Confession of Jew Who Transported Millions of Jews to Birobidjan, Russia?Haverbeck Letter

Jewish Homeland

Dr. med. Mag. Theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer
Sandkollveien 11
3229 Sandefjord

October 19, 2015



Frau Ursula Haverbeck

D -326O2 Vlotho , Brettherststr. 199

Dear Mrs. Haverbeck,

A letter from you is always a happy event for me because I feel we are comrades in the struggle for truth. You may not really have noticed our last collaboration. I have written a letter to the Russian President Vladimir Putin (see attachment) in which I offered to state under oath that the Jewish-French Count Antoine D ‘Oncieu de la Batie had confessed to me to have accompanied millions of Jews during the war from the railway station of Auschwitz first to Moscow, and then via the Trans-Siberian Railway to Birubidjan. For the Jew Putin this statement was so horribly that he neither answered my letter nor had someone responded to it.

You know, the deportation reports for the Jews end mostly with the unloading of the Jews at the Auschwitz station. The reader is expected to say: “Oh, yes, what follows, of course, we know already. They were all gassed.”

In reality, they were, like the Count confessed to me, “just transferred there”. He admitted to me that he had accompanied them as Jewish Interpreter to their safety in Birubidschan [Birobidjan, Russia]. Incidentally, none of the huge train convoy were ever fired at from the German or Russian military.

I had the feeling that the NDR, after such a clear and embarrassing statement, had rather preferred in the interview with you to drop the whole Holocaust and Auschwitz issue. From the side of the Jews this is now desired because the Holocaust has been financially long exploited to the limit, and because the deportation of millions of Jews from Auschwitz to Birubidschan between 1939 and 1945 can easily be proved.

Now to your last letter… [*on an unrelated subject matter which I will not translate here]

With the best regards,

Your very appreciative


Translated from German into English by

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