Aktuell*New July 2015

…Opa ich vermisse Dich…und ich glaube fest daran - egal was man auch erzaehlt, du warst ein guter Mann… die Oma sagt du warst ein Held und gabst Dein Leben fuer das Land…



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 Hail to All Germans!

Quelle: Deutsche Freiheit

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Deutsch-English: Cured of Cancer All Israelis - Gentiles Must Die!-

5 Biological Laws - Cancer Cure

Deutsch-English: Cancer-Krebs-Healed-Geheilt

5 Bilologischen Naturgesetze-Krebs Geheilt!

Big Pharma as Organized Crime (Video)


Liebe Deutschsprachige Besucher! Meine lieben Germanen!

Ohne zu viele Worte hier zu schreiben, aber hoffend fuer Ihr Vertrauen dass ich das Beste fuer Sie will, bitte ich Sie obige Seiten zu besuchen, sogar wenn Sie jung und gesund sind. Denn wenn sie eine Krebs Diagnose bekommen dann gehen sie in biologischen Schock (Todesangst), der dann Krebs weiter verbreited. Das macht der Koerper so, er will durch ‘Zellwachstum’ ueberleben wenn er umgebracht werden soll (wir kennen ja alle die Ueberlebensrate der Schulmedizin von 2%). Krebs ist orginal das Result von einem “Ueberlebenschock.” Einen Doppelschock koennen Sie vermeiden indem Sie informiert sind. Die Dinge mit Krebs stehen ganz anders, GANZ ANDERS! Krebs heilt sich oft von selbst wie fast alle Krankheiten, wenn der Schock geheilt ist, aber sicherlich oft nicht ohne Unangenehmheiten,wie Schmerzen, Schwellung, usw. Ja, aber nur wenn die Heilung nicht durch “Behandlungsmedizin” unterbrochen wird. Denn der Koerper hat ganz intelligente Prozesse zur Heilung und Verarbeitung von absterbenden Zellen. Dr. Hamer kann beweisen dass die Israelis 95-99% von Krebs durch Dr. Hamer’s Neue Germanische Medizin heimlich geheilt werden, schon seit 30 Jahren, die Behandlung von Aerzten aber im Westen verboten ist (video Dr. Hamer und Journalist - und Israelische Dokumente).


Warum? Weil, man Menschen ganz gezielt vernichten und dabei noch viel Geld machen will, ca. Euro 280,000 per Krebs Patient. Das ist meine Folgerung. Niemand brauchs glauben. Ich verstehe es mit Leib und Seele. Ausserdem, Pharma wuerde untergehen wenn man diese Behandlung bei Dr. Hamer im Westen erlauben wuerde. Deshalb verleumdet man Dr. Hamer und bekaempft ihn mit allen Mitteln schon seit ca. 35 Jahren. Natuerlich werden die Luegen ueber ihn auf Wiki verbreitet, die zusaetzliche Luegenpresse.  Sie koennen ja alles hier nachforschen, auf Dr. Hamer’s Heimseite, und indem sie sich die videos von den Heilpraktikern Baumann und Baumeister ansehen. Diese biologische Verarbeitung von Krankheit und Heilungsprozess beim Koerper macht total Sinn. Weiterhin koennen Sie es mit allen ihren kleinen Krankheiten selbst ausprobieren, aber nur wenn sie sich nicht mit Medizin behandeln denn die unterbricht und stopped den natuerlichen Heilungsprozess. Viel Glueck!


Hier nochmal die links:

Deutsch-English: Cured of Cancer All Israelis - Gentiles Must Die!-

5 Biological Laws - Cancer Cure

Deutsch-English: Cancer-Krebs-Healed-Geheilt

5 Bilologischen Naturgesetze-Krebs Geheilt!

Big Pharma as Organized Crime (Video)

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Heute wie damals:
[*comments by germanvictims] …Für alle hellenischen Staaten ausser Sparta brachte der Zeitabschnitt des 7. und 6. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. innerstaatliche Umwälzungen, die die Adelsherrschaft der frühhellenischen Geschichte zerbrachen und zugleich durch Wüten der anderen Schichten gegen die Herrenschichten zu einer eingreifenden Ausmerzung nordischen Blutes beitrugen. Es war das Zeitalter der Tyrannen. Diese waren, obwohl häufig selbst adeliger Herkunft, Adelshasser, die sich die Volksgunst durch klug berechnetes Auftreten zu gewinnen und sich so schliesslich die staatliche Macht als Alleinherrscher zu sichern wussten. Die Tyrannen waren im allgemeinen milde gegen die unteren Volksschichten [*verschiedener Rassen und Rassenmischungen], schonungslos aber gegen den Adel und die oberen Stände, sowie gegen jeden Mann und jedes Geschlecht, dem sie Tatkraft und Führungseigenschaften zutrauten…  [*So wie heute] In den Umwälzungen des Tyrannenzeitalters wurden in manchen Städten Griechenlands nahezu alle Vornehmen und Reichen getötet, ihre Güter eingezogen, ihre Frauen und Kinder der untersten Volksschicht überlassen… Aus “Victor K Wendt - Das Geheimnis der Hyperboreer (1984)

Spielfilm Baltig Storm ueber die versunkene Estonia. Beweiss besteht schon lange es war ein Attentat. Sie koennen weiter unten den video Beitrag von Rechtsanwalt Henning Witte, Vertreter der Opferfamilien,  sehen der in der Entwicklung des Filmes beteiligt war. In der Zwischenzeit, sagt er, sieht es immer schwaecher aus dass die Russen beteiligt waren. Weiterhin sagt er, der Mossad, ist der schlimmste Uebeltuer in Schweden.



Bericht aus der Ukraine 17

04. August 2015 (Redaktion QuerdenkenTV) Wir haben wieder die Quellen ausgewertet und zusammengefaßt. Es sind diesmal viele Einzelberichte, die aber ein recht gutes Bild von den Zuständen zeichnen. Diesmal ist der Tenor der ganzen Informationen, daß sich die Leute schon so an Gewalt, Schießereien, Gefahr, Brutalität und Zusammenbruch gewöhnt haben, daß es sie schon gar nicht mehr wirklich erschüttert. Weiterhin ist das Wirtschaftsleben so gut wie zum Erliegen gekommen. Was nicht durch Strommangel brach liegt oder durch Vandalismus, Brandstiftung oder Beschuß zerstört, das wird abmontiert, geklaut und weggeschafft. Funktionieren tut nur noch der Schwarzmarkt. Hoffnung auf Besserung besteht nicht.


August 3, 2015

[germanvictims: In Bezug auf die Barbie Puppe. Test fuer neue Spion Technologie? Sie bereiten die Unterlagen vor fuer die Verhaftungen der Durchschnittsmenschen die ihre Nase voll von der Regierung haben, die Christen, Wahrheitssprecher, Systemkritiker, usw. In der Soviet Union wurde alles dokumentiert was jemand gesagt hat oder gesagt haben soll fuer die Verhaftung, auch all die Luegen als Wahrheit dokumentiert, fuer die Exekution, Vernichtung durch Schwerarbeit und fehlende Ernaehrung im Gulag.]

Querdenken TV: Das allein ist schon ein schrecklicher Gedanke, daß die kleinen Mädchen mit einer Art Roboterpuppe ein emotionales Verhältnis aufbauen sollen. Barbie hört zu und adaptiert Ausdrucksweise und Wörter des Kindes. Sie kann Witze erzählen, interaktiv mit dem Kind spielen und zum Geschichten erzählen anleiten. So, daß das kleine Mädchen sie tatsächlich als eine Person wahrnimmt, ihr Gefühle glaubt und zu der hypersexy Plastikbraut ein vertrauensvolles, emotionales Verhältnis aufbaut.

Aber das ist noch der harmlose Teil.

Barbie ist über Wifi mit einer Cloud im Internet verbunden. Diese Cloud liegt auf dem Server von Mattel. Dort werden alle Geräusche, Lieder, Wörter und Hintergrundgeräusche, die Barbie aufnimmt gespeichert. Der Server von Mattel wertet das alles aus und generiert passende Antworten… hier weiterlesen…

Unglaublich - Barbie Puppe Spioniert ueber Ihre Familie durch das Kind und bringt die Aufnahmen dann ueber Clowd zu einer database. (Datensammlung)


Incredibly Intrusive: Windows 10 Spies on You By Default

Shannon Stapleton, Reuters

August 1, 2015


Microsoft’s new Windows 10 operating system is immensely popular, with 14 million downloads in just two days. The price of the free upgrade may just be your privacy, though, as changing Windows 10’s intrusive default settings is difficult.

Technology journalists and bloggers are singing Windows 10’s praises, often using the words such as “amazing,”“glorious” and “fantastic.” The operating system has been described as faster, smoother and more user-friendly than any previous version of Windows. According to Wired magazine, more than 14 million people have downloaded their upgrade since the system was released on Wednesday.

While the upgrade is currently free of charge to owners of licensed copies of Windows 8 and Windows 7, it does come at a price. Several tech bloggers have warned that the privacy settings in the operating system are invasive by default, and that changing them involves over a dozen different screens and an external website.

According to Zach Epstein of BGR News, all of Windows 10’s features that could be considered invasions of privacy are enabled by default. Signing in with your Microsoft email account means Windows is reading your emails, contacts and calendar data. The new Edge browser serves you personalized ads. Solitaire now comes with ads. Using Cortana – the voice-driven assistant that represents Redmond’s answer to Apple’s Siri – reportedly “plays fast and loose with your data.” 

“I am pretty surprised by the far-reaching data collection that Microsoft seems to want,” web developer Jonathan Porta wrote on his blog. “I am even more surprised by the fact that the settings all default to incredibly intrusive. I am certain that most individuals will just accept the defaults and have no idea how much information they are giving away.”

As examples, Porta cited Microsoft having access to contacts, calendar details, and “other associated input data” such as “typing and inking” by default. The operating system also wants access to user locations and location history, both of which could be provided not just to Microsoft, but to its “trusted partners.

“Who are the trusted partners? By whom are they trusted? I am certainly not the one doing any trusting right now,” Porta wrote, describing the default privacy options as “vague and bordering on scary.”

Alec Meer of the ‘Rock, Paper, Shotgun’ blog pointed out this passage in Microsoft’s 12,000-word, 45-page terms of use agreement:

“We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to.”

While most people are used to ads as the price of accessing free content, writes Meer, Microsoft is not making it clear enough that they are “gathering and storing vast amounts of data on your computing habits,” not just browser data.

Opting out of all these default settings requires navigating 13 different screens and a separate website, the bloggers have found.

Meer was underwhelmed with Microsoft executives’ claims of transparency and easily understandable terms of use. “There is no world in which 45 pages of policy documents and opt-out settings split across 13 different Settings screens and an external website constitutes ‘real transparency,’” he wrote.

Tracking and harvesting user data has been a business model for many tech giants. Privacy advocates have raised concerns over Google’s combing of emails, Apple’s Siri, and Facebook’s tracking cookies that keep monitoring people’s browser activity in order to personalize advertising and content.



Jesuitenlist und Jesuitenraenke - Die groessten Verbrechen und Greueltaten-pdf

Travel to the Moon: Can you imagine shooting a metal ball with a human in it onto the Moon (first round), but first through the Asteroid Belt?! When I thought about it and questioned it, I asked myself how could I have been so stupid and believe such a crazy thing. Why did I? Because I trusted my government. Alexander Wagandt calls it the “Kinderwelt,” meaning we live in a child’s world. This is why evil governments can have their own people slaughter their fellow citizens, such in Russia, China, Cambodia, etc. (almost all driven by the Jews) because they are told by their government their fellow citizens are evil because they have worked for a better living standard. ______________



Germans close to the German Wings investigation who expressed a different view on the crash of German Wings were fired from their jobs! Just like in the case of the ship Estonia were many lost their jobs who wanted to do an honest investigation or had other technical opinions! The Estonia destruction case is still not closed after more than 20 years. There is total proof the ship was bombed. Attorney Henning Witte and several members of his family were threatened.

Video-Gespraech - Untergang der Estonia immer noch nicht geklaert - man redet von Sprengung, Massenmord, Vertuschungen, Blockierungen und Drohungen:

Und auf YouTube versuchen sie sogar dieses video Gespraech zu blockieren! So schreiben sie ‘man soll so gut sein und es nicht weiterleiten.’


How America Went Gay

Die Weltrevolution - Das Grab der Blonden 1927

Jewish World Order

Jan Van Helsing - Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century

Hitler not Funded by the Rothchilds

Hunger and Bolshewik Destruction

Sbornik Wolgadeutsche - Russisch - Deutsch - Zweiter Teil des Buches Deutsch

*****Der Blumenkrieg - Gerd Honsik

Russian War Crimes against children

Russias Agony Wilton

*****Roth Heinz-Widerstand Im Dritten Reich 1976 72S.

Rosenberg Alfred-Novemberkoepfe1939-340S.

Rosenberg_Alfred - Unmoral_im_Talmud_1943_38_S.

Rede Goebbels Die Urheber des Unglücks der Welt

Rede Goebbels - Unser Hitler 1933

Race Traitor Anthology - Asking to Commit Treason to Whites!

Brafmann, Kahal - Juedische Sitten_Fraktur

Brafman, Kahal - Juedische Sitten_text

Treason to White-ness is Loyalty to Humanity!


APP- Revisionist pamhlet - Life in the Third Reich

Anklagen Der Juden In Russland Wegen Kindermords Gebrauchs Von Christenblut

Anglin Andrew - Feminism A jewish war on femininity

Altai und Omsk_Gedenkbuch der Ermordung der Volksdeutschen in Russland

Alljudas Kriegsluegen und die Richtigstellungen zur Geschichte mit Zitaten vom 18.10.2014 

Communist Ways:


Jews in the NKVD

* * * * *


Hitlers Friedensbemuehungen

Persecution of Revisionists (Those wo speak truth about history)

Apollo Moon Landing Fact or Fiction

Con Man Einstein

Why did Germany attack Russia and more about WW2

John Coleman - Diplomacy by Deception - Treasonous Conduct by the Governments of Britain and the United States (1993)

Self Mastery first page for Autosuggestion book - 1 pg.

Self-Mastery through Autosuggestion

4200 Jahre Germanische Geschichte - Herman Wirth Die Ura Linda Chronik

Der Schwarze Feind - die Jesuitenmacht aus Das Geheimnis der Jesuitenmacht


Pastor John Hagee, an ignorant tool of the Jews - along with many other pastors - plays a significant role in giving the Jews domination and world power, and is, therefore, directly responsible for the coming slaughter of our American Christians.

The Jews do not always have the look of a specific race. They are a nation to themselves inside of other nations, made up of many races who have mixed with Jewish blood, all bound by the Talmud hate decree against all gentiles, such as in Communism, and who have leaders and henchmen who want to control and eliminate almost all of them - except for some slaves - so they can steal their property and make the Jews richer and the only rulers on the earth. And that’s what they say themselves.

Was Adolf Hitler in Seinen Reden Ueber die Juden Sagte:


The Jewish Origins of Mao’s Communist Regime in China

Texe Marrs: Another revelation that U.S.A. and western journalists and historians are prohibited from writing about concerns the Jewish origins of Mao Tse Tung’s Red Chinese revolution. In fact, Mao was a stupid and inept Chinese peasant who was schooled by Skull and Bonesmen and initiated into the internationalist Masonic Lodge by socialist Jews from the United States. This was done with the tacit permission of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a 32nd degree Mason and, later, President Harry S. Truman a 33rd degree Mason.

Mao all along has been a closely-controlled puppet of Jewish revolutionaries—men like Israel Epstein and Sidney Shapiro, who lived in China and had the reins of power over two key areas of Beijing’s Communist Government—the treasury (money) and the media (propaganda). Interestingly, Zionist Jews hold sway over these same two essential instruments of government today in the United States.

Jewish Spies Give U.S.A. Military Secrets to Communist China

The covert Jewish control of Mao and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) explains why convicted Jewish spy Jonathan Pollard, found guilty of stealing thousands of classified documents from the Defense Department where he worked, gave these materials to his masters, the Israeli Mossad operating in the U.S.A. The Israelis, in turn, transferred these valuable military secrets straight to Red Chinese dictators in Beijing.

Pollard, a Jew born in Galveston, Texas, sits in a federal prison today. Recently, when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu came to America, he visited Pollard in prison and assured the despicable turncoat Israeli spy that the Israeli government was working behind-the-scenes with Obama’s White House to pardon the convicted spy. Meanwhile, Pollard is a national hero in Israel—honored for stealing America’s most precious military secrets which Israel gave to Communist China!


Continue reading here: http://www.texemarrs.com/092010/triad_of_evil.htm

Video – China - Die Blutige Geschichte des Juedischen Kommunismus Teil 3


July 30, 2015

These Satanic Jewish Devils are allowed to do anything they want in America!

satanic baphometsource: https://www.texemarrs.com/


These Satanic devils are working on robots that will hunt down people:

This is NOT a video, just a picture!

See the video at the website below.

source - German article:



Was die mit uns vorhaben ist total satanisch! Sie wollen uns beaengstigen und terrorisieren. 

“Was wir hier haben, sind die Anfänge um etwas entwickeln, das es Robotern ermöglicht, wie ein Rudel Hunde Jagd auf Menschen zu machen. Sobald die Software perfektioniert ist, können wir vernünftigerweise erwarten, dass sie autonom werden und bewaffnet sind.”

Lauf Um Dein Leben!


Nuetzliche Idioten in Schluesselpositionen - Verschiedene Wichtige Elemente gezielt der Nahrung entzogen

Hilfe! Ich werde enteignet!

Ernst K. von Free State of Danzig Beitrag zum untigen Video Berlin 1945:  “Meine Erinnerungs an Berlin gehen zurueck auf Oktober 1941.
Damals, noch keine 13 Jahre alt, wanderten wir durch die Stadt die schon Schaden durch Luftangriffe erlitten hatte.
Wir, mein Freund Gert Gruebnau und meine Wenigkeit waren von Zoppot/FreiStaat Danzig auf dem Weg nach Prierus/Mark Brandenburg.
Dort war eine Seesportschule wo wir die A Pruefung machten.
Berlin sah ich wieder im Julie 1944.
Auf Teufel komm raus spekulierten das das Endspiel um die deutsche Fussballmeisterschaft zwischen dem Dresdener FC und dem Luftwaffen Sport Verein Hamburg in Berlin ausgetragen wird.
Keiner von uns hatte eine Ahnung, aber was solls, wir, acht von uns, wollten was erleben.
Samstag um 23.04 Uhr ging es loss mit den Zug von Zoppot und um 5.30 Uhr waren wir in Berlin, 600 km entfernt.
In Berlin angekommen wusste keiner ob das Spiel tatsaeschlich stattfindet aber wir machten uns auf dem Wege nach dem Olympischen Stadium.
Es war ein langer Weg vom Anhalter Bahnhof bis zum Stadium und wir sahen vielles.
Wir sahen wie die Stadt gelitten hatte durch die Luftangriffe aber die Regirungsviertel waren alle heil.
Am Stadium angekommen, siehe da, das Stadium war offen.
Und es dauerte nicht lange und das Stadium war voll mit mehr als 100, 000.
Willibald Kress war im Tor von LSV Hamburg, und fuer den Dresdener FC spielten Helmut Schoen und Richard Hoffmann.
Das Spiel endete 4 : 0 fuer Dresden, eine Freude war es.
So kammen wir Montag frueh wieder in Zoppot an konnten keine Muedigkeit vortauschen denn die Schule rief.”

germanvictims.com: Hier haben die Luegner nur einen Satz: “Wollt ihr den Totalen Krieg” in das video eingebaut um die Betrachter irrezufuehren. “Totaler Krieg” hiess nicht totale Zerstoerung sondern die Unterstuetzung des ganzen Volkes der Soldaten und des Landes in jeder Hinsicht und, wenn noetig, viele Opfer zu bringen. In Bezug auf Zerstoerung… Z.B. wurde der Deutschen Wehrmacht befohlen Denkmale und Historische Gebaeude in anderen Laendern zu beschuetzen! Wie immer bauen die Luegner ihre Luegen ein um die Deutschen weiterhin in Verruf zu bringen. Die Luegenbande wird immer wieder neue Luegen aufbringen, seit gewarnt und wachsam! Sie sind dazu sehr erfinderisch denn es wurde schon seit Jahrtausenden so gemacht:

Video Berlin 1945 - Die zerstoerte Stadt Berlin


* * * * *


As always, they sneak in lies with the truth! In this video there is only one sentence, spoken by Adolf Hitler to mislead the watchers of this video: “Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg?” (Do  you want total war?) in order to make it look like Adolf Hitler and the German people wanted this. The fact is “totalen Krieg” “total war” HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH DESTRUCTION! In fact, for example, the German soldiers were ordered to protect national monuments and historical buildings in other countries.  “Total war” meant nothing but that all the Germans must totally be supportive of the German military and war effort once it starts by being cooperative, supporting their soldiers, volunteering for the military as support personnell, having watchful eyes out for spies in every area of German society, getting involved in civil war support, volunteering as nurses, as Red Cross workers, donating clothing to the military in the winter if necessary, helping fellow citizens (when they are bombed out) and all those civilians supports necessary to  help the Germans win the war and help each other. I no way did Hitler mean destruction with “total war.” THE LIARS ALWAYS LOOK FOR OPPORTUNITIES TO MIX TRUTH WITH LIES. WHOEVER DID THIS VIDEO HAS ADDED THIS SENTENCE TO DECEIVE THOSE WHO WATCH IT TO JUSTIFY THEIR BOMBING OF THE CIVILIANS IN GERMANY. THESE DECEIVERS ARE THE LOWEST OF MANKIND. 

Video Berlin 1945 - The destruction of the beautiful city of Berlin


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How Hitler Tackled Unemployment

Mass Migration threatens European Civilization - Says Hungary’s PM

Britain unnecessarily declared war on Germany because it wanted to eliminate the commercial competition and kill the German people. Hitler pleaded with Britain for Peace Many Times. He also said, if the Jews win, civilization will end. How right he was. He knew about the hidden Communism! And here is some feedback from the Brits today. I did not read the whole article… I know they always sneak in lies about the Germans, so I would not be surprised if they did it in here. This isn’t Britain we Fought for

Freedom of Speech Violation: Jean Marie Le Pen Prosecuted for Holocaust Denial

Freedom of Speech Violation: Russian Beauty Queen Stripped of Title

Israeli Boycott Movement Scores Successes

Freedom of Speech Violation: Romania Bans Holocaust Denial - Fascist Symbols

July 29, 2015

Subversion through Infiltration: The Fabians preferred the method of “permeation,” or what Margaret (Postgate) Cole termed the “honeycomb” effect. Instead of undertaking direct confrontational action, for example, by aligning themselves with working-class trade unionism or other militant socialists, the Fabians sought to change the system from within, and would achieve this by a process of infiltration. Through their great intellectual weight, they would “persuade” members of government (whatever the Party), civil servants, and other people in power that ameliorating the plight of the less fortunate in society was a necessary and just cause. They achieved a measurable success at this because they possessed among their small number some of the best minds and celebrities of the time. Read more about it here:

Communism: The Socialist-Capitalist Alliance


Heinrich Himmler English-Deutsch

The Teaching Plan Of the SS and Police

SS Officers Inspired by Teutonic Knights-Deutsch-English

The Law and Honor of the SS Man-Deutsch-English

Tatsachen und Luegen um Hitler-Artikel

Tatsachen und Luegen um Hitler_1932_32s-pdf

* * * *__________________________* * * * *

THE GOLD ROBBERS: [*Comments by germanvictims.com]

Nov 12, 2014 Klagemauer TV: German Gold kept now for 50 years by the
U.S. Jews. 1,500 tons of German Gold supposedly at the Fed at a
value of 70 Billion  Dollars.

In 2012 they promised they would return 300 tons by 2020 (just 1/5th). In 2013 they returned only 5 tons but not the original German gold but newly poured Gold with a 2013 stamp!!! [*Is it real? Where did the German gold go? Underground facilities?]

Fed refuses to make  a list of the German gold bars.

German politicians (top leaders Jews or Jew slaves) say the return of the gold to Germany shall stop.

Experts warn the German Gold is gone.

[*The Holocaust lie is the tool for the Jews to do anything they want to to the Germans, and next the rest of the white race, and then all the gentiles. If the Holocaust is not soon rejected by the rest of mankind, we are all going down because with the holocaust the Jews falsely claim to be victims.  They always come up with new tricks to captivate the public, movies, books, invented stories, victims, Nazis, etc., etc. They are liars and deceivers since the beginning of their existence. ]

THESE WORDS MEAN A LOT MORE THAN YOU THINK: FOR EXAMPLE, THEY SAY WE ARE CANCERS! “DIVERSITY” IS A JEWISH PLAN. AND THEN THEY HAVE THE MISLEADING ‘NICE WORDS.’ What a sneaky plan to eliminate people, and for this to be allowed to be erected in our country means it came from the rulers.

* * * *__________________________* * * * *


Capture Georgia Guidestone







Mahler was sentenced to 12 years and 11 months imprisonment for the crime of questioning the Jewish Holocaust

Horst Mahler - foot and lower leg amputated

(imprisoned since 25 February 2009)

Source: http://www.adelaideinstitute.org/

July 29, 2015

Wenn sie ein echter Deutscher sind und die deutschen Menschen lieben, dann schauen sie sich bitte diese videos von Horst Mahler an.

Ein grosser ehrenhafter Mann, Horst Mahler, der leider sehr krank ist im Gefaengnis. Meuchelmord der Deutschen Fuehrer. Mit dem Trugbild werden die Deutschen kontrolliert. Wer ist der wirkliche Feind? Ein 2,000 Jahrer alter Satan.

Wir laufen zu auf eine grosse Katastrophe:

MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT, THE SAME PEOPLE WHO DESTROYED THE GERMAN EMPIRE AND SO MANY COUNTRIES SINCE WW2 ARE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO ARE PLANNING OUR DEATH. DEATH IS COMING FROM ALL CORNERS AT US: PHARMA: NO. 1 Cancer Treatment; vaccinations made by our enemy:China (they hate us!); chemtrails spraying from the sky; all pharma-just read the side effects; radiation from wi-fi, cordless, cell phones, etc., plus things we do not even know about; racial destruction creating people who no longer know genetically where they belong to and so they don’t care and bow to their destroyers; destruction of the family through homosexuality proliferation, women’s liberation; pushing early sexuality upon very young children to get them hooked; perversion all around; drugs, alcohol, pornography, lies, deception, government indebtedness, lying press, lying leaders, lying president, Communist president (Obama), in Germany Angela Merkel, and everywhere around hidden Communists. And last but not least, in the United States the law to kill Christians, initiated by the Jews; The guillotines are ready, first for those who resist our criminal government, then for the rest of the people. Listen to Dr. Lorraine Day on this website whose Senator husband has discovered the trick of the Jews to push this law through. It’s sitting there waiting: “to kill at the right time” as the Freemason Rules goes. Help expose the truth; perhaps there is a chance we can turn things around. Silence for sure guarantees our death.

* * *

Witness to History takes us on an odyssey previously known only to Adolf Hitler and his contemporaries. Readers of Volume 1, and soon, 2 and 3, may ponder. Why has this essential information that changes my entire perception of those events been denied to me by mainstream media? (Comment on Amazon.com)

* * *

Capture Witness to history cover WITNESS TO HISTORY Mike Walsh ~ During the early 1990s I set out to fulfill a dream.  In scope it was so formidable that no one else dared tackle it. I would tell the factual story of the Reich odyssey. Fully researched, using a library, resources and sources which I alone held, readers Witness to History will take you from the Wall Street bankers’ seizure of Russia in 1917 to the calamities of 1945.

In one other important respect, Witness to History was and remains unique.  Witness to History is the story of these apocalyptic events in the words of its main players.  It is their story in which the guilty condemn self; the guiltless are exonerated by their actions.

Witness to History, when completed, though compiled with only the pithiest of material, and unillustrated, reached 130,000 words.  This is more than twice the size of your average book.  In terms of popularity and downloads its only challenger was Did Six Million Really Die.

Too hot for conventional publishers, for revisionist publishers too big to handle. Tony Hancock of England’s Historical Review Press, in 1996, did publish an abridged edition of about 40,000 words.

Over all these years I received pleas from all over the world asking where a conventional hold in your hand copy could be bought. For the first time ever, Witness to History is available as an Amazon Book and Amazon Kindle. Volume 1 is now on sale, volumes two shortly will be. ~ Mike

At Amazon Books:

Witness to History: The Adolf Hitler Reich Odyssey ~ Salvation (1) (Volume 1): Mike Walsh: 9781515257783: Amazon.com: Books


Who is Mike Walsh

July 27, 2015

Was sie damals den Deutschen antaten ist was uns heutzutage schon lange antun:

1932_07_15 Hitler - Appell an die Nation Rede-pdf


Adolf Hitler I love you! You were BRAVE, Honest, Honorable, Decent, Loving, Leading, Guiding, Peace Loving, Inspiring, and a True Father of the German Nation like probably no leader ever before. May your spirit enter into thousands of new leaders around the world. Heil!


July 26, 201

Nachlese zu “ein Vater braucht Rückendeckung”

28. Juli 2015  (von Niki Vogt) Der Prozeß am 10 Juli in Bonn vor dem Landgericht in der Wilhelmstraße war gut besucht. Der Saal war voll, die Zuschauer sehr engagiert und aufmerksam. Die Richter versuchten ihr bestes, um den kämpfenden Vater einzuschüchtern. Es wurde gedroht und gebrüllt. Die Verteidigung - der Vater hatte die besten Anwälte der Republik engagiert - sagte später, so etwas habe man während seines Berufslebens noch nicht erlebt. Die gestandenen Rechtsanwälte war erschüttert über soviel Aggressivität.

Nichtsdestotrotz mußte das Bonner Jugendamt einsehen, daß es auf verlorenem Posten stand, und zog die Klage zurück. Zu deutlich war geworden, welcher unfaire Krieg hier gegen einen Vater tobte, der eigentlich einmal nichts andere wollte, als seine Tochter sehen. Während der Verhandlung trat klar zutage, daß das Jugendamt fortgesetzt mit Unwahrheiten, Verdrehungen und Unterstellungen einen nicht nachvollziehbaren und unerklärlichen Vernichtungsfeldzug gegen einen sehr ruhigen und besonnenen Mann führte, der sich nichts hat zuschulden kommen lassen.

Aber - die Unverschaemtheit, der Vater soll die ganzen Gerichtskosten tragen. BITTE HIER WEITERLESEN:






My guess is this is the Liberation of Danzig, former German territory (almost all Germans) handed to the Poles by the Allies after WWI, where thousands of Germans have been tortured to death in the most inhumane ways by the Poles in 1939 and Millions of Germans have been driven off their Polish homeland since 1918. People are probably so relieved that the German Military arrived to rescue them from the terrible Poles, they can’t help but cry. So many of these little German boys who are so emotional and in tears probably had their family members murdered:

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you,
That is how I know you go on.

Far across the distance,
And spaces between us,
You have come to show you go on.

Near, far, wherever you are,
I believe that the heart does go on.
Once more you open the door,
And you’re here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on.

Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime,
And never let go till we’re gone.

Love was when I loved you,
One true time I hold to,
In my life we’ll always go on.

Near, far, wherever you are,
I believe that the heart does go on.
Once more, you open the door
And you’re here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on.

You’re here; there’s nothing I fear,
And I know that my heart will go on.
We’ll stay forever this way.
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on.

And, ohhhhh..

source: http://www.johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking/





Der Befreier Mussolinis - Otto Skorzeny

Die USA Treibt die Welt in Einen Atomkrieg

* * *

We Germans have suffered incredible torture, murder and injustice. We have been robbed and enslaved by many of the Allies. From the lies from the British-Jewish Media since 1871 all the way to the American-Jewish and German-Jewish Media of today, we are being destroyed. The Allies invented the Jewish Holocaust Lie to hide the Armenian and Russian Holocaust, perpetrated by the Jews, to distract from this fact and to keep the Germans down in every way, gagged, punished, and hated for crimes they did not commit with endless Jewish laws and court processes against the Germans. FRIENDS, THIS IS ABOUT ELIMINATING THE WHITE RACE. BUT IT WILL NOT STOP THERE. ONLY YOU ARE BLINDED WITH YOUR HATE FOR THE GERMANS BASED ON LIES. This is how you eliminate a leading white empire, to make its people into tax slaves and destroy the best of the best (“The best of the gentiles must die” - Talmudic law - but don’t forget the next best will become the best, and then?) by occupying their country and let the best gentiles disappear, “die”, become ill, or even become Nazi haters, indeed good guys haters. The German geniuses in medical and scientific endeavor are eliminated from the playing field unless they serve the evil empire, the Jews. To be successful in Germany you must say you hate the Nazis and invent countless lies about them and make them into evil monsters. But the truth remains, the Nazis were the most noble people for centuries, no matter how much the German fools and traitors accuse them.

I feel sorry for the German fools who do not know the truth. Unless they repent,  I hope for swift punishment for the deceivers and traitors who lie on purpose against the Nazis and the racial Germans for their own political and financial gain. They commit high treason and are criminals for the damage they do to the racial Germans.


…We are thus vulnerable to the sophisticated technique of mental poisoning now practiced by professional liars, who produce a generally accurate and verifiable narrative and artfully imbed in it the one crucial lie that they wish to implant in the minds of their victims… Origins of Christianity- Oliver (and this applies to all documents by various authors on this website where authors have deceptively imbedded their lies against Nazi Germany, something that I come across again and again.)


(Translated from German - “Opa ich Vermisse Dich”  Sleipnir Band)


It’s one of those days when we are visiting Grandma,

It smells for coffee and cake.

We listen to her words

And cannot miss her tears

When she talks about grandpa.

They all walked a very difficult path in those days.

And I look at the pictures on grandma’s wall:

‘Grandpa, I miss you,

And I believe with all my heart,

Regardless of what they tell us,

You were a good man.

Oma says you were a hero

And gave your life for our country.

Her tears do not lie.

How much I would have loved to know you.

She tells of a time

We cannot even imagine,

Forged by tears, happiness and sorrow.

And always when she says ‘grandpa’

Her voice sounds soft and warm,

She closes her eyes

And wants to fall asleep in my arms.


Opa I miss you…

* * *

Holy Book 1 (00000003)

THE HOLY BOOK OF ADOLF HITLER  - Mike Walsh. Amazon Books and Amazon Kindle  ~ The Holy Book of Adolf Hitler could be described as Mein Kampf Volume Two. As such it should be bookshelf companion to the former Führer’s  account, Mein Kampf.

Why does the persona of this great Austrian-German reformer, revolutionary and social redeemer continue to grow in stature throughout the world? Mainstream media hysterically pillories Adolf Hitler and the Reich.  This hardly dents the former German leader’s mythos.  His universal appeals appears to be unstoppable

In fact, few people see Adolf Hitler in the same light as they do Winston Churchill, Josef Stalin or F D R    Roosevelt.  In Hitler they see the odyssey of David and Goliath.  In this epic, David fights to the death three Goliaths; the British, American and Soviet Empires.  He emerges victorious from the ashes of their holocaust.

There has to be a spiritual significance to explain the enduring appeal of a man who, from the most humble beginnings, reached and maintained the stature of Jesus Christ.  Like the Great Redeemer, regardless of how many curses are placed on his head, like the phoenix rising from the ashes, he still today influences global world events.

It seems the Fuhrer refuses to die because for the peoples of the world he lives. To live in the hearts of those you leave behind is not to die.

Michael Walsh Freethinking

July 26, 2015

Roosevelt was a Jewish Communist whose interest was to further world conquest by Jewish Communism throughout the world by supporting revolutionary Jews in Russia who murdered the Tsar and his family, usurped Russia, and by 1941 murdered about 40,000,000 Russian Citizens and put Millions into the slave labor camps, the Gulags. He also attacked German ships throughout the year 1941 in open waters until Adolf Hitler was forced to declare war on the U.S.  to defend his ships. It was part of the plan to destroy the Christians in Russia, the middle class and upper class and rob them of their property as well as robbing the property of the German Empire the Reich. Churchill, his buddy, was another Jew who furthered the Jewish world conquest… None of history is what we learned in school!


When the Lie is the Law

Sexual Subversion of America Part 1 of 2

A. U.S. Made Hell on Earth

All this bullshit about Hitler’s Book “Mein Kampf” - It’s really been printed to changed the truth Hitler said into lies with all their annotation and they Jews pretend that this books is harming them. Bullshit! This new edition with all the comments is harming the Truth and Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. The World Terrorists found yet another way to control and terrorize. Let’s hope for a Hitler in every country around the world. Problems would be solved! GET MEIN KAMPF (ENGLISH, GERMAN) FROM MY WEBSITE; IT’S CLOSER TO A TRUE TRANSLATION THAN PROBABLY MOST OF THE EDITIONS OUT THERE.

Jews Protest (deceptively) the New Edition of Mein Kampf (which is no longer MeinKamf) It’s a Jewish Version

Israel the Ultimate Terrorist State

Famous Novelist Banned from the United States

Suckers Reward

You-Tube Kanal - Andreas Wagand - Interessante Politische Analysen 1 - 76 zur Zeit

…Ich wollte noch etwas tiefer aufklären, um die Damen vielleicht gegen die Bereicherungs-Lügen zu immunisieren. Ich sagte: “Es geht in Wirklichkeit gar nicht darum, Flüchtlinge aufzunehmen, sondern um die Weißen Menschen, insbesondere die Deutschen, zu eliminieren. Das ist ein offizieller Plan der Vereinten Nationen, der im Jahr 2000 von Herrn Grünblatt entwickelt wurde. Deutschland soll zusätzlich 44 Millionen Fremde aufnehmen…

Auch Ohne Demokratische Konzentrationslager werden wir Grausam Untergehen

30,000 youth and children try to take their life every year in Germany, in a country, roughly the size of California. The German children are told by their Jewish oligarchies the lie that they come from a race of murderers / criminals. The German children are psychologically destroyed by the Satanic leaders of Jews who occupy under the U.S. governance the Reich with the dictator corporation “Bundesrepublik.”

The German Travel Industry is a smoke screen.  It’s hiding the decay underneath the pretty picture.  You’ll be taken to the German leftovers that are already dieing. Yes the country side is beautiful. The Germans are portrayed in the U.S. ONLY as beer mug-touting proletarians in Lederhosen and Dirndel. Yes, that is part of country tradition of ancient days,  like the American fiddlers and country boys, but Germany is the land of the poets, thinkers, scientists, and musicians, most of whom have been eliminated and taken over by the Jews. As Germany went down in WWII, the rest of Europe and America is going down. That was the plan of Jew Roosevelt, Jew Stalin, Jew Churchill and others. And then the Americans were foolish enough to elect mass murderer of Germans Jew Dwight Eisenhower as president who further destroyed America. And so on and so forth ever since with every president, even Kennedy, who liberated the Blacks for integration to create a new race. I wonder if his Jewess wife Jackie had something to do with this?!

Psycho-Terror gegen Deutsche: Aber dagegen muss man ankaempfen mit ganz starken Gedanken und Worten der Unschuld. Denn NIE kann ein ganzes Volk fuer einzelne Taeter verantwortlich gemacht werden. Wenn jemand in der Familie einen Menschen ermordet hat, schickt man doch nicht die ganze Familie in den Knast! Das ist ein Verbrechen gegen die deutschen Menschen was die da schon seit 70 Jahren machen! Man soll bedenken, die alte Weisheit die wahrscheinlich von den alten Germanen kam und in die Bibel eingebaut wurde ist: …

1 Am Anfang war das Wort, und das Wort war mit Gott, und das Wort war Gott.

2 Es war auch im Anfang mit Gott.

3 Alles wurde mit ihm gemacht (mit dem Wort); und ohne ihm (dem Wort) nichts wurde gemacht das entstanden ist (Die Juden wenden diese Lehre an um Euch zu zerstoeren).

4 In ihm (dem Wort); war das Leben und Licht der Menschen. (Und die Luegen Worte sind Eure Zerstoerung.)

5 Und das Licht scheint in die Dunkelheit; und die Dunkelheit kann es nicht verstehen.

In den Worten und Gedanken ist Power, Gott, Goettlichkeit, Eure goettliche Kraft, Euer Licht. Eure Feinde, die Juden, haben das Wort angewand gegen Euch um Euch zu vernichten. Niemand hat ihnen was angetan, ausser sie aus dem Land zu jagen (verdient) fuer Volksverrat. Sie haben den Deutschen den 1. Weltkrieg angetan sowie den 2. Weltkrieg. Und in 1933 haben sie den Deutschen Menschen den Krieg erklaert. Bedenkt mal dies. Diese Taeuscher und Heuchler, Luegner und Moerder.

Johannes 1:1-5 King James Version (KJV)

Lasst euch nicht krank machen! Spricht und denkt in Liebe zu euch selbst, eure Eltern, Grosseltern und Urgrosseltern.

Psycho Terror Macht Deutsche Krank 

Das Ermorden der Aufklaerungsphilosophen

July 23, 2015


Cured of Cancer all Israelis!!! The Rest of us Must Die!   Unless we finally get wise!


Faltblatt Parkinson

Faltblatt Tinnitus

Gute Nachrichten: Eva Spatz und Mutter sind wieder da

20 Juli 2015 (mywakenew’s Blog) Die Seite Wakenews teilte gestern mit, daß Eva Spatz und ihre Mutter, die mit den Informationen über Strohmannkonten bei der BIZ (Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich) in Billionenhöhe an die Öffentlichkeit gegangen sind, wohlbehalten zurück sind. Sie waren nicht, wie befürchtet, entführt worden. Man sei aufgrund einer akuten BEdrohungslage verschwunden, näheres wird später erklärt werden heißt es.



And this in 1940 already:Picture the OctopusCapture Octopus 2Read the book here: Dilling Elizabeth - The Octopus first printing 1940

Communism in Germany


Dilling Elizabeth - The Roosevelt Red Record and Its Background

Dilling Elizabeth - The Plot Against Christianity - The jewish religion Its influence today

Zionism’s Violent Legacy

* * *

Fraud and Fabrication - “Holocaust”:

July 19, 2015source: http://www.texemarrs.com/

Winston Spencer Churchill: A Tribute


Thorn Victor - Phantom flight 93

Thorn Victor - 911 Evil






Did 6 Million really die?

The Leuchter Reports-Critical Edition

Germar Rudolf (ed.), Dissecting the Holocaust

The Holocaust Hoax Exposed: Debunking the 20th Century Biggest Lie-Victor Thorn

Air Photo Evidence Auschwitz-1


* * *


July 19, 2015

* * *

2013 video:

2012 video Bosnian Pyramid:

Sacred Geometry: Ancients applied sac. geo all over the planet – carefully planned and executed their plans – when we connect the 3 pyramids here on the top, we get three times the same measurement, 2,170 meters, 3 times. Perfect triangle, etc.


2005 video Bosnian Pyramid:


German Archologist discovered totally new building methods at the Cheops Pyramid - of course they have been hunted (prosecuted) by those who do not want us to find out our ancestral white truth!

Deutsche Forscher und Total Neue Entdeckungen an der Cheops Pyramide

Cancer Krebs Healed - Geheilt!!!

July 18, 2015

Buy at Amazon Kindle - Link below:



July 18, 2015

This is around the time the Jews of Germany (550,000), along with the Jews of the whole world declare war on Germany:



Dilling Elizabeth - The Plot Against Christianity - The jewish religion Its influence today

Dilling Elizabeth - The Octopus

The Stuttgart Atrocity




Background and Detailed Chronology of Ernst Zuendel Persecution


Zündel Ernst - The West, war and Islam


Sandy Hook: A Critical Analysis of the Media’s Provocative Journalistic Practices and How They Spawned a Wave of Alternate Conspiracy Theories

by American Free Press

Audio-Click on MP3 to listen


New World Order Assassins

by Michael Collins Piper

Audio-Click on MP3 to listen



 Sie haben sich versteckt aus Furcht! Sind wieder da.


Helft mit Suchen - Freiheitskaempfer Verschwunden-Eva Spatz und ihre Mutter Rosemarie Bachmann

Video ueber den Freiheitskampf von Eva Spatz und Rosemarie Bachmann:



The Truth about Nelson Mandela

Mandela and His Mossad Training

Major Jordan’s Diaries - The Truth About the US and USSR

Rogue State US_William_Blum 2002

Ludendorff Erich-Kriegshetze Und Voelkermorden In Den Letzten_150Jahren1935-1999_188S.

Rassismus Legal - Der Juden DrittesReich - Honsik

Jews declare war on Germany 1933

Schumann Hans-Kriege Der Milliardaere Transaktionen Des Hauses Morgan 1939

Typhus The Phantom Disease in the Concentration Camps

Defensive Racism By Edgar J Steele

Hager Landkriegordnung

Siebzig Jahre Lug und Trug

All America Must Know the Terror that is Upon Us

Introduction To The Anti-humans

J.F. Kennedy’s Speech on Secret Societies:


How to genocide the citizens of a country:

*You have control of almost all the media (German newspapers from 1871-1933. The Germans never realized what they set themselves up for by allowing the Jews to control most newspapers!)

*You make up lies about the leaders and people of that country (British newspapers, controlled by the Jews, made up lies about the German character and former German soldiers because German product could not be proven to be bad, and they wanted to eliminate Germany, the economic competition)

*You say things that make other countries envious, angry, and hateful toward the targeted country

*Having primed people from other countries with lies to hate, you drive a country into a war by setting it up and getting just about every country on your side (against Germany, Iraq - they are working on destroying Iran for several years now)

*Then when the brave soldiers defend their country and are almost spent, you go in for the final kill by the communists (Millions of innocent Germans dragged off to Russia into the Gulag, to Britain, France, USA, etc.)

*After that you occupy the country, you kill the elite and leaders (Germany), who know the truth, and the surrendered soldiers by the Millions (Germany) and get rid of Millions of civilians (Germany) in order to fill the vacuum with the occupiers for new business ventures and re-construction! The citizens then become tax slaves to the occupiers (Germany)

*You destroy the livelihood of any citizen who speaks up against injustices and crimes of the occupier/s, or take him to the Gulags, torture him, or even kill him, threaten him with harm to his family, and with your lies you brainwash the rest of the people about their leaders and country (Holocaust, Adolf Hitler, the National Socialists)

*You dilute the race. You do this by importing people from other cultures and races to grow them as the new citizens who have no idea of what really transpired and are easy targets for brainwashing. Also this is done to racially integrate the country and get rid of the white race eventually (Germany, USA, Europe, etc.)

*You pick a scapegoat whom you can blame for everything (Germany)

*When all else fails, you make another war and kill more citizens and take their country away (Ukraine)

*This method has been applied to country after country in the 20th century. Before that, and today, it is applied in revolutions that divide countries and the citizens inside of the country to kill each other.


Die BRD GmbH


Koenigreich Deutschland! Video Vortrag unten.

Königreich Deutschland, ein junger Staat, welcher am 16.09.2012 gegründet wurde. Der Staat verfolgt ganzheitliche Gesellschaftsstrukturen und reformiert jegliche Lebensbereiche wie Bildung, Gesundheit, Geld und Finanzwesen und vieles mehr.

16.05.2015 Vision wird Tat
17.05.2015 Staatsangehörigkeitsprüfung
17.05.2015 Tag der offenen Tür
17.05.2015 Die Kunst des Lebens
20.06.2015 Sommerfest 2015 (zwei Tage)

Textauszug : “Wenn ihr uns noch weiter unterstützen wollt, kommt zum Tag der offenen Tür, helft bei Vision wird Tat, werdet Staatszugehörige oder Staatsangehörige, und besucht und bereichert unser Sommerfest am 20. und 21. Juni. Mehr dazu erfahrt ihr in unserem nächsten Rundbrief.

 Koenigreich Deutschland gegruendet

Staatsangehoerigkeit in Deutschland ausgeschalten?



Video-Alexander Wagandt analysiert die Politische Lage, Media, usw. -Griechenland, Merkel, Politische Spiele und Lage

Bruellen und Drohen fuer Fruehsexualisierung

Guenter Deckert Juli 17, 2015 via email


…Valla demonstrates that no god can be omniscient, omnipotent,  and benevolent:

The proof is simple. Take one of the incidents, so common today, in which an obviously innocent little girl of five or six, old enough certainly to feel pain, is raped and blinded or raped and killed by one of the savages on which masochistic or sadistic British and Americans now dote. Now, if there is a god who oversees the lives of men and sparrows, did he foresee the conduct of the savage, whom he created and presumably endowed with a savage’s instincts? If he did not foresee it, he is not omniscient. If he did foresee it, was he able to prevent the child’s agony? If not, he is not omnipotent. If he had the power and did not use it, he willed the crime and he willed the suffering of the child, so he cannot be benevolent. –

Theologians, of course, explain that if the girl had not been killed at that
time, she might have grown up and become an atheist – or papa must have offended a deity who chose to take out his anger on both the innocent child and her mother (who, of course, may have done something to vex him).* Or we mustn’t think about it, because thinking is bad for souls.

None of these explanations will satisfy an Aryan’s sense of justice. From Origins of Christianity by Oliver

Die Wahrheit ueber den Faschischmus - und Mussolini


Fernsehen – Die Macht der bewegten Bilder

Publiziert 11. Juli 2015

Hast Du schon einmal darauf geachtet? Du sitzt irgendwo in der Natur und schaust in eine weite, wunderbare Landschaft. Sie wirkt in ihrer Gesamtheit auf Dich, Du wirst Deinen Blick entspannt schweifen lassen. Doch sobald Deine Augen eine schnellere Bewegung registrieren, bindet diese sofort die Aufmerksamkeit. Das ist natürlich und sinnvoll. Jede schnellere Veränderung kann Gefahr bedeuten. Du erinnerst Dich an das Naturprinzip „Alles will überleben“? Darauf ist jedes Lebewesen geeicht.

Daher wird natürlicherweise Dein Organismus in Alarmbereitschaft versetzt. Das Registrieren der schnelleren Bewegung aktiviert den Sympathikus, reduziert Fühlen und Denken zugunsten einer schnellen Reaktionsfähigkeit. Aus diesem Grund verwenden übrigens Einsatzfahrzeuge Blinklichter in verschiedenen Farben.

Nun übertrage diesen natürlichen Reaktionsmechanismus auf den Umgang mit dem Fernseher. Dieser liefert fortlaufend schnell wechselnde Szenen. Damit führt beinahe jeder Fernsehkonsum über die Aktivierung des Sympathikus zu einer Einschränkung der Denkleistung und einer eingeschränkten Fähigkeit, etwas zu fühlen. Dies ist keineswegs eine Absage an den Fernseher, mit dem man durchaus viele wertvolle Informationen und Einsichten gewinnen kann.

Diese Zeilen sollen vielmehr dazu dienen, zu verstehen wie man ihn zu Machtzwecken missbrauchen kann und wie Du durch Achtsamkeit dagegen immun wirst.

Uli Mohr

Simplonik steht für
1. Vertraue Deinem gesunden Menschenverstand!
2. Vertraue keinem und keiner Sache, wenn die Inhalte unverständlich
3. Halte alles für möglich – Glaube nichts, was Du in Deinem
Leben nicht überprüfen kannst! - Uli Mohr -

Wissenschaft von der Einfachheit

July 15, 201


Mahler 12 Jahre Haft

Jailed free speech activist Horst Mahler in critical condition.

Post by Hannover » Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:32 pm

I have been informed that free speech activist Horst Mahler was transferred to a prison hospital and is in critical condition.

Hr. Mahler is imprisoned in Germany for speaking openly about the impossibility and fraudulence of the ‘holocaust’ storyline. He’s a hero to anyone who values basic human rights.

If anyone knows more please let us know.

- Hannover

The ‘holocaust’ storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

The tide is turning.

If it can’t happen as alleged, then it didn’t.

source: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t=9649


More than 1 Million people in Germany are admitted to the hospital because of side effects of medication!! Even more shocking is the number of people who never leave the hospital alive!!! (Per the German book below for sale below)


Wenn die unsere Menschen nicht manchmal ermorden in diesen Krankenhaeusern, dann heiss ich Fritz!

Bernd Neumann: Ärzte gefährden Ihre Gesundheit - Ein Arztbesuch kann zu einem langsamen und schmerzhaften Tod fuehren

Ärzte und Krankenhäuser sind in der Zwischenzeit eine der Hauptursachen für viele Krankheiten geworden. Jährlich werden allein in Deutschland rund eine Million Menschen wegen unerwünschter Nebenwirkungen von Arzneimitteln in ein Krankenhaus aufgenommen. Unvorstellbar? Noch schockierender ist die Zahl derer, die diesen Krankenhausaufenthalt nicht überleben.



ISIS Enthauptung-nur Fakes - Beheadings Fake - In German


If you are not Christian, please listen to this; it is much more, namely the politics of pedophilia and what the pope is up to. Further, sodomites working on the right to have sex with children BY LAW. This is very frightening but must be known.

Jesuit Founder Jew LoyolaStatue of the founder of the Jesuits, Jew Ignatius Loyola



Antichrist: The Beast Revealed
July 1, 2015

Texe Marrs interviews author Edward Hendrie on his explosive new book, Antichrist: The Beast Revealed

Open attached file

2715.mp3 Available in Audiotape or Compact Disc

Jesuitenlist und Jesuitenraenke-pdf

Donations to the Jesuits from their website in Los Gatos, California

Dictatorship of the Neocon Jews
June 26, 2015

Just as Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin in 1917 established a dictatorship of the Bolshevik Jews in Russia, the Neocon Jews have done so in America. Their grip is not yet complete but they are increasing its strength day by day. Texe Marrs examines the Neocons, showing how they came to power with a coup that ousted President Richard Nixon. Later, they forced President Carter out after only one term, attempted to assassinate President Reagan, and impeached President Bill Clinton. With Bush and Obama the Neocons made giant strides. They now control and dictate to Congress and the Courts. Similarly, the Neocons took over foreign and trade affairs, seized control of the Pentagon, and revolutionized the Culture. What will the Dictatorship do next in their blazing destruction of America’s constitutional and Christian heritage?

Open attached file

2615.mp3 Available in Audiotape or Compact Disc


…Don Heddesheimer shows that the six million figure dates
back to a Jewish fund raising campaign that started during the FIRST
World War and reached its peak in the mid-1920s. During those years,
Jewish groups in the United States spread the rumor that millions of
Jews in Europe were suffering to the degree that millions had died
already, while many more millions would face a lingering death. The
New York Times was the main vehicle for such propaganda, which even
included well-known buzzwords like “extermination,” “holocaust,”
and the now famous “six million” figure.


Der Erste Holocaust-Heddesheimer

Download Books free - Buecher frei - Jewish Lies about Germans - Luegen ueber das Reich - Germar Rudolf


July 14, 2015

Kauf die Zeitungen nicht mehr sonst bist Du ein Deutscher Bloedkopf! Obwohl schon etwas aelter, dieses video hat eine sehr gute Analyse ueber die Deutsche Demokratie, Nachrichten, Wahlen… die Farce und Geisteskrankheit der Politiker-Alexander Wagandt mit Joe Conrad besprechen die Unverschaemten Luegen und Frechheiten der Media… [*germanvictims.com: Und Deutschland ist ja bei einer Juedin regiert nicht bei einer Deutschen, so ist Merkel so und so nicht die Vertreterin des deutschen Volkes! Die NATO ist ja der Kommunist / Verbrecher.~gv.]


Over 400,000 American soldiers obtained brain damage in the Iraq war!!! (David Duke) This is how “they” destroy normal people and ruin their lives. Certainly, a big part of this could be avoided, but is instead, I think, orchestrated for them. Physically devastated men will not have children or many children and not raise more strong men. These wars are a form of extermination on all sides and on several levels, arranged by the INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL GANG.

Horrific to think about what is done to this poor man! The Jews invaded the country of the Palestinians and take every day more of it, driving the Palestinians off and into more refugee camps. Here is a man, who most likely, has the honor of defending his country against this outrageous injustice and no country stands by his side, defends him, speaks for him. Instead, his tormenters, the tyrants of this world for centuries, get away with everything they do.

Jewish Hatred of Non Jews-Dr. David Duke and Ken O’Keefe:

Show of 7/29/2014 - http://www.renseradioarchives.com/dduke/page2.html

Horrors of ISIS Created by Zionist Supremacy:


Confederate flag controversy just one element of a larger attack on European heritage:


Church of England Vicar Speaks of Zionist Threat — Links Dr. Duke’s Videos and Website:


Why the Media Lies about Dr. David Duke and Tries to Suppress His Words:



…76. Als die Hebräer Arier waren

Vom Berg Elbrus, von der Stadt Asgard im Kaukasus, kommen die von ihrem göttlichen Helden Wotan oder Odin geführten Arier herab. Sie erbauen viele Trojas in Erinnerung an das erste in Hyperborea. Auch in Kleinasien erbauen die Hirtenkönige in den Gebieten östlich des Nils die Stadt Avaris. In Hyperborea gibt es einen Gott der Liebe, der Avris genannt wird. Die Hirtenkönige liegen noch vor dem Bilde des Fisches, sie gehören noch zum Widder des Ram. Es ist das Zeitalter des Ramses. Wiederholen wir also erneut, was Plato sagte: „Nach der Flutkatastrophe retteten sich nur die Hirten auf den hohen Berggipfeln.“

78. Die Juden sind nicht die Hebräer

Sie haben sich deren Überlieferung bemächtigt und sie verfälscht. Als die weitentfernten Abkömmlinge der göttlichen Hyperboreer die eroberten Gebiete Ägyptens verlassen müssen, gelingt das nicht allen. Einige werden Gefangene, gewisse Habiru-Stämme, die Hebräer. Es ist ihnen außerdem nicht gelungen, ihren Schatz, den Gral mitzunehmen, den die heimatlosen Wanderer aus dem sagenhaften Norden mit sich führen. Die Flucht der Hebräer aus Ägypten erfolgt mit dem verbliebenen Teil dieses Grals der Arier, der von Moses, dem Ägypter, für sie geraubt wird. Man wird jetzt den tiefen Sinn der Kreuzzüge besser verstehen und auch, wieso neun Tempelritter sich so lange in den Ruinen des Tempels Salomos aufhalten. Das Wissen um die Zahlen und Namen von Atlantis, die arische Kabbala, wird seither bis in unsere Tage zum Zwecke der eigenen Machtentfaltung des Stammes Juda verwendet…  Mehr hier: (Das Buch ist auch auf meinem Blog zu finden.)

Auszuege aus dem Buch “Das Goldene Band” Esoterischer Hitlerismus

American Murder Camps of German POWs-Part 1

U.S. Verstoesse im Endkampf

Mad American Killers

Fluoride is a deadly Poison

Random Thoughts: Since I learned about Dr. Hamer’s Neue Germanische Heilkunde (New German Medicine), and that being forbidden to be practiced in the West (German physician Dr. Hamer in exile) but ordered to be practiced by Rabbi Schneerson for Cancer in Israel with a 95% healing rate, and in the West the mainstream medicine with an about 95% death rate after 5 years, I can’t help but think of our medical offices and hospitals as “Killing Fields.”

Mit 95% Heilung von Krebs in Israel, 95% Totesrate von Krebs im Westen, sind unsere Krankenhaeuser “Mord Felder” (killing fields) weil die Germanische Heilkunde (Neue Germanische Medizin) nur in Israel bei Aerzten angewendet werden darf und MUSS!


Dr. Hamer’s Germanische Heilung - Erklaerung der 5 Biologischen Naturgesetze.


Die Geldluege - Mutter aller Luegen - Gerd Honsig

In zwei Teilen, bitte klicken!

Obiges Auszug aus Historische Tatsachen No. 15 - Udo Walendy


Kenntnismaengel der Alliierten_Hist. Wahrheiten No. 15-nicht verboten-pdf

Agressivitaet versus Agression


In WW2 the top leaders of the Allies were all made up of the same criminals of Jewish extraction, (Churchill, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Stalin (?), etc.), most with partial Aryan blood, and all threw out the Geneva convention. It was all about exterminating the German people, planned since 1871, a goal they are still working on, every day with their endless lies and deception, and by planting the NATO war equipment in Germany, setting Germany up to be attacked. Next, I believe, will be the extermination of the truth speakers and all the best in the Teutonic tribes worldwide, and then the rest of the Aryans, except for some scientific slaves and some to breed with Jews to continue to enhance the intelligence of the Jews - who were once nothing but nomads and had no architecture, no music, no science, no inventions, etc. Who burned the ancient libraries throughout the world? It could not have been a cultured tribe. He would have confiscated them. Who ordered the bombing of the German libraries, classic museums and their art, ancient monuments, the burning of ancient books, sculptures and architecture that went back to the middle ages? Only barbarians who hated the culture of those who are better than them!!!


Waches Leben ohne Pillen oder Therapy

Dr. Mohr - Keine Unheilbaren Krankheiten

Making Americans (and the rest of the world) Deliberately Stupid

American Deception Website


Adolf Hitler - Speech to the Reichstag Berlin, July 19, 1940


* * *

AH Speech July 19, 1940 - pdf

Who Brought the Slaves to America

Crimes of the Bolsheviks

Der Große Austausch [in Deutschland]



Ich hoffe jeder der Deutsch versteht liest diesen Artikel. Es ist ueber die groesste Erfindung fuer die Menschheit, die Ausnuetzung dieser Erfindung bei den Juden und den Verbot fuer die Deutschen und Amerikaner, usw. diese Erfindung anzuwenden: Meine Lieben Patienten! (Dr. Geerd Hamer)


Do you know that they mocked us when Obama proclaimed: “CHANGE!” Yes, we have more and more change!


Andrea Merkel is a Polish Communist Jew, educated under the Stalin regime. Angela Merkel has pretended to be a Christian, running the “Christian” Party. She hates the German people and lies about the Reich Germans having started war with Poland and presents a false accusation German-war-crimes-travelling show to destroy the German children’s soul. Not to mention the false accusation of a Jewish Holocaust. This criminal! Furthermore, the job of this deceptively innocent looking pudding face (that’s why she was assigned this job) is to destroy the German people’s country and finances for her Jew brethren. She deserves to be prosecuted for treason at a Reichs’ court without Jews.  The Reich still exists! I hope her day will come, and she, and all her brethren and Germanic henchmen in the German government and courts who have all committed treason will find justice on this earth by the Germanic people. A mass prosecution is long overdue. The same goes for the treasonous American government.

Deutsches Leben unter Adolf Hitler - Artikel

Die Juden - Eine Gegenrasse - Artikel

Anmerkungen bei As der Schwerter:

Die Essenz des Hasses - As der Schwerter

 As der Schwerter - Deutsch

July 7, 2015

Smart Meters & Public Health

SmartMeterDangers.org provides educational and scientific information to the public about health effects and other problems related to wireless smart meters.http://smartmeterdangers.org/

PG&E’s Lying and Spying May Cost Them



BEWARE OF FRAUD. PISHING TRICK! A man called me today from a “private line” pretending to call from Dell Computers’ Technical Service Department (I do have a contract with Dell for service, and I was working on fixing my computer problem I have been having for several days) telling me that my computer is sending messages about computer errors “behind the scene” to their Dell server, and he is calling to follow up. Dell usually logs on remotely, so he wanted to get into my system remotely TO FIX THINGS. I asked him for the Dell case number for the service, and he gave me a false one, which was confirmed by Dell later. He had my computer’s Service Tag which is the I.D. of my computer. He knew what model of Dell computer I have. I did not trust the whole thing and got off the phone. Sure enough, when I called Dell Service, I found out it was a trick call. How did this start? A few days ago I had a warning window on my computer for an error (I ignored it for several days) and a link to lead me to “go.microsoft.com”. There I was told to use an error scanner for my system. I thought I was working with Microsoft, and so I clicked on something to fix my errors and a company started running a scan. And I think this is where my computer problems in the last few days really increased. This was a Phishing site. The scanner supposedly found “hundreds of errors” on my registry and asked me to buy a product to fix it. I declined, and the problems increased on my computer daily. I’ve been working with Dell today to clean my computer system and hope we’ve got all the registry fixed. I am making an assumption that the strange caller and the scanning company work on one and the same scam, but it could be otherwise. I am a single user of this system and do not log on anywhere but at my workstation.





Or GOOGLE for : “smart meter danger”   or  “wi-fi danger”