Oppression, perversion, lies, deception, control, abuse, mocking us, those are the tactics of the American government. …Why are normal children put on medicine to calm them down, really, to alter their brains to make them into obedient and depressed robots?… Why do the Jews in Germany and in the US overrun the constitution? Why was/is the Genocide in Russia of 66 Million Russians murdered by the Jews not taught in school?
Why do we have the horrific cancer treatment and nothing else in the medical establishment? Why is pharmacology so dangerous? Why do so many people die in hospitals of something other than for what they went into the hospital? Why can we no longer sue doctors? Why were drugs brought into our country? Why is alcohol promoted everywhere? Why are there gangs in our schools intimidating good children and teachers and police can’t do much about it? Why has the education in grade school gone down to a minimum? Why is the college education full of lies and no one can have a controversial opinion without being ostracized? Why are children turned into robots in school and not allowed to express themselves as individuals?
Why are normal children put on medicine to calm them down, really, to alter their brains to make them into obedient and depressed robots? Why are our children taught about sexuality by strangers instead of their parents? Why are our girls developing breasts at the age of 10, 11? Why do our boys develop breasts? Because they are putting hormones into our food, especially into animals that we consume! Why are they teaching our children about sex to make them aware of it at an early age to take their innocence away? Why are they teaching our children electronic killing games?
Why are they targeting primarily one people, the Germans as evil in the war? Why are they putting evil characters into the movies that almost always have blue eyes? Blonds blue eyes overall are the most innocent race of all! Why are they teaching lies about sexuality to create gender confusion in our children? Why are they teaching our children that men fucking each other in the ass or sucking each other is a lifestyle and not a perversion? Similar for women with female/female sex? Why are the blacks now the good guys and the whites the bad ones? Why are they giving blacks a “handicap” in tests and grades so that their scores come out equal with whites though it is established that they are much less intelligent than whites?
Why are they teaching us that American Indians were angels and the white man was evil, when in fact it was the other way around? Why are the blacks advertised as the “poor oppressed by the whites” when in fact it was primarily Africans who held slaves in Africa and sold them, it was Jews who bought the slaves, put them into their ships, and shipped the slaves to the U.S. and primarily were slave holders. Why do they not tell us that African Americans held slaves? Why are they removing and stealing books from the library that have true world history?
Why are they forbidding to read something like 30,000 different books about the wars in Germany? Why is the U.S. still occupying Germany and telling Germany what it can do and what not? Why are the Jews and the Allies running Germany since 1945? Why are the courts on the upper tier studded with Jews instead of Germans? Why have been and are the leaders of Germany since 1945 Communists and Jews instead of Germans? Why is Germany not a sovereign country since 1945? Why do the Jews in Germany and in the US overrun the constitution? Why was/is the Genocide in Russia of 66 Million Russians murdered by the Jews not taught in school?
Why is the prove that the Jewish Holocaust in Germany not allowed in Germany and other countries and people put to prison for many years, even though they have scientifically proven that the so-called Jewish Holocaust by the Germans is a fraud? Why are they putting these researchers in prison and ruin their career by publicly besmearing them? Why are employers and Universities afraid to hire these people then? Why is it politically not correct to call a Jew a Jew? We point out Germans, Italians, French, etc. and are proud of it!
Why is Christianity forbidden even in privacy to practice in the military? Why are gays allowed in the military endangering young men? Why are military men fired for opposing homosexuality? Why are women put into power positions to order men around in the military? Why are women taught not to want to be mothers? Why are women taught to abort and it is nothing? Incidentally, the world population fits on the State of Texas! Why is marriage promoted as a bad idea? Why are women taught to have a career or they are nothing? Why are women ashamed to stay home as mothers and homemakers? Why are women taught to give their children to strangers, babysitters, and then go to work? Why are they shooting up our children with all these dangerous vaccinations? Why are they giving us flu shots and what is really in it? Why are they spraying us with the most dangerous chemicals from airplanes and almost every day? Why do they keep destroying country after country that wants to stay sovereign? Why, why, why?
Perhaps the reader can think about some of these questions. There are thousands of questions like this.
But one thing is for sure, these things are happening because an International Criminal Gang run by the Jews who hate gentiles and want to eliminate most of the world population has gotten a hold of our America and European governments completely.