Horst Mahler - Sprechverbot...Through a daily, ever increasing lie propaganda, the National Socialist world view must appear to be spawned in Hell, so that any approach to this thought brings cold sweat to the forehead of a German...
[*comments by germanvictims.com]
Horst Mahler’s Easter Message:
The star of destiny sees Horst Mahler through the bars of the prison where he is to remain incarcerated for crimes of opinion until 2021 by the will of foreign domination [*referring to the vassal state of the U.S., called Federal Republic of Germany].
“After decades in a politically vegetative state, our nation is currently experiencing shocks of realization in rapid-pulse succession. It begins to grasp:
That the war aims of our enemy were not accomplished with the military defeat of the German Empire in 1945.
That the enemy is safe from the power of the national community only if he manages to kill the soul of the German people. Therefore, he continues the extermination war against us increasingly harder every day and with all the weapons of psychological and physical warfare.
That the strategically planned soul murder could only have been set in motion in the state of absolute military incapacity of the German people. The German people recognize - through the globally worsening political situation - the conditions for the success of the enemy after the capitulation of the Wehrmacht:
1. The ongoing war against the German Reich must appear as peace.
2. The enemy must be regarded by the Germans as a friend.
3. We Germans must believe that the Constitution imposed on us was “our Constitution,” and the “Federal Republic of Germany” was our state, and the collaborators employed according to the Constitution were representatives of our people.
4. The Germans must be persuaded to have a guilt complex that makes it impossible for them to be proud of themselves.
5. The Germans must deny their hostility towards Jews also inwardly and the “chosen people of Yahweh” - the eternal enemy – must be ruefully imagined as the “innocent victims” of irrational hatred and envy, and so the Germans must always be ready for all kinds of imaginable penances.
6. Through a daily, ever increasing lie propaganda, the National Socialist world view must appear to be spawned in Hell, so that any approach to this thought brings cold sweat to the forehead of a German.
7. In the place of the National Socialist world view, it must be hammered into the Germans’ heads, incessantly and at all levels, that the “American Way of Life” is the only blessed truth.
8. To make desolate our peculiar German urge to arrange things well in this world, they tickle evil desires lurking in every man with the most sophisticated methods to bring them to the surface so that in the face of ever present decadence and human depravity we finally doubt ourselves and believe that “people are naturally evil” and attempts to better them makes us look like fools.
9. The objections of the Germans against these measures of the enemy must spiral down into silence by means of the enemy’s media power.
10. To keep the spiral of silence intact, those individuals who voice historical truth must be silenced by means of criminal jurisdiction.”
Horst Mahler
Prison Brandenburg, Easter 2015
Edited by germanvictims.com
Source: http://vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=255889