To further their World Murder Plan, the Jews have occasionally allowed a few of their numbers to be sacrificed. This was brought out at the meeting in Rothschild’s home in 1773, when it was stated, “But it has paid us even though we have sacrificed many of our own people. Each victim on our side is worth a thousand Goyim.”
The Secret Holocaust
The real holocaust was a Christian Holocaust by Jews of sixty-six million, mostly Christians.
By Eustace Mullins 7-8-9
What the speaker meant was that if one Jew happens to be killed, he will be avenged by the death of one thousand Christians, or “cattle” as the Christians are derisively referred to by the Jewish cult.
The speaker went on to point out to his rapt listeners that “We are interested in just the opposite … in the diminution, the killing out of the Goyim.” The record of this meeting in Rothschild’s house survived how?
Certainly. no murder plan had ever previously been so meticulously laid out or so precisely put into operation. The figures are in, and they are indisputable; fifty million victims in World War I; a hundred and fifty million victims in World War II; sixty-six million Christians murdered by Jewish fanatics in Russia since the success of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Many, if not the majority, of these victims of Jewish terrorism were women and children. Millions of them perished of starvation and exposure in campaigns of Communist expulsion from their homes. Typical was the expulsion of the Sudeten Germans from Czechoslovakia after World War II, during which more than one million Germans died, and the expulsion of the Germans from Poland, a horrifying trek which cost the lives of two million Germans.
The Jews especially delighted in the deaths of these millions of Christian refugees, since the manner of their death fulfilled the most cherished doctrine of the Jewish hatred of all Christians -~ that non-Jews, being considered as non-humans or cattle, in the Jewish term “Goyim”, are not to be buried.
This is a violation of Jewish law, which prohibits “animals” from being buried. These millions of Christian refugees lay where they fell during their terrible Communist expulsions, and never received Christian burial.
Early in World War II, the Communist delighted in the opportunity to indulge in their favorite sport of mass murder. During the first days of the war, 15,000 Polish officers, who were the flower of the nation, were captured. They were taken to three Jewish operated Communist camps, Starobiesk, Kozielsk, and Ostashkov. Only 448 were ever seen alive again. The rest vanished, but not without trace.
The Kozielsk camp was situated in the grounds of a former Orthodox monastery, five miles from the Kozielsk railway station in this camp, about 5000, were sent away in small groups, the process continuing until April, 1940.
Parfeon Kisselev said that in the spring of 1940 prisoners were brought to Katyn Forest in three or four buses daily. >From his house he heard shots and shouts. It was rumored that 10,000 Poles were shot there. When the German Army occupied the area in 1943 an investigation was begun.
The Final Report of the German Police dated June 10, 1943, states that, “It was proved that, without exception, death was caused by a shot in the back of the neck. The seven mass graves of murdered Polish officers which have been cleared cover a relatively small area. >From the translation of diaries, of memoirs and other notes found with the bodies, it was proved that the officers who had been taken prisoner by the Soviet Army in 1939 were sent to various camps: Kozielsk, Starobielsk, Ostashkov, Putiviel, Bolotov, Pavlishcev Bor, Shepyetovka, Gorodok.
“The majority of those killed in Katyn Forest had been in the Kozielski camp. From the end of March, until the first day of May, 1940, the prisoners from Kozielsk arrived by rail. The exact dates cannot be established. A few short intervals apart, a batch left almost every day; the number of prisoners varied between 100 and 300 persons.
“Thence, in the early morning, the prisoners proceeded in special Lorries to the Katyn Forest. There the officers were immediately shot, thrown into the waiting graves and buried, as may be seen from the evidence of witness Kisselev, who has seen the ditches being prepared. That the shooting took place immediately after the arrival of a batch of prisoners is proved by witnesses who heard shots after every such arrival.
“There was no accommodation in the forest apart with the rest house, which has a limited capacity. From the position of the bodies it may be assumed that the majority were murdered outside the graves. Very many of the dead men had their hands tied behind their backs. The evidence of witnesses confirms that access to the forest was forbidden. Voss, Secretary of the Field Police.” Professor Butz’s Report stated, “Documents found on the victims (identity cards ~ but not military passports ~ diaries, letters, postcards, calendars, photographs, drawings, etc. gave the names, age, profession, origin and family relations of the victims. Pathetic entries in the diaries testify to the treatment of the victims by the NKVD.
“Letters and postcards from relatives in Upper Silesia, in the ‘General Government’ and in the Russian-occupied zone, written, to judge the post office stamps, between Autumn, 1939, and March or April, 1940, clearly point to the time of the crime (spring, 1940).”
The Katyn Case came before the Nuremberg tribunal as part of the general trial of German “war criminals”, the Soviets having claimed this atrocity had been committed by the Germans. Although it was on the agenda, the Soviets omitted it from the judgment, nor was any Pole allowed to testify about it.
Mr. G.F. Hudson wrote in the quarterly, “International Affairs”, “The unquiet dead of Katyn still walk the earth.” In subsequent years, a number of Congressmen have sought to reopen the case, including Hon. George A. Dondero, Hon. Ray Madden and others.
A U.S. Congressional Select Committee, 2 July 1952, reported that “The committee unanimously agrees that evidence dealing with the first phase of its investigation proves conclusively and irrevocably that the Soviet NKVD (People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs) committed the massacre of Polish Army officers in the Katyn Forest near Smolensk, Russia, not later than the spring of 1940.
“The committee further concludes that the Soviets had plotted this criminal extermination of Poland’s intellectual leadership as early as the fall of 1939 ~ shortly after Russia’s treacherous invasion of the Polish nation’s borders. There can be no doubt that this massacre was a calculated plot to eliminate all Polish leaders who subsequently would have opposed the Soviets’ plan for communizing Poland.”
The end of World War II gave the Communists the opportunity to wreak revenge on all who had opposed them during the war. As a result, from two to five million victims were massacred by Jewish terrorists in France, Italy, Czechoslovakia, and other countries in which the Communists were allowed by their Allies to murder at will all anti-Communists or “Fascists”.
The Sunday Oklahoman shed some light on this horror, Jan. 21, 1973, “Document tells Allied Part in Deaths of Thousands”: “A former White House consultant has provided the Sunday Oklahoman with a secret document exposing for the first time what appears to be Allied complicity in the deaths of thousands of unsuspecting, liberated prisoners of war and displaced persons after World War II.
“The document, a 10-page British Army report, is believed to be part of voluminous Anglo-American files on the forcible repatriation to the Soviet Union of an estimated 2 to 5 million unwilling anti-Communists between 1944 and 1948. The files, codenamed Operation Keelhaul, are still kept under tight security in London and Washington as virtually the last major secret of World War II.
“The secret British report summarizes one repatriation operation in Italy in which Russian POWs and DIs were turned over to the Red Army and almost certain execution after being duped by the British into believing they would be given asylum in the West. It tells of the agony and the horror experienced by the prisoners.”
The leading criminal in this mass execution of two to five million anticommunists was ~ who else ~ our grinning Ike, head of the European sector for the Allied armies, or, as you may know him, our former President, Eisenhower. The crime of Operation Keelhaul was not on the agenda at Nuremberg.
To finance the State of Israel which was created as a direct result of the Jewish victory over the Christian nations in World War II, Jews, who had committed all the atrocities, now imposed enormous “reparations” demands on the conquered German people.
To date, they have extorted more than thirty-five billion dollars from German workers, money which has been collected at the points of bayonets, not Jewish bayonets, but the bayonets of the American Army, which has been maintained as an occupying force in West Germany for nearly four decades, solely to provide military power behind the puppet German Government, which has as its primary function the furnishing of money for the parasitic State of Israel.
Exerpt from The Secret Holocaust