinrichtung? Hier koennen Sie das mutige Buch kaufen:
- AH Das Junge Deutschland will Arbeit und Frieden
- Dies ist vielleicht nur interessant zur Unterhaltung?:
- 2005 Neuschwabenland letzte Zuflucht gegen Kriegsende?pdf
- Vom Notwerrecht Gebrauch machen
- Des Fuehrers Kampf Um Den Weltfrieden
- When a German man, Horst Mahler, whose opinion is that the Holocaust is a fraud because the concentration camps were just work camps, based on scientific research, or even if it would be just his personal conclusion, is sent to 12 years of prison and his defense is not allowed, then the Federal Repbulic of Germany is a Police State. And, indeed, it is. A Jewish-American Occupation Police State, that is!
- The Fuehrer re-creates the Splendor of the Catholic Church
- Please understand, that Adolf Hitler was a Christian (contrary to how he is presented by the liars, the Jews and their henchmen), who lived like a Christian and whose heart was filled with love for the German people, and the people of all of Europe. (Yes, he had some spats with certain church leaders over the doctrine of the church that was harming the German people, and he detested the acts of the Jews as described in the Old Testament. Naturally, he had issues with the church because the Roman church is infiltrated with deceivers and Jews - and so is the Protestant church. (Hidden infiltration is always the key.) Both were/are weakening the spirit of the people. The Roman church even fostered WWI against the Germans, an indication that Jews were behind it inside the church.) Hitler suffered greatly under the hate and destruction desires of the Allies. One can see in his face over the years the great sorrow and bitterness over the people of the Allied countries being misled and so filled with hate against the Germans. There he stood all alone because of the lies about the Germans with 58 countries - Germany has never harmed - against him. What power the Jewish bankers had! At the time, he did probably not know that Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin were Jews. The Germans admired and loved the English people and Hitler wanted no war. He was set up and forced into it by the International Criminal Gang having Poland enter German territory on Sept. 1, 1939, chasing and killing thousands of ethnic Germans at the border crossing, and torturing them slowly to death for many months before the outbreak of war. After the war, the Allies wrote many false books and diaries about Adolf Hitler or inserted false statements into fragments of his so-called “diaries.” A whole scheme went on, and is going on to this day, even more than ever as more truth comes to the surface about him, to debase Adolf Hitler and represent him in a totally false and evil light while all truth about Hitler is oppressed in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, England, etc. by prosecuting the publishers and authors of truth, and the citizens who read their books, in a Kangaroo court with no defense for those prosecuted allowed. (No American would believe this, but it’s true, “German” Jews run the German courts and have special power above the German constitution because of the Holocaust victim lie! How convenient!) All good and truthful books about the National Socialists are banned. Only bits and pieces of truth can be extracted from various sources and old books from German writers who lived during those times or who grew up right after the war have survived in other countries. In most countries, truth speakers cannot get their books successfully published because the Jews own almost all publishing houses around the world. The truth speaking authors in the United States, for example, while they can speak truth, are abused, defamed, lies are made up over them, derogatory book reviews are written, libraries are told not to stock their books, books are removed from libraries (e.g., Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s book “200 Years Together”), truth speakers’ offices and libraries are burned, and they are physically attacked… some of them are even killed. This is very discouraging to writers and non-Jewish publishers and the end result is that very little history truth is being published. Now, what is so frightening to the International Criminal Gang that the public must not know? It’s the truth about Adolf Hitler, a man I have learned to love (though once feared because of the lies) and admire. My heart runs over with love and sadness when I listen to and read his speeches and those of Joseph Goebbels, realizing how these leaders loved justice and truth and supported the common man and how the Germans for 70 years now have been “raped” by the Jews and their Allied henchmen occupation government.
- Die Wahrheit Ueber die Konzentrationslager-link
- 100_Documents_On_The_Origin_Of_The_War-Selected_From_Official_German_White_Book-1939-254pgs-POL
- 1) We will kill all the American Christians (by Dr. Lorraine Day - wife of retired congressman):
- 2) We Jews will kill all police officers and military men
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- Wars are the Jew’s harvests. Werner Zombart, Jewish Professor “A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal”. Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon magazine Soferim 15, Rule 10. This is the saying of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai” Tob shebe goyyim harog (“Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed”). “We are driving the Christians into a war in that we take advantage of their stupidity, ignorance, and national pride. They’ll massacre each other and then we have enough place for our own people.” Rabbi Reichorn, in Le Contemporain, Juli 1880 “We Jews are the destroyers and we will always be the destroyers. Regardless of what you do, you can never satisfy our desires. We will, therefore, always destroy, because we want our own world.” (from the book YOU GENTILES vom Jewish author Maurice Samuels, page 155) Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile. We Jews have made the World War (WWI)! We, Jews, are nothing else than the world’s seducers, its incendiaries, its executioners! Our last revolution is not yet made! We, Jews, invented the myth of the “Chosen People.” Dr. Oscar Levy, prominent London Jew “The Most Holy spoke thus to the Israelites: You have recognized me as the only ruler of the world, and for that reason I will recognize you as the only rulers of the world.” (Chaniga, fol. 3-a, 3-b) “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order”. “… the Christians constantly sing of “blood.” Let’s give them plenty of it. Let’s cut their throats and drag them across their altar. Let’s drown them in their own blood. I am dreaming of the day when we hang the last priest with the intestines of another one.” Jew Gus Hall, member Board of Directors of the Communist Party, U.S.A., 1920 “The Russian Revolution was made by Jews. We have created Secret Societies, planned the Reign of Terror. The Revolution succeeded by our convincing propaganda and our mass assassinations in order to form a government truly ours!” M. Hermalin, Jew, Communist, New York, 1917 Es gibt nur eine Wahrheit, und die ist dass die Deutschen vollkommen unschuldig sind und seit 150 Jahren von den Luegnern gegeisselt werden und die feigen und gewalttaetigen Alliierten sich hinter den Geisslern verlegen verstecken. Alexander Wagandt analysiert die Propaganda und Verhoehnung des Detuschen Volkes:
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- A Christian perspective on the many Falsified Diaries of Adolf Hitler and Other National Socialists
- The Real Adolf Hitler, Part I
- The Real Adolf Hitler, Part II
Ein wichtiger Appell
Heute erschien in der Jungen Welt eine Erklärung ehemaliger Offiziere der NVA, angefangen bei einem ehemaligen Verteidigungsminister der DDR, der sich in sehr ernstem Ton gegen die Kriegstreiberei der NATO wendet. (Und, Verzeihung, ich halte diese Erklärung für so wichtig, dass ich sie in Gänze auf die Titelseite stelle). Es erstaunt nicht, dass über die Erklärung weder in den Konzernmedien noch in den Regierungssendern berichtet wurde, einzig die Berliner Zeitung widmete ihr einen Artikel, in dem sie eher lächerlich gemacht wurde. Es ist allerdings durchaus von Bedeutung, dass diese Erklärung durch “Fachleute” erfolgte. Fachleute zudem, die die russische Seite weit besser kennen dürften als das heutige Bundeswehr-Personal. Die ihr Berufsleben damit verbracht haben, die Kriegsgefahr einzuschätzen, in der einzigen deutschen Armee, die tatsächlich nur der Verteidigung diente. Und es ist kennzeichnend und betrüblich, dass es solche Erklärungen aus Reihen der Bundeswehr nicht gibt. Noch in den 80er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts war das anders. Hier die Erklärung: Als Militärs, die in der DDR in verantwortungsvollen Funktionen tätig waren, wenden wir uns in großer Sorge um die Erhaltung des Friedens und den Fortbestand der Zivilisation in Europa an die deutsche Öffentlichkeit. In den Jahren des Kalten Krieges, in denen wir eine lange Periode der Militarisierung und Konfrontation unter der Schwelle eines offenen Konflikts erlebten, haben wir unser militärisches Wissen und Können für die Erhaltung des Friedens und den Schutz unseres sozialistischen Staates DDR eingesetzt. Die Nationale Volksarmee war keinen einzigen Tag an kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen beteiligt, und sie hat bei den Ereignissen 1989/90 maßgeblich dafür gesorgt, dass keine Waffen zum Einsatz kamen. Frieden war immer die wichtigste Maxime unseres Handelns. Deshalb sind wir entschieden dagegen, dass der militärische Faktor erneut zum bestimmenden Instrument der Politik wird. Es ist eine gesicherte Erfahrung, dass die brennenden Fragen unserer Zeit mit militärischen Mitteln nicht zu lösen sind. Es sei hier daran erinnert, dass die Sowjetarmee im Zweiten Weltkrieg die Hauptlast bei der Niederschlagung des Faschismus getragen hat. Allein 27 Millionen Bürger der Sowjetunion gaben ihr Leben für diesen historischen Sieg. Ihnen, wie auch den Alliierten, gilt am 70. Jahrestag der Befreiung unser Dank. Jetzt konstatieren wir, dass der Krieg wieder zum ständigen Begleiter der Menschheit geworden ist. Die von den USA und ihren Verbündeten betriebene Neuordnung der Welt hat in den letzten Jahren zu Kriegen in Jugoslawien und Afghanistan, im Irak, Jemen und Sudan, in Libyen und Somalia geführt. Fast zwei Millionen Menschen wurden Opfer dieser Kriege, und Millionen sind auf der Flucht. Nun hat das Kriegsgeschehen wiederum Europa erreicht. Offensichtlich zielt die Strategie der USA darauf ab, Russland als Konkurrenten auszuschalten und die Europäische Union zu schwächen. In den letzten Jahren ist die NATO immer näher an die Grenzen Russlands herangerückt. Mit dem Versuch, die Ukraine in die EU und in die NATO aufzunehmen, sollte der Cordon sanitaire von den baltischen Staaten bis zum Schwarzen Meer geschlossen werden, um Russland vom restlichen Europa zu isolieren. Nach amerikanischem Kalkül wäre dann auch eine deutsch-russische Verbindung erschwert oder verhindert. Um die Öffentlichkeit in diesem Sinne zu beeinflussen, findet eine beispiellose Medienkampagne statt, in der unverbesserliche Politiker und korrumpierte Journalisten die Kriegstrommeln rühren. In dieser aufgeheizten Atmosphäre sollte die Bundesrepublik Deutschland eine den Frieden fördernde Rolle spielen. Das gebieten sowohl ihre geopolitische Lage als auch die geschichtlichen Erfahrungen Deutschlands und die objektiven Interessen seiner Menschen. Dem widersprechen die Forderungen des Bundespräsidenten nach mehr militärischer Verantwortung und die in den Medien geschürte Kriegshysterie und Russenphobie. Die forcierte Militarisierung Osteuropas ist kein Spiel mit dem Feuer – es ist ein Spiel mit dem Krieg! Im Wissen um die zerstörerischen Kräfte moderner Kriege und in Wahrnehmung unserer Verantwortung als Staatsbürger sagen wir in aller Deutlichkeit: Hier beginnt bereits ein Verbrechen an der Menschheit. Sind die vielen Toten des Zweiten Weltkrieges, die riesigen Zerstörungen in ganz Europa, die Flüchtlingsströme und das unendliche Leid der Menschen schon wieder vergessen? Haben die jüngsten Kriege der USA und der NATO nicht bereits genug Elend gebracht und viele Menschenleben gefordert? Begreift man nicht, was eine militärische Auseinandersetzung auf dem dichtbesiedelten europäischen Kontinent bedeuten würde? Hunderte Kampfflugzeuge und bewaffnete Drohnen, bestückt mit Bomben und Raketen, Tausende Panzer und gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, Artilleriesysteme kämen zum Einsatz. In der Nord- und Ostsee, im Schwarzen Meer träfen modernste Kampfschiffe aufeinander und im Hintergrund ständen die Atomwaffen in Bereitschaft. Die Grenzen zwischen Front und Hinterland würden sich verwischen. Millionen Mütter und Kinder würden um ihre Männer, um ihre Väter und Brüder weinen. Millionen Opfer wären die Folge. Aus Europa würde eine zerstörte Wüstenlandschaft werden. - Darf es soweit kommen? Nein und nochmals Nein!
- Deshalb wenden wir uns an die deutsche Öffentlichkeit: Ein solches Szenario muss verhindert werden. Wir brauchen keine Kriegsrhetorik, sondern Friedenspolemik. Wir brauchen keine Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr und auch keine Armee der Europäischen Union. Wir brauchen nicht mehr Mittel für militärische Zwecke, sondern mehr Mittel für humanitäre und soziale Erfordernisse. Wir brauchen keine Kriegshetze gegen Russland, sondern mehr gegenseitiges Verständnis und ein friedliches Neben- und Miteinander. Wir brauchen keine militärische Abhängigkeit von den USA, sondern die Eigenverantwortung für den Frieden. Statt einer »Schnellen Eingreiftruppe der NATO« an den Ostgrenzen brauchen wir mehr Tourismus, Jugendaustausch und Friedenstreffen mit unseren östlichen Nachbarn. Wir brauchen ein friedliches Deutschland in einem friedlichen Europa. Mögen sich unsere Kinder, Enkel und Urenkel in diesem Sinne an unsere Generation erinnern. Weil wir sehr gut wissen, was Krieg bedeutet, erheben wir unsere Stimme gegen den Krieg, für den Frieden. Armeegeneral a.D. Heinz Keßler Admiral a.D. Theodor Hoffmann Die Generaloberste a.D. Horst Stechbarth; Fritz Streletz; Fritz Peter Die Generalleutnante a.D. Klaus Baarß; Ulrich Bethmann; Max Butzlaff; Manfred Gehmert; Manfred Grätz; Wolfgang Kaiser; Gerhard Kunze; Gerhard Link; Wolfgang Neidhardt; Walter Paduch; Werner Rothe; Artur Seefeldt; Horst Skerra; Wolfgang Steger; Horst Sylla; Ehrenfried Ullmann; Alfred Vogel; Manfred Volland; Horst Zander Vizeadmiral a.D. Hans Hofmann Die Generalmajore a.D. Olivier Anders; Heinz Bilan; Bernhard Beyer; Günter Brodowsky; Kurt Brunner; Heinz Calvelage; Sebald Daum; Willi Dörnbrack; Alfred Dziewulski; Johannes Fritzsche; Egon Gleau; Otto Gereit; Roland Großer; Peter Herrich; Karl-Heinz Hess; Günter Hiemann; Lothar Hübner; Siegmund Jähn; Günter Jahr; Manfred Jonischkies; Günter Kaekow; Johannes Kaden; Helmut Klabunde; Klaus Klenner; Raimund Kokott; Kurt Kronig; Manfred Lange; Bernd Leistner; Hans Leopold; Klaus Listemann; Heinz Lipski; Hans Georg Löffler; Rudi Mädler; Manfred Merkel; Günter Möckel; Dieter Nagler; Johannes Oreschko; Rolf Pitschel; Hans Christian Reiche; Fritz Rothe; Günter Sarge; Dieter Schmidt; Horst Schmieder; Gerhard Schönherr; Gerhard Seifert; Kurt Sommer; Erich Stach; Manfred Thieme; Wolfgang Thonke; Henry Thunemann; Walter Tzschoppe; Günter Voigt; Gerd Weber; Dieter Wendt; Klaus Wiegand; Heinrich Winkler; Heinz-Günther Wittek; Erich Wöllner; Werner Zaroba; Manfred Zeh; Alois Zieris Die Konteradmirale a.D. Herbert Bernig; Eberhard Grießbach; Hans Heß; Werner Henniger; Klaus Kahnt; Werner Kotte; Helmut Milzow; Gerhard Müller; Joachim Münch Namens einer großen Anzahl von Obersten und Kapitänen zur See a.D. Volker Bednara; Frithjof Banisch; Bernd Biedermann; Karl Dlugosch; Thomas Förster; Günter Gnauck; Günter Leo; Friedemann Munkelt; Werner Murzynowski; Gerhard Matthes; Lothar Matthäus; Friedrich Peters; Helmut Schmidt; Fritz Schneider; Heinz Schubert; Helmar Tietze; Wilfried Wernecke; Rolf Zander; Oberstleutnant a.D. Günter Ganßauge Weitere Angehörige der NVA aus den Reihen der Offiziere, Fähnriche, Unteroffiziere und Soldaten bekunden ihre Zustimmung.
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- Wieland schreibt: “In die Zeit der tiefsten Schmach fielen nun eine Reihe von Veröffentlichungen auf dem Gebiete der Rassenkunde und Vorgeschichte, die dem entehrten, geschundenen, zu ‘Schweinen’ und scheußlichen ‘Barbaren’ gestempelten Volke erkennen ließen, dass die verlästerten Germanen das erste und einzige Kulturvolk der Erde sind und dass ihm mittels unglaublicher Geschichtsfälschungen ein Schleier vor seine glanzvolle Vorgeschichte gezogen wurde, damit es sich und seinen Wert, seine Bedeutung nicht erkennen könne und willig die Ausbeutung durch eine Fälscher- und Betrügergesellschaft dulde. Wer sich aber mit den alten germanischen Mythen auseinandersetzt, wird schnell merken, dass uns die Judeachristen unsere fundamentalen Lebensgrundlagen und Lebensweisheiten gestohlen haben! Die Bibel ruht auf arisch-germanischer Grundlage. Ihre wertvollsten Teile sind von jüdischen Priestern gefälscht worden, damit ihr Volk als ‘Heiliges, auserwähltes Volk Gottes’ erscheine, durch diesen Schwindel die Weltherrschaft erhalte und in der Erreichung dieses Zieles durch das irregeführte Ariertum nicht gehindert werde. Die Evangelien wiederum sind so vollkommen ein Ausdruck arischen Geistes und arischen religiösen Empfindens, dass sie im schroffsten Gegensatz zum Judentum stehen und von diesem immer abgelehnt wurden. Hebräisch und aus dem atlantischen Heidentum stammend sind die mosaischen Blutgesetze und Menschenopfer.” Hier Weiterlesen: Toedliches Wissen GUTE NACHT UKRAINISCHES UND RUSSISCHES ENGELCHEN!
Click fuer eine bessere Sicht - Oesterreich und Umgebung:
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- BASED ON THE BOOK “Hellstorm”
- Unfortunately he does not point out that Poland started the war and Germany wanted peace.
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- Am 8. Mai 1945 kam die Hoelle ueber Deutschland
- Befreiung?
- These ugly, treasonous ‘walking dead’ leaders of the German people, (Jew?) Wolfgang Schäubele, Jew Helmut Kohl, Jewess Angela Merkel, and all the others, including (Jew?) Adenauer and Willi Brandt, and what all their names were, should all have been put through a Germanic Warrior Court and punished according to the Reich’s constitution for treason, for mocking the German people, for raping them of their dignity, for lying about them, for accusing them falsely, for insulting them and selling them as slaves to the Allies to fill their pocket books, and most of all for their treacherous silencing of the German people for 70 years, not allowing them to speak history truth and expose the crimes of the Allies. They should be prosecuted for treason for leaking the boots of Putin and his sort by honoring Stalin, the head of the Jewish mass murderers who eliminated Millions of ethnic German civilians and Millions of German POWs in Russia, not to mention the tens of millions of Russians. These scum of humanity have no heart, no dignity, NO HONOR; they are just walking zombies who say what ever they are ordered to say to live the rich life. What is a human life to them? What is a broken family to them, a missing father, orphaned children? What do they know about great German heroes, heroes with honor over centuries. These so-called “German” leaders who are none, but hate the white race, are some of the most despicable creatures on this earth! They are not worthy of licking the boots of great spiritual and honorable leader Adolf Hitler.
- Music Videos “My heart will go on” and “Kiss me” in Honor of Great Lover of the German people Adolf Hitler
- Germanwings: Wie jetzt? Kabarett?
- Wie Dr. Goebbels die Reichshauptstadt für die Bewegung eroberte
- Gekettet an die Demokratie Luege
- Kolonialgebiet Deutschland
- Our Destroyed German Heritage 1
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- Our Destroyed German Heritage 2: Creating the Self-Hating German
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- Our Destroyed German Heritage 2: Goodbye Sauerkraut
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- Palestine BEFORE it was Stolen by the Jews
- Dangerous New Psychiatric Bible_DSM-5
- Posted by Maria Lourdes - 01/10/2013
- Gustl Mollath äußert sich auf der Fachtagung in Gießen zu der größten Grausamkeit unmenschlicher Auswüchse: „Es ist das Schlimmste, was man sich vorstellen kann, wenn eine Mutter von ihrem Kind getrennt wird!“ Mollath: „Die ganze Welt setzt in unser Land Hoffnung!“ Die Ehrfurcht und das Herz der Zuhörer an seinen Lippen hatte der erst kürzlich aus der Psychiatrie entlassene Gustl Mollath, als er von unsäglichem Leid, von Willkür, von Missbrauch und Gewaltanwendungen, die er in über sieben Jahren Haft in der Gefängnispsychiatrie (forensische Psychiatrie) erlitten und erlebt hatte. Jetzt nach seiner hart erkämpften Entlassung forderte er Wahrheit und Transparenz für die forensische Psychiatrie, denn Mitgefangene würden missbraucht. „Wir handeln uns psychische Bomben ein. Da kommen wir nicht mehr heraus.“ Was unfasslich klang, aber der angereisten Zuhörerschaft nicht unbekannt vorkam, waren Mollaths Worte: „Wenn Sie aufrecht bleiben, dann ist es für die (gemeint sind herzlose Menschen, die ihre Mitmenschen in die Psychiatrie bringen, und deren Helfershelfer) ja schon verrückt.“ GAG-Tagung: Die Richter und ihre Denker – Gustl Mollath
- Quellen: Video F. Fischer Fachtagung in Gießen mit Gustl Mollath Linkverweise: Die Affäre Mollath – Olaf Przybilla und Uwe Ritzer, Journalisten der “Süddeutschen Zeitung”, kannten lange Gerüchte über den Fall Mollath. Als sie bei ihren Recherchen auf ein internes Dokument der Hypovereinsbank stießen, begannen sie einen der größten Justiz-, Psychiatries-, Banken- und Politskandale der Bundesrepublik aufzudecken. hier weiter Macht und Missbrauch, Schlötterer, Wilhelm – Franz Josef Strauß gilt als Ikone der CSU. Edmund Stoiber bezeichnete ihn als »größten Sohn« der Partei. Andere CSU-Spitzenpolitiker verlangen für Strauß gar einen Platz in der Ehren- und Ruhmeshalle Walhalla bei Regensburg. Mehr als 20 Jahre nach Strauß Tod wird so ein Mythos gehegt, der im krassen Gegensatz zur Realität steht. Seine Gier nach Macht und Geld ließ den einstigen CSU-Vorsitzenden und Ministerpräsidenten sich selbst zum Gesetz erheben: Er setzte ihm genehme Beamte in Schlüsselpositionen ein, begünstigte befreundete millionenschwere Unternehmer und griff in amtliche Entscheidungen ein. Wer sich ihm entgegenstellte, wurde ausgeschaltet. Dieser Regierungsstil, die Ausbeutung des Staates für Partei- und Privatinteressen, endete jedoch nicht mit der Ära Strauß, sondern reicht über Max Streibl und Edmund Stoiber bis hin zu Erwin Huber… Quelle:
- List of Banned books in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, etc. to keep the people ignorant of the facts and the truth of the good and honorable Nazi times and to hide the crimes of the Allies!
- Random thoughts: Germany did not start war with Poland (and out of the question WW2). Poland started war with Germany attacking Germany for many months in 1939 at the border and killing thousands of ethnic Germans in the most bestial ways. Trying to flee, the poor Germans were tortured and murdered and persued to the German Border and executed if they were caught. Poland entered German territory with military equipment and firing on September 1, 1939 - an act of war - murdering fleeing Germans, and that is when Hitler ordered to strike back, and he said so in his speech, “Since this morning we are shooting back.” Poland we are shooting back speech Shooting back does not imply starting. Then England and France started WW2 by meddling in and declaring war on Germany - of course, this was planned and desired by the Jewish bankers to 1) to murder as many white people from around the world as possible and 2) to make as much money as possible on it and 3) to bring the New World Order by the Jews over many countries closer to reality and was set up with the Poles who were USED as instigators. This is probably where the expression comes from “stupid Poles.” But the leaders of the Poles were Jews. Poland was heavily infested with Jews since 1700. Adolf Hitler said, “How can the Poles be so blinded?!” He referred of course to the Polish government and their henchmen. “Left-over” Germany, Reich, kingdom (half its size), does still exist today and it was “crowned” with a false government, an occupation corporation, called Federal Republic (Bundesrepublik), run mostly by Americans and Jews in disguise, pretending to be German for 70 years now to serve the Jewish-American legion of government criminals. Angela Merkel, Polish Jew with blue eyes, is the epitemy of a deceiver, running the Christian!!! party and abusing the German people in many speeches, lying and saying Germany started war with Poland, even started WW2. She even said in one speech a few years back that the “German people do not deserve a democracy.” Well, Hell, they are living under a disguised - to the rest of the world - Communist dictatorship for 70 years now being gagged about the crimes of the Allies and the Holocaust lie, having history truth speech forbidden. These Jew-Allied criminals are ‘raping’ Germans and financially and career-wise ruin them with a Kangaroo court where no defense is allowed, just like at the Nuremberg Trial. Who ever dares to bring historical proof about the lies of the Jews and the Allies, is hauled out of countries and with the same Kangaroo laws in Germany is prosecuted and imprisoned in Germany (actually an extension of the Soviet Union) disregarding the German constitution which guarantees free speech. Ha! Is it all a wonder? No! Angela Merkel is a Communist-trained Polish Jew. And Kohl is a Jew, and so are/were many others that abused our innocent German people. These treasonous criminals are shameless and disgusting in what they say about and to the German people in the media. They are lower than animals. Animals are to be respected and cared for. One cannot respect these perverts. And these same types abuse innocent people in many countries, including the United States. And Communism is Jewish! If there is such a thing as spiritual power that embodies justice, the Jews have it coming to them from that power.
- Gedaechtnistaette*Mord 12 Millionen Deutscher Zivilisten
- Grauenhafter Hass der Juden
- Groesster Voelkermord Aller Zeiten (er wusste aber noch nicht ueber Russland Bescheid - das kam spaeter heraus)
- Die Henker unserer Deutschen
- Kriegserlebnisse
- Millionenfach - Gedicht
- Nuernberg ein Verbrechen
- *Die Schlimmsten Feinde Unserer Voelker- Boyer
- *Die Sieger Im Schatten Ihrer Schuld-1994 - Nolywaika
- Stunde Null
- *Das Unrecht an Deutschland - Scheidl 1968
- *Verbrechen an Deutschen, 1954 - Kumpf - Remy
- *Verbrechen am Deutschen Volk - Erich Kern 1964
- *Verbrechen an der Wehrmacht - Seidler 1997
- Voelkermord an Niederdeutschen
- *Zeitzeugen - Deutsche Todesmaersche und Verhaftungen
- The Bombing of Germany City by City
- Hell is Big enough for more than one man
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- 100 Waterconservation Ways
- Comments by on Eric Margolis’ article “No People Have an Exclusive on Suffering” Who are those people who have not exclusive? Why not mention them? It’s the Jews, is it not? Only the Jews must be felt sorry for. The slaughter of the Armenians was not due primarily to WWI but due to the Jews arranging to eradicate Millions of Armenians. This book ought to help: Jewish-Genocide-of-Armenian-Christians-Bjerknes-2006-pdf The Muslims invaded Spain and the Spaniards defended themselves, rightfully so. The natives of America and the white man were fighting over territory. The slaughter was brutal on both sides. The American Indians were not angels but savages. The brutalities were arranged by both sides, tit for tat. Please be reminded that the Indians scalped people alive, tortured them otherwise, murdered little children, raped women and girls and slaughtered the Buffaloes by the thousands and let them rot on the Prairie. These truth are purposely hidden to enforce the Jewish hate campaign against the white race. The Jesuits were ordered by King Charles to found the missions in California, and many Jesuits were not really Christians but Jewish infiltrators. The Jesuits had a brutal group of non-Christians behind them, ruling them. That is even worse today. The death from disease of the Indians, while tragic, is not genocide because the death was not intended. Perhaps it was? Jews are not white! Eric Margolis forgets to mention that the Jews turned Russia into the Soviet Union and murdered 66 Million Russians of many races, including Ukrainians. Adolf Hitler did not commit genocide. That’s an invention, Mr. Margolis. Getting paid by the Jews? It was 20 Million ethnic Germans that were expelled and 5 Million died in the process. The Dutch-Flemisch Boers were Germans also. Mr. Margolis forgets to mention that it was the British who murdered about 26,000 of them in concentration camps. It was not 1 Million but 10 Million Cambodians that were killed by their own government. And Mr. Margolis forgets to mention that it was due to Jewish Communism brought there. And where are the 40 to 50 Million Chinese mentioned that were killed by their own government due to the Jews bringing Communism to them? He conveniently forgets to mention that over 1 Million German soldiers were starved to death by Jew Dwight Eisenhower. And he forgets to mention that nearly 6 Million Germans were starved to death purposefully after WWII; nearly 1 Million after WWI. This is a very selectively written article to 1) to deride the white man; 2) hide the crimes of the Jews; 3) falsely accuse Adolf Hitler of genocide; 4) confuse people with false numbers, and much, much more. Here is the article.
- The real haters always call others “haters” because they can.
- Truth Speaker Magazine under Attack for exposing Palestinian Suffering
- David Irving is a historian, and the haters make a “hater” out of him because they can: [*germanvictims: But David Irving does not provide many truths and he claims false numbers of crimes, hiding the crimes of the Allies. He uses very low estimates and believes that the Germans murdered Jews in the camps. I do not trust David Irving. He speaks some truths.] VIDEO: THE RUSSIANS WHO FOUGHT AGAINST THE SOVIETS:
From A look at the “Russian Liberation Army,” a little-known World War II military force made up of Russian soldiers who had been taken prisoner by the Germans and then volunteered to fight the Soviet regime. This ten-minute Russian-language video, with English subtitles, includes wartime footage of a swearing-in ceremony of RLA soldiers. The RLA was commanded by former Soviet General Andrei Vlasov, who also headed the German-backed anti-Stalinist “Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia,” a provisional “government-in-exile.”
- AND WHO WERE THE BOLSHEVIKS? THE JEWS AND THEIR HENCHMEN. AND THAT’S WHAT THEY ARE WORKING ON NOW. ONLY THIS TIME THEY HAVE THE WHOLE WORLD BY THEIR GRIP: From Andrei Vlasov addresses the founding conference of the “Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia,” a German- backed, anti-Soviet Russian “government-in-exile.” Video in Russian, with English subtitles. Runtime: 1:17 mins. At this conference on Nov. 14, 1944, in Prague, Vlasov issues the Committee’s stirring proclamation to the Russian people, and to the world. Vlasov, a former Soviet General, was also commander of the German-backed “Russian Liberation Army.” Das brauchte ich heute um nicht ganz traurig ueber unsere Welt zu sein. Ich musste sogar lachen: Vögel Modenshau I needed this today to be not all sad over our world conditions. I even laughted: Birds’ Fashion Show
- Birds’ high fashion show __
- Immigrants from China top those from Mexico
- 2 Killed over Mohammed in Texas
- Der Raub der Ukraine by den Juden:
- 2. Mai 2015 - Bericht aus der Ukraine
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- Jewish Supremacism - David Duke - Pdf
- TRANSLATED PICTURE BELOW: ‘MOST STILL DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE LEADING JEWS ARE PLANNING TO DO WITH THE EUROPEAN [*AND OF COURSE AMERICAN] PEOPLE: “GET RID OF THE WHITE RACE ANY WAY YOU CAN!”‘ (NOEL IGNATIEV, Harvard Professor - 1993) The Harvard library which has about 50-100 (forgot) employees had not one white employee last time I looked. They have other races and most of them look like Jews.
- Here are a few ways to “get rid” of us: poisoning us in various ways, vaccinations making us ill or sterile, or autistic, cancer, chemicals in food over decades, pharmaceuticals, dumbed-down education, mind-altering drugs, false medical treatment, hopelessness and depression due to terrible treatment by our government offices, financial crashes, abortion, accidents, murder, revolutions, war, famines… and many more ways. And of course there is ‘chopping off of the head,’ as they have already a Jew-“American” law signed for. The guillotines they have set up (Dr. Lorraine Day) are the most economical way to kill thousands of people at once. Everything is already in their control. Then they’ll steal our property. They chopped the heads off the aristocracy and middle class in the French revolution and took their property. They executed the best of the Russians and took their property. They murdered Millions of Germans after both wars and took their property. They drove 20 Million ethnic Germans of their land and they took their property. They created the American Revolution so they can steal all the wealth from the South. Thieves and murderers is what we are dealing with.
- Here is the HATE website of Jew professor Noel Ignatiev (what a Christian sounding name-I guess he needed it for the early days to make a good impression and hide his dark heart).
- Hoffnung fuer Deutschland - der Koenig von Deutschland spricht, es sei denn es ist wiedermal ein Jude der einen inneren Judenstsat errichten will?
- Kinderraub und Staatsterror in Dresden (oder wie man die Herzen von Kindern bricht)
- September 2014: Prolog in vier Abschnitten
- 1. Zur weltpolitischen Lage – oder: Willkommen in der Apokalypse!
- Wir schreiben das Jahr 2014. Die Völker der Erde leben in einer Zeit kurz vor einer allergewaltigsten globalen gesell- schaftlichen Katastrophe, welche sich schon seit Jahrzehnten auf vielen Ebenen angedeutet hat und nun konkret vor- auszusehen ist (Anmerkung: Mit einer Zuspitzung der gegenwärtigen Krisenentwicklung ist voraussichtlich 2015 zu rechnen). Verschiede- nen Prophezeiungen und Studien zufolge werden bei dieser Katastrophe innerhalb weniger Jahre ca. ein bis zwei Drit- tel der Menschheit ums Leben kommen, es gibt aber auch solche, die sich auf die vom Establishment errichteten prophetischen Georgia Guidestones beziehen und weltweit nur mit 500 Millionen Überlebenden rechnen. Wie man Aussagen aus höchsten etablierten Kreisen entnehmen kann, ist jedenfalls eine erhebliche Reduzierung der Menschheit gewünscht und geplant, wozu die nun bevorstehende globale Katastrophe genutzt werden soll. Die gegenwärtige weltweite Krise, die sich in finanzsystemischer, wirtschaftlicher, sozialer und weltpolitischer Hin- sicht in den letzten Jahren immer weiter zugespitzt hat, ist nur das harmlose Vorspiel dessen, was in naher Zukunft bevorsteht. Zu dieser Krise mußte es schon aus strukturellen und systemischen Gründen zwangsläufig kommen, jedoch sollte man diesbezüglich auch wissen, daß diese Krise von verborgenen System-Eliten, die im Hintergrund die Fäden ziehen, von langer Hand geplant und ganz gezielt herbeigeführt worden ist, um daraus für ihren Machterhalt große Vorteile ziehen und letztlich die Totalherrschaft über sämtliche Völker der Erde erlangen zu können. Für aufmerksame Beobachter des Weltgeschehens ist es seit Jahren offenkundig und nun auch für jedermann offensicht- lich geworden, daß ein die Völker tyrannisierendes internationales Finanzestablishment schon seit sehr langer Zeit die westlichen Politiker einschließlich die der USA, der EU und der gesamten UNO als willfährige Handlanger benutzt und auf die Einsetzung einer sogenannten Eine-Welt-Regierung hinarbeitet. Diese würde allerdings nichts anderes als die Auflösung der Vielfalt der Völker und Kulturen und die endgültige unumkehrbare Versklavung der Rest-Menschheit bedeuten. Wer die politischen Entwicklungen in der Welt aufmerksam verfolgt hat, wird erkannt haben, daß dieses Pro- jekt bisher schon sehr weit gediehen ist. Von David Rockefeller stammt der vielzitierte Ausspruch, daß es, um die Welt- herrschaft zu erlangen, nur noch einer weltweiten ultimativen Krise bedarf. Vor der Zuspitzung dieser Krise stehen wir nun unmittelbar! – es besteht nur noch die Frage, in welchem Monat es innerhalb des nächsten Jahres dazu kommt… Bitte hier weiterlesen:
- Paulinismus1-pdf
- Europaeische Kulturweltanschauung-pdf
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- THEY WANT WAR! JEW-AMERICA IS A PARASITIC ECONOMY WHICH ALWAYS LEADS TO A WAR ECONOMY, AND JEW ROOSEVELT (Rosenfeld) HATED ADOLF HITLER’S WORK ECONOMY AND OUTSTANDING SUCCESS WHILE MILLIONS OF AMERICANS WERE “DISSAPPEARING” AND STARVED TO DEATH IN THE GREAT DEPRESSION. Now they have to continue to misrepresent Adolf Hitler and make him into a monster to hide what criminal minds Roosevelt and his sort had, to keep the masses in trance so they can easily lead them to their death. Germanvictims’ thinking is, the American, Russian, Israeli, and Chinese government, driven by the Jews, are in cahoot to accomplish massive population extermination by means of wars, and make money at it. Those governments are all ruled by the anti-humans, the Jews. What will the rare survivors do after the Neutron bombs have fallen on America and the Chinese and Russian soldiers come to rob them of their home, rape, torture and kill them and their loved ones? Oh, they would not do such a thing? Read what was done to the Germans! What will we do? There is a game played with us, U.S. against Russia and vice versa, just as in every area of politics because they are “all” Jews. I have come to believe that they think of us as insects to be exterminated. This is what the Jews taught the Allied warriors to do to the Germans in their hate campaigns all over the world for decades. The Jewish blood seems to lack a soul. Like the great Avatar and lover of mankind, Adolf Hitler, said, “If the Jews win, the world will head into extinction.” I hope I am wrong about all my fears, but it does not look good. Tanks and missiles are being transported all over Europe. I love you, Adolf Hitler. We need a spirited leader like you rise up in every country, right now! ______________________________________________________________ News from the website of Dr. Lorraine Day – truth seeker for decades: Massive Military Equipment from Canada heading for U.S. West Coast Jewish-run U.S. government uses Jewish-run Hollywood for propaganda against Russia Coming Fake Alien Invasion Male ROTC Cadets Forced to wear Red High Heels to run race FBI Admits Using Fraudulent Forensic testimony to sentence innocent people to death Death From Above: The New Manhattan Project Chemtrail Fleet Chemtrails Exposed: History of the NEW Manhattan project ISIS Using Weapons Made In Israel CDC Admits 10-30 Million Received Polio Vaccine contaminated with carcinogen Roundup-Cancer Link: 30,000 Doctors Agree Hollywood Producer Blows the Whistle on Boston Bombing Hoax Jade Helm: Gun Confiscation coming SOON! Source: Website of Dr. Lorraine Day – truth seeker for decades: ________________________________________________________________
- >>>>>March-April 2015